This is a collection of pithy and insightful phrases, sentences, or paragraphs from different texts.
- Will Crichton: A theory tries to understand a concept in a simplified setting where its properties can be identified via logical or statistical analysis. A system applies theory to a real-world setting where unexpected constraints and engineering concerns influence the theory's application.
- Tai-Danae Bradley: On frogs and birds — A bird's eye view of the landscape is a valuable perspective. It allows the observer to discover unexpected connections between different parts. However, in order to make those connections precise and rigorous, one requires the frogs attention to detail. One need to, as the frog does, frolic in the mud.
- Tai-Danae Bradley: Rephrasing ideas in the precise language of mathematics allows questions to be asked and answered in more useful, quantitative ways.
- Will Crichton: An API is a computational representation of real-world concepts. Representations are mappings between elements of a represented world (e.g. a primary color) and a representing world (e.g. an enum in a programming language). A concept can have many representations