A backup of configuration files. Can be cloned into a directory, e.g. dotfiles/ then symlinked to from the home directory, or put in place manually.
To load plugins specified in init.vim
and vimrc
you will need VimPlug.
To make a symlink on a Mac run ln -s /path/to/original/ /path/to/link
Automating this in new_laptop.sh
- Authy (from App Store)
- Chrome
- Bitwarden extension for Chrome and Firefox
- Slack
- Raycast
- Rectangle
- XCode command line tools - try and run
and you'll be prompted to. Get Xcode from App Store if it all fails - Homebrew - https://brew.sh/
- Git - https://git-scm.com/download/
- By this point you should have everything you need to clone this repo and run
- iTerm - https://www.iterm2.com/
- Install nvm from https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm#usage then do
nvm install --lts
- Dotfiles, e.g. zshrc, vimrc... (mine are in github, do what you want with yours)
- Install oh-my-zsh - https://ohmyz.sh/
- Install NeoVim
- nvim, run :checkhealth