Pending actions, general notes, etc. (in no particular order):
- publish docker container so it can be just used.
- Automatic support for project root's '.bme.d/' directory '.gitignore' inclusion.
- Find a way for modules to provide their own (formatted) help.
- Easier/global management of whitelisting and projects' root directories.
- Auto white/blacklisting of subdirectories (i.e.: to make easy using BME on non-interactive sessions).
- Dynamic load/unload of functions/variables that are only needed within a project environment.
- Per-directory clean function (on top of or instead of the global one?)
- Review the bashlog project. Authored by the same person than tfenv, seems quite powerful.
- Helper function to indent lines (for proper log formatting)
- Allow for environment-related files (i.e.: .bme_env.production, .bme_env.local-development...; consider if this should work just for .bme_env files only or also for the main .bme_project file).
- Install dir shouldn't need to be in $PATH since we are not installing executable files.
- Makefile:
make install
may offer to tweak your environment for BME autoconfiguration.- Consider new target for checks prior to close a version, i.e.: VERSION, CHANGELOG, Dockerfile, tests... are properly updated, etc.
- Consider new target to close version, i.e.:
git tag -a [version from VERSION file] -m...
- dotfiles integration?
- Modules:
- Allow to put them in subdirectories
- Heavy refactor:
modulename [load|unload|version|help]
- aws-support module:
- Make the module not to require the $AWS_MFA environment variable, as it can be read from the proper AWS profile, or even not requested at all by means of "bypassing" its request right to aws-cli.
- Add flexibility to authentication methods, so MFA is not mandatory.
- Add flexibility to which the requested AWS profile should be used within a project.
- terraform-support module:
- self-management of .gitignore entries for ~/bin/[terraform,tfvenv] symlinks.
- Review terraform-config-inspect, which allows to extract configurations from terraform.
- Unit tests:
- More support functions to load/unload BME, etc.