How to run the terraform file:
First set up your credentials, see:
From the terraform directory...
terraform init # first time only
terraform plan
terraform apply
To delete
terraform destroy
To connect:
sudo su - minecraft
tmux list-sessions
tmux attach-session -t minecraft
To say things:
/say Warning: server shutdown imminent
To detach:
Ctrl-B D
To view logs:
- Note: minecraft.service uses minecraft tag, and screen uses systemd-cat
journalctl -t minecraft
systemctl status minecraft
tee explained:
<cmd> 2>&1 | tee /dev/tty | systemd-cat -t minecraft
redirects stderr to stdout -
tee /dev/tty
copies stdout to tty (tmux detached window) -
systemd-cat -t minecraft
cats stdin to journalctl, tagging with "minecraft"
Quick way:
sudo su - minecraft
export PYTHONPATH=/home/minecraft && /home/minecraft/jmc/minecraft/ --role-arn arn:aws:iam::482283577367:role/CcgMinecraftAssumedRole --server-folder /home/minecraft/minecraft_server --s3-bucket ccg-minecraft-worlds --s3-object zach_server.tar.gz 2>&1 | systemd-cat -t minecraft
to gain permission, need to run the following on s3:
aws sts assume-role --role-arn arn:aws:iam::482283577367:role/CcgMinecraftAssumedRole --role-session-name assumed-s3
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=...
aws s3 cp s3://ccg-minecraft-worlds/zach_server.tar.gz zach_server.tar.gz
to check cron (logs will be sent to journalctl):
crontab -l