Code Used by Customers of John Scott
google golang, expected in /usr/local/go
macosx: dmg installer on
linux: tar install in /usr/local/go
debian: apt-get libxml-parser-perl (linux)
macosx: port install port install p5-xml-parser
perl package postgres DBI driver
macosx: port install p5-dbd-pg
debian: apt-get install libdbd-pg-perl
REST api built by parsing structured comments in PostgreSQL SQL files
Snapshot postgresql database with pg_dump and notify the hordes
Fault a failed URL fetch and alert the hordes on fault|clear state change.
Roll log files via Day of Week or Sample Rate, written in go.
Various tools used for apache/ngix web development.
Upgrade a postgresql database via pg_upgrade or pg_dump
Flatten XML for simple extraction with shell scripts.
C function to format like command line tool 'hexdump -C'
Is input valid json, based up python lib json.tool
Trivial wrapper script called by mac launchd to do decent logging
Merge pdf files calling java classes in Apache pdfbox.
SSH to host, where host name is derived from symbolic link to ssh-host.
Push files to public service and notify hordes.
rsync a whole file system, notify hordes.
Safely overwrite files (based on rob & bwk script).
Swap string in files (based on rob & bwk script).
String dos style carriage return/newline sequences
Set title of XTerm session.
Set "ignore" properties of subversion repo.
Notify hordes of svn commits, called from post-commit script in dir hooks/
Is a file "stale" based upon recent modifications?
Simple interactive diff (based on rob & bwk code)
Malloc front end where freeing a parent also frees the kids.
Measure sequential fork/exec of a program
Consider a tester script for gnu dependencies. Also, setting
shell tracing via an environment variable might be nice.
Create script is-dir-empty