- Silenced unintended verbose output.
- Added extensive corrections for common MSigDB abbreviations. Many should probably be moved to a file or improved structure, and not the function arguments. For now it solves the problem.
- New default
instead of previousmin_count=1
. - Updated
to include all detected colnames, adding countColname, directionColname, pathGenes, geneHits. The order now matches function argument order. - Added new component
(may not be necessary), and thetopEnrichSource*
arguments, sufficient to reproduce the method.
- New default
- Changed ceiling for auto-detected pathway clusters to 8, from 10.
Added more tests, including much of
- Fixed bug which occurred only when
had length=1, which caused gene/pathway to be out of sync. The bug appeared to be caused only with single-enrichment input, and must have been relatively recent. - Added numerous
entries to cover this bug, and various permutations. Will rapidly add more test cases to cover various core behaviors and expectations withmultiEnrichMap()
- Fixed bug which occurred only when
- moved
to its own .R file.
to its own R file for convenience. -
- default argument change
, previously 25. - arguments
were edited to add more commonly observed patterns. - new arguments
for user-defined replacements, to use in addition to the default replacementsword_from
. - new argument
to help shorten common phrass - new arguments
are used withdo_abbreviations=TRUE
. These are opinionated changes.
- default argument change
fixed typo specific to "right" alignment.
- Added
to Suggests, optionally adds contrast tomem_enrichment_heatmap()
when usingshow_enrich
- help docs changed to use the correct name
from incorrectmem_gene_pathway_heatmap()
. - The
are now properly applied before creating each heatmap, then reverted to previous state before returning data. - The Enrichment Heatmap default now uses
, for previous behavior usestyle="dotplot"
- help docs changed to use the correct name
- Fixed visual bug where caption labels indicated "genes" twice, instead of "genes" and "pathways".
- When
, arguments are more consistently flipped from row to column, and help docs are updated to be explicit about which arguments are flipped, and which two are not. - The heatmap caption uses consistent order to describe rows, columns,
and reverses the order when
. - The geneIM legend label now uses title case for consistency: "Gene Hit By Enrichment", rather than "enrichments per gene" which was not correct wording.
- Renamed previously unused arg
so it is passed cleanly via...
, added help doc. It adds optional label with -log10P, z-score, and/or number of genes.
- Renamed previously unused arg
- Fixed issue with
"Analysis Ready Molecules"
not having proper header column pattern matching, causing some imports to skip applying the user-defined gene symbol.
- Fixed issue with
Added %>%
to imported functions, and not all of dplyr
- New argument
, with option to specify the exact cell size used in the heatmap. The driving use case is to define perfectly square heatmap cells for"dotplot_inverted"
so the circles are perfectly centered inside square cells. It forces the output figure to be tall and wide enough to accomodate the resulting figure, so it needs some user math. Implemented from a user suggestion, and it works and looks great. It just requires some upfront work to create a figure with large enough canvas.
- New argument
- Added proper pathway cluster labels to
output. - Finally fixed the pathway order of
to be identical tomem_gene_path_heatmap()
without minor re-ordering caused by defaultComplexHeatmap
behavior. Now the two formats have identical order for direct comparison. - Cleaned up the help documentation a little bit.
- Added proper pathway cluster labels to
- New option
due to a cool recent paper using this style. I like it so much, it is the new default. Much easier to see the color and the size of the circle, especially for cells with very small circles. From Jang et al, the Waggoner lab, Nature Genetics 2024: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-024-01880-x
- New option
- New argument
to control whether to draw colored circles, or colored cells with white circles on top (invert=TRUE
- New argument
- Moved workhorse function to its own .R file.
- Changed default:
. - New argument
to handle this workflow properly. - New arguments
to control the padding between heatmap and row and column annotations, respectively.
- The caption is displayed as a ComplexHeatmap Legend, therefore using consistent font and alignment with the color legends, rather than being tucked into the corner where it sometimes overlapped other heatmap labels.
- Caption now displays the rows/columns counts first. Remaining values are more user-friendly.
- Default caption font size 10 instead of 6, consistent with color legend text.
- Argument
is utilized.
- New argument default
. - Argument
is properly recognized.
- New argument default
Overall: Functions with argument
now properly ignore the seed when it isNULL
, thereby allowing random behavior when preferred.
The next update will likely use Mem
S4 object instead of list
although the plan is to allow convenient conversion to list
legacy compatibility. The S4 functions and methods should be more
convenient in long term, and will be Bioconductor-compliant.
- Adds column to
indicating the directionality, using the IPA Activation z-score calculation (refs in help doc). It requiresgene_hits
as a numeric vector named by gene symbol.
- Adds column to
, affectingtopEnrichListBySource()
- now applies logic for
, andsubsetSets
using OR logic, so any combination of matching results will be retained. - Help docs have been updated.
- now applies logic for
- Minor change, it now checks whether the new
shapes already exist before adding, mostly useful when reloading this package in a live R session, which should be rare.
- Minor change, it now checks whether the new
- Weird rare scenario that appears limited to custom enrichment data
where input data contains multiple P-value columns, none of which
match the defaults for argument
. - First bug: The
argument was not evaluated withfind_colname()
, which is intended to match the patterns to actual data. This decision was probably to avoid handling the optional prefix"-"
to reverse sort by colname. - Second bug: The
should really only usepvalueColname
then reverse order forcountColname
. - End result: When
matched no existing columns, the data was still sorted usingjamba::mixedSortDF()
. It found no matching colnames so by default it sorted starting with the first column. This is incorrect, and caused the bug. - New argument default:
will usepvalueColname
then reverse order ofcountColname
. AlternativelysortColname=FALSE
causes no sort to be performed, using data in the order it was provided. Finally, ifsortColname
is defined, and its values do not match existing colnames, no sort is performed.
- Weird rare scenario that appears limited to custom enrichment data
where input data contains multiple P-value columns, none of which
match the defaults for argument
- Minor change to silence the text output when
is entirely NA, which can occur when the input data does not contain any significantly enriched pathway results. This outcome causesstop()
but should not otherwise print output unlessverbose=TRUE
- Minor change to silence the text output when
- Both now use
instead of the "temporary" internal function by the same name.
- Both now use
is removed, renamedgsubs_remove()
in favor ofjamba::gsubs()
Two functions are no longer imported, instead they are both called using
the package prefix. It only affects grid_with_title()
which is no longer
used by default.
New argument
changes the default behavior (for the better) such that the resulting gene symbols associated with IPA pathway enrichment will match the input gene symbols, instead of using the customized IPA symbols.- The situation does not have an ideal solution. Ultimately, IPA
provides results which do not completely represent the input data.
When two genes are combined to one entity by IPA, they only retain
one gene symbol in
"Analysis Ready Molecules"
, and so there is no recorded association of all entities which were combined. Sometimes the combined symbol is"HSPA1A/HSPA1B"
which can be separated... but they do not indicate which symbol(s) the user provided, they only record one. Some entities are called"NBPF10 (includes others)"
and which appears to include'NBPF10"
, possibly others.
- The situation does not have an ideal solution. Ultimately, IPA
provides results which do not completely represent the input data.
When two genes are combined to one entity by IPA, they only retain
one gene symbol in
- Finally "fixed" the full bug, sometimes causing point hull to fail.
would return weird results with smallalpha
values: individual points, segments, or multiple disconnected polygons. - Now
which performs additional validation checks: Confirms there is actually a polygon; confirms each point in theedges
are used exactly twice; confirms that all edge points are used in a continuous polygon, not two separate polygons. - The default value for
is vastly increased, since many of these weird cases were caused by having coordinate ranges orders of magnitude higher thanalpha=0.1
and so 10 iterations would not be enough to avoid these weird situations. - Also when
does not find a suitable solution aftermax_iterations
tries, it returnsNULL
instead of proceeding to process the inadequate/empty polygon coordinate data. Hopefully this will allow weird cases to be skipped rather than throwing an obscure error.
- Finally "fixed" the full bug, sometimes causing point hull to fail.
- One of the more obscure bugs, caused by creating a point hull with
only two points, where the two points apparently resided at exactly the
wrong angle. Only apparently occurred when the two points were within 3
degrees of some "evil angle" - resolved when points were rotated
more than 3 degrees from this "evil angle".
Typically, a point hull is not possible with two points, since it does
not create a polygon, so the workaround was to add a third point (recycling
the first point) adding amount of noise to create a polygon. Except for
some reason even
was not adding enough or the right kind of noise. No random value should ever exactly, reproducible, reside on the line. There must be some rounding that takes place in an internal function. Nonetheless, the "fix" for this purpose was to add more than one dummy point.
- One of the more obscure bugs, caused by creating a point hull with
only two points, where the two points apparently resided at exactly the
wrong angle. Only apparently occurred when the two points were within 3
degrees of some "evil angle" - resolved when points were rotated
more than 3 degrees from this "evil angle".
Typically, a point hull is not possible with two points, since it does
not create a polygon, so the workaround was to add a third point (recycling
the first point) adding amount of noise to create a polygon. Except for
some reason even
- Another bizarre "bug" was caused by some unconfirmed R function
that appears to change
- and then does not change it back! Probably related to RMarkdown knitting, since it seems to occur when the knitting is interrupted. To be fair, warnings should be resolved in Jam packages, that's true. But they should not impose an error.
- Filed under: "Things that worked just two minutes ago, but now cause an error for no reason."
- Added workaround for random but painful issue when
which forces warnings to errors. No idea what made that setting, but it causedlist2im()
to fail due to implicit conversion ofempty
to whatever datatype was defined in the input matrix. In future this function may change, but for now this change keeps it working.
- Another bizarre "bug" was caused by some unconfirmed R function
that appears to change
- now
are equivalent as input, either or both can be provided. The incidence matrix with values c(0, 1) are stored asgeneIM
, and if there are any other numeric values those values are stored ingeneIMdirection
. It does not (yet) verify that all genes involved in enrichment are also present in thegeneIM
- now
- New argument
allows display of themem$geneIM
(gene hits per enrichment) andmem$geneIMdirection
(gene direction of change) as annotations alongside the gene axis of the heatmap. By default, whenmem$geneIMdirection
is available, both are shown, otherwise onlygeneIM
is shown. It can now be hidden. - New argument
to control the size of heatmap annotations. - New argument
to add optional suffix to the gene annotation labels, helpful to indicate the unit. For exampleim
data has default suffix"hit"
, whiledirection
. - When
is present, it is now used by default during clustering. Values are multiplied bymem$geneIM
and anyNA
values inmem$geneIMdirection
are replaced with1
in order to maintain themem$geneIM
value. They are consideredunknown direction
in that sense.
- New argument
- fixed bug when plotting directed edges with arrows, the arrow head
width (
) was not properly expanded to the number of arrows, causing arrow heads to appear "twisted". - changed default obscure option
which draws straight edges to the base of the arrow head, not to the arrow tip. It allows the arrow tip to be a point without needing to equal the edge line width.
- fixed bug when plotting directed edges with arrows, the arrow head
width (
- Silenced some default verbose output.
- argument
nodeSortBy=c("x", "y")
changed tonodeSortBy=c("x", "-y")
, consistent with top-to-bottom sorting on the y-axis. This change indirectly affectsmem_plot_folio()
default output.
- argument
- The bivariate color scale was too pale for lower significance P-values,
so the colors were encoded to have higher color saturation at the low end.
The intermediate colors are improved, see
changes below.
- The bivariate color scale was too pale for lower significance P-values,
so the colors were encoded to have higher color saturation at the low end.
The intermediate colors are improved, see
- The blue-yellow color blending by default in
was still producing grey, despite using the "LAB" (or "LUV", "XYZ") color models. This is usually a symptom of using RGB color space, blending "blue" with "red/green" (yellow) produces "red/green/blue" (grey), and not usually seen when using "LUV" which is a 360-degree hue radial color wheel. It is probably still converted to RGB before blending, then back to LUV. - The default argument was changed to
which produces a somewhat green color when blending blue and gold. The red-gold blending is improved as well, producing a more saturated orange color. End result: The intermediate directional colors are more recognizable as partly up (orange) or partly down (green). - TODO: This color legend needs x-axis labels, showing z-score values.
- The blue-yellow color blending by default in
* finally displays the x-axis label and numerical units, by default `"z-score"`.
- error occurred when attributes in
form were entirelyNA
, one section did not useunlist()
properly. The bug was fixed.
- error occurred when attributes in
threw errors- using
when there was only one column (one enrichment), this error is corrected. - Further, passing
as afunction
caused the resultingHeatmap
object not to store theobj
with the dendrogram/hclust, instead it stored the function. This error was also corrected.
- using
The theme of this update is "Customizing mark.groups labeling".
Useful with jam_igraph()
when supplying a list
of node groups
or communities via mark.groups
, with labels defined in
. The labels are automatically placed
outside the mark polygon, and can be adjusted in size
with mark.cex
, and position with mark.x.nudge
, mark.y.nudge
- new arguments:
to customize the label font size, and label placement, whenlabel
is provided.
- new arguments:
new arguments:mark.cex
passed tomake_point_hull()
passed tomake_point_hull()
passed tomake_point_hull()
- New default creates the gene-pathway incidence matrix heatmap data first, which serves as the basis for all other plots.
- Impact on
, now inherits this clustering defined using the gene-pathway incidence matrix and only when called bymem_plot_folio()
. This change is the primary motivation for the update, so that the enrichment heatmap clustering is informed and driven by gene content, and no longer reflects only the enrichment P-values.
- default
changed topoint_size_min=2
so the smallest points are still clearly visible, including the fill color. - default
changed top_cutoff=1e-10
- default
- default
changed top_cutoff=1e-10
- default
- Edge case where
could be supplied as alist
of signed values, a directional hit list as used invenndir::venndir()
. It did not get recognized, and was converted using thenumeric
values rather than using the names of the values. - The preferred option is to supply
for signed data, however it now works with a signed hitlist
as well.
- Edge case where
- New arguments to handle forward-slash delimited gene symbols used
by IPA to indicate two or more genes they consider to be one biomolecule
for the purpose of pathway enrichment. The forward-slash "/" is also
the delimiter user in
which causes these genes to break that compatibility. The new arguments represent a workaround to handle IPA data, so that downstream functions do not require changes. convert_ipa_slash=TRUE
enables the workaround, which converts forward-slash "/" to another delimiter.ipa_slash_sep=":"
defines the alternate delimiter to use, the default":"
was chosed because it does not interfere with other common delimiters used in gene symbols, and does not cause problems with regular expressions, which would have been a risk with using"|"
- New arguments to handle forward-slash delimited gene symbols used
by IPA to indicate two or more genes they consider to be one biomolecule
for the purpose of pathway enrichment. The forward-slash "/" is also
the delimiter user in
was throwing an error whensize2
was not already defined inigraph
vertex attributes. When there is nosize2
it now callsdefault_igraph_values()$vertex$size2
to use the appropriate default value.- other related errors are now caught and avoided, relating to steps
that avoid updating empty entries in
vertex attributes, now it properly ignores pie attributes which were previously empty, and only updates entries with non-zero results.
- other related errors are now caught and avoided, relating to steps
that avoid updating empty entries in
- Fixed longstanding errors when trying to split the heatmap by row or column into more pieces than the data will allow. The current workaround is almost complete, covers obvious cases where the requested number is higher than the number of columns or rows. It does not determine if there can only be one or two clusters but there are more columns or rows present. In future.
- moved
to a separate R file, for future maintenance.
- argument docs were updated
- default colors in
were defined with more saturated default colors:c("blue", "grey80", "firebrick3")
- argument default changed to
to accommodate higher"grey80"
middle color.
- new argument
to control line width of open circles, used whendo_direction=TRUE
. The previous alternative was to definepar(lwd=2)
prior to callingmem_legend()
, then settingpar(lwd=1)
afterwards. directional_colors
use the same default colors used byapply_cnet_direction()
; and now includes"no change"
as a specific legend entry.
- new argument
Fixed errors rendering
nodes withshape="circle"
only when called byjam_igraph()
, and only with newer versions ofigraph
R package that expect the new attributevertex.frame.width
as I had hoped).default_igraph_values()
now definesvertex.frame.width
.- Note:
is very likely to be removed from this package altogether, for compliance withigraph
. However, I will do proper testing before making the change.
Bug in
which created adata.frame
, and did not specifystringsAsFactos=FALSE
, is fixed. Possibly similar bugs in other functions. -
Bug in
when enrichment only involves one gene, causing therow_split
values to be incorrect. It is not a useful workflow, but the functions should handle the error edge case. -
now checks input argumentcnet
to make sure they are non-empty before processing. In theory it should not happen, but apparently it does when enrichment results are sparse or possibly empty. -
internal function uses properigraph::shapes(shape)
instead of previously internallist
- convenience function to subset an entire
object by sets (pathways) or genes. It will subset all internal incidence matrix objects for consistency. - This approach will become the preferred approach to display
a specific set of pathways in a Cnet plot, by calling
. mem_gene_path_heatmap()
currently subsetsmem
data internally, but for consistency may callsubset_mem()
instead. The arguments are designed to be very similar.
- convenience function to subset an entire
- simple helper function to retrieve or define layout coordinates
for an
object. Because there is some logic to the process, it makes sense to put into its own function.
- simple helper function to retrieve or define layout coordinates
for an
recognizes new
.- These are not standard
attributes and will not be honored by defaultigraph::plot.igraph()
functions. - When
is specified as a font size in points, this font size is used with no modification byvertex.label.cex
. - When any
value isNA
, the default behavior is used to calculate font size, which usesvertex.label.cex
. Therefore thevertex.label.fontsize
can be defined for a single node, as long as all other node values areNA
, and only the one node font size will be adjusted to this specific fontsize. - The
labels are drawn usingtext()
, and the final exact font size is calculated for nodes:par("ps") * par("cex") * vertex.label.cex
and for edges:par("ps") * par("cex") * edge.label.cex
- These are not standard
new argument
used to apply specificvertex.label.fontsize
based upon node attribute values. For examplelabel_fontsize_l=list(nodeType=c(Gene=10, Set=14))
will define Gene nodes with fontsize 10, Set nodes with fontsize 14.
- when
is passed as an argument, it is interpreted asframe_blank=NA
which uses noframe.color
for blank nodes.
- when
- The following change was made to default behavior, so any method
that reorders igraph nodes by color/border/name will be affected.
Nodes will by default be sorted left-right when the nodes in a nodeset
have less than 25% the x-span (width) compared to y-span (height),
otherwise nodes will be sorted top-bottom. The direction along each
axis respects the original argument
, to allow specific order based upon the data, or the natural order per the locale. - new arguments
control when to sort left-right or top-bottom. - When the nodeset coordinate aspect ratio is taller (25% higher y-span than x-span) the nodes are sorted top-bottom, otherwise nodes are sorted left-right.
- The following change was made to default behavior, so any method
that reorders igraph nodes by color/border/name will be affected.
Nodes will by default be sorted left-right when the nodes in a nodeset
have less than 25% the x-span (width) compared to y-span (height),
otherwise nodes will be sorted top-bottom. The direction along each
axis respects the original argument
threw an error for certain custom input that did not meet expected constraints. The function was updated to prevent these errors and to be more robust to this type of issue. -
is called when renderingshape="jampie"
nodes.- Previously when
a small black border was drawn around the node. The new behavior whenframe.lwd=0
is to replace the color withNA
so no outer border is drawn.
- Previously when
- Fixed bug where
argument was not always matched due to truncating the nodeset label to 25 characters. Now the nodeset label is not truncated.
- Fixed bug where
- After gene-pathway heatmap clustering, a collapsed Cnet
is created using pathway column clusters. The pathway cluster nodes are colorized based upon the proportion of each enrichment in that cluster, however it usesmem$enrichIMcolors
by default. This function now applies statistical thresholdsp_cutoff
prior to this step so the resulting colors will reflect those thresholds. - Help documentation was updated to include this information.
- After gene-pathway heatmap clustering, a collapsed Cnet
- Rare scenario using jampie nodes, when vertex.pie.lty is not defined,
the default was not properly expanded to vcount, causing error
"subscript out of bounds"
when referencingvertex.pie.lty[[i]]
. - Error above is caused by missing node attribute
, which are now filled in with uniform values of 1 based uponlengths(vertex.pie.color)
. This scenario usually occurs when trying to create pie nodes outside the "typical" scenarios, for example manually assigning attributes and not populating all the necessary values.
- Rare scenario using jampie nodes, when vertex.pie.lty is not defined,
the default was not properly expanded to vcount, causing error
- conversion functions that help interconvert between
objects, andnodegroups
which is alist
of node names.
- conversion functions that help interconvert between
- replacement for
- converts
output to anigraph
object with multienrichment features, such aspie
nodes with appropriate color fill,pie.border
colored by direction whenenrichIMdirection
is defined. - by default, the resulting network has community detection called, then visualized with boundaries around the various nodes.
- replacement for
- Updated to pass
to work around temporary error when the"magick"
package is not available,use_raster=TRUE
, which causes an error during rasterization. The error is resolved when changing from default raster device toraster_device="agg_png"
, although this change requires the"ragg"
R package is installed. So the change tests if"ragg"
is available, and if so it passesraster_device="agg_png"
. The change should not affect any other scenarios.
- Updated to pass
- New argument
changes previous default behavior by not bundling nodes that connect from and to the same nodegroups. Previously, nodes connecting within the same nodegroup would bundle through the center point of the cluster, which does minimize the busy edge lines, but makes it difficult to follow any paths.
- New argument
- new arguments
are ussed to define optional label to appear outside the resulting hull. The label is intended to be used for network communities, to allow a label associated with each community when relevant. - Label placement is experimental and could change in future.
- Labels are placed relative to the center of the layout, using the angle from layout center to hull center. Labels are placed outside the rectangular bounding box of the point hull, with text aligned to the outer edge based upon the nearest 45 degree angle from layout center to hull center.
- new arguments
changed fromframe_lwd=1
. -
- new argument
passed tojam_plot_igraph()
and ultimately toedge_bundle_nodegroups()
. When TRUE any edges that connect from and to the same nodegroup will be bundled through the nodegroup center. The default FALSE does not bundle within nodegroup, so edges are only bundled when connecting two different nodegroups.
- new argument
now handles various combinations of missingpie.lwd
more gracefully. -
uses smaller node size by default.
It turns out that graphics::polygon()
only properly closes the
polygon when it has a color fill with non-zero alpha transparency.
In this case, the final "closed" corner is correctly extended
to complete the sharp corner edge using line join par("ljoin")
With no color fill, or with completely transparent color fill,
the final corner is not completed, the lines are "ended" using
, and therefore there is no sharp corner.
The workaround is to apply a color with alpha transparency 1
(on scale of 0 to 255), which causes the border to be drawn
completely. However, some rare graphical output devices do not
support alpha transparency, so there is the chance of rendering
unintended opaque color fill. The situation should only affect
node shapes "pie"
and "jampie"
, which
are designed to draw the outer border then inner border, so the
impact should be minimal. Shape "coloredrectangle"
actually calls
which avoids this issue.
However, cases where outer border is expected to be drawn after
the inner border, it has small risk of rendering the fill color
fully opaque, covering the inner border.
One day I probably need to replace graphics::polygon()
with a
custom function polygon_with_borders()
that can handle inner and
outer border properly.
which is used to renderigraph
was modified to usecol="#FFFFFF01"
for color fill of polygon outer borders.adjust_polygon_border()
examples were modified to show the effect of usingcol=NA
on polygon border rendering.
were updated to forcestringsAsFactors=FALSE
when creatingdata.frame
objects, fixing weird color glitch in the examples forshape.jampie.plot()
nodes withshape="pie"
New attributes
to customize the respective line widths of node borders. These attributes require usingjam_igraph()
, or require usingvertex.shape="jampie"
. -
is now recommended as a more complete replacement forigraph::plot.igraph()
. -
no longer usespar("lwd")
, which was global change that affected all nodes, edges, and plot features. -
Pie wedges use "inner borders" for each node, so adjacent wedge borders will not overlap. Note that inner border slightly overlaps the interior node fill color, to maintain consistent node sizes.
uses "outer borders" for each node, so these borders will not overlap inner pie wedge borders. Nodes are slightly adjusted smaller to maintain consistent node sizes, by default. -
has slightly different logic for pie and frame colors, and now assignspie.lwd
. -
no longer changes single-colorshape="pie"
nodes toshape="circle"
by default. -
Changes suggested:
- Prefer
. - Previous use of
should be removed, and replaced withvertex.pie.lwd
. - Previously, single-color
nodes were changed toshape="circle"
, however they now stayshape="pie"
in order to maintain control of line widths. Theigraph
do not respect line widthlwd
. - Use of
should be changed tovertex.shape="pie"
, this change affectsnodeType="Gene"
moreso thannodeType="Set"
- Prefer
Edges are now clipped to the outer border of nodes, which helps when using transparent node fill, or when using edge arrows.
- With transparent nodes, the edge was previously shown connected to the center of each node (without clipping); similarly, edge arrows connected to the center of each node, effectively invisible and certainly not useful. However, cnet plots do not use edge arrows.
- Most edges appear identical to previous rendering, however the control points used during bundling are used to determine where the edge connects to each node border. Thus, when edges converge on one node, bundled edges appear to "merge together" at one point connecting to the node. Previously nodes entered from multiple angles, since they connected to the interior center of the node, and showed somewhat more spacing based upon the number of edges.
- Future options may include retaining some edge spacing based upon the intermediate edge curvature of each edge, instead of using the same control point for all edges, so the connection point on the central node will be slightly spaced out.
changed some default sizes. The new defaults should work well without adjustment.-
Node sizes are 4x larger than before, because when calling downstream functions we found ourselves always scaling nodes 4x larger.
- The defaults:
are exactly 4x larger. - Changes required: Change previous
for reproducibility; or when callingmemIM2cnet()
use argumentsmemIM2cnet(..., categorySize=5, geneSize=2.5)
- The defaults:
node label sizes also have new defaults, similarly because we most often applied
by default.- The defaults:
are adjusted from previouscategoryCex=0.9
. - Changes required: Change
to 1, or change the callmemIM2cnet(..., categoryCex=0.9, geneCex=0.7)
- The defaults:
igraph defaults were changed when using
for plotting:vertex.label.family
changed from"serif"
changed to"grey30"
, theigraph
default values were identical tovertex.pie.color
and therefore not visible.vertex.frame.lwd
set to 1, although this value is ignored byigraph::plot.igraph()
since it only usespar("lwd")
for all lines.
was removed as a dependency, as two functions that used its class"transactions"
were rewritten to remove the requirement. The previous version of those functions are internal and renamed from:im2list()
; andimSigned2list()
. The replacement functions should return identical data.bezier
was added as dependency to generate edge bundling curves, in head-to-head tests, it out-performedgraphics::xspline()
, and produced identical results to internal functionggforce::bezierPath()
. Sincebezier
has no dependencies, this addition should feel small.jamba
was bumped to version0.0.88.900
for an important fix tomixedSort()
was bumped to version0.0.23.900
for consistency.
- When nodesets are not matched in the data, it prints a
then returns the input graph without change. Previously it calledstop()
, which is problematic for relevant workflows.
- When nodesets are not matched in the data, it prints a
- default argument changed to
so single-item nodesshape="pie"
are no longer converted toshape="circle"
, since"jampie"
nodes are rendered much better. Haha.
- default argument changed to
- now accepts vectorized input and processes accordingly.
- New examples show the varied features, many of which are not used
node shape="ellipse", but they could be used in future.
These functions draw custom
node shapes.shape="jampie"
draws a pie node shape with more features than vanilla igraph pie shape. Each pie wedge is color filled withpie.color
, with new optional inner borderpie.border
. The pie node overall can have an outer border defined byframe.color
. Also, pie nodes with only one color are rendered as a circle, with no tiny internal line.shape="coloredrectangle"
draws a series of square boxes with color fillcoloredrect.color
, and optional inner bordercoloredrect.border
. The node overall can have an outer border defined byframe.color
, andframe.lwd
Both functions now use inner and outer borders via
, so the various borders no longer overlap. Previously, pie nodes drew each wedge with defaultgraphics::polygon()
, which allows adjacent borders to overlap 100%. -
Note that nodes are resized internally so the rendered node size is equal across all nodes even when the line widths (lwd) vary.
There are some idiosyncracies from calling
to render pie wedges, since it does not by default allow vectorized plotting of multiple polygons with different line widths. Thereforeshape="jampie"
renders line widths in subsets with identical line widths for vectorized plotting, which is 10-100x faster than plotting each pie node individually as done byigraph::plot.igraph()
. The main potential issue would be seen with partially overlapping nodes, with the potential to display inconsistent overlap order. -
It seems hopeless to evaluate ggraph/tidygraph to render visualizations, in part due to visualization and rendering details. Also, ggraph/tidygraph does not store nor recognize many
visualization details in theigraph
object, instead they must be encoded asggplot2
visualization options and settings. Using that ecosystem would also require creating new ggplot2 node geom types, and edge bundling functions.
This update represents a substantial refactor of logic.
Edge bundles can be "invalid", which causes edges to be drawn as linear edges between nodes. The criteria were based upon a series of test cases which were all so common that they warranted being fixed.
- Bundling usually occurs along the line between two nodegroup center points, calculated as mean node coordinates in each nodegroup. Sometimes the configuration of the center points, or the line itself, cause edge bundling to become unnecessary or ineffective.
- Co-linear control points: When the edge and control points are co-linear (along the same line), the edge is drawn as a line. The criteria uses correlation above 0.99 for node and control points of each edge. This criteria affects indiviual edges, so nodes in the same nodegroup may be rendered differently based upon the specific position. The problem is clear when one control point appears beyond the path between two nodes. For non-linear edges, the path would curve around to the far side of the node. For linear edges, it appears as a line that extends beyond one node with optional arrow pointing backward. The solution effectively draws the same edge, except clips the edge at the first node boundary.
- Both nodegroups contain only one node: with only one node in each group, there is nothing to "bundle".
- Both nodegroups have identical center points, within some small tolerance as a small percentage (0.5%) of the overall layout range.
- When one nodegroup contains only one node, and the other nodegroup center point sits inside the node boundary, there is no bundling. Note this criteria is dependent upon node size during rendering. The problem is the edge spline control point is inside the node, so the spline would curve inside the node boundary, then point back out to the node border from the inside. Instead, the edge is drawn as a straight line to the node boundary from the outside. This situation occurs when one nodegroup fully surrounds a central node, so edges are drawn directly to the central node.
Edge bundling "midpoint" represents the position along the line between two nodegroups.
- When one nodegroup contains only one node, this line is clipped to the node boundary, so the midpoint is defined beginning at the outer edge of the node, toward the center of the other nodegroup.
- Note that when both nodegroups contain only one node, edge bundling is already invalid (see above).
- Note than when the other nodegroup center sits inside the node boundary, the edge bundling is also invalid.
- Therefore this situation only occurs when one nodegroup center is already outside the border of the single-node nodegroup.
Edges are properly clipped using the relevant
shape clip function. Seeigraph::shapes()
, andigraph::shapes("circle")$clip
for specific examples. -
Edge labels are rendered along edges as follows: Linear edges are encoded with three coordinates: start, middle, end. Spline edges are encoded using default
which returns 100 points by default. Edge labels are placed using the coordinate most distant from the start and end node. For linear edges, the middle coordinate is used, for splines a point very near the middle of the edge is used.
This function is intended as an enhanced drop-in replacement for
. It was updated to fulfill previously un-implemented features, so fulfill the promise of being a replacement. -
New arguments, formally passed to internal
- arguments to enable and customize the rendering of nodes within clusters or groups.- Note the new options:
for each group border;mark.smooth
to control whether the group polygon is smoothed;mark.alpha
to control alpha transparency of fill colors when not already defined. mark.expand
is now expected to be provided as a fraction of plot layout range, which is very close to default behavior inigraph
since the defaultrescale=TRUE
forced all layout ranges betweenc(-1, 1)
new option"default"
will try to detect the most appropriate bunding method, based upon whethernodegroups
are defined, otherwise it chooses"connections"
. -
Edge labels are now rendered for straight edges and edge bundled edges.
Edge labels can now accept multiple
values, in the unlikely event of multiple fonts on the same plot. This scenario will cause an error withigraph::plot.igraph()
. -
Edges are properly clipped based upon the
node shape. -
Internal adjustments to
, andlabel_dist_factor_l
were adjusted to be applied more consistently. -
Undefined layout is now properly calculated dynamically and passed to the internal rendering function
, so the values forxlim
are now properly calculated.
to create Cnet plotigraph
data for testing. -
defines inner and outer borders for polygons.- Using inner borders allows adjacent polygons to have their borders visible beside each other, without overlap.
- Using an outer border allows the display of a border around a collection of polygons without overlapping their inner borders.
- Borders can be layered inside or outside existing borders.
- There are extensive examples showing various combinations of borders.
- Invisible to the user, however they are called for igraph shapes
, respectively. - These functions now properly clip edges to the outer border of each node, including optional inner and outer borders.
- Invisible to the user, however they are called for igraph shapes
- calculates the optional rotation and size of the ellipse and adjusts the edge endpoints accordingly.
- reproduces an internal
function, which cannot be called by CRAN-approved R packages.
- reproduces an internal
- reproduces internal
package data in a function call, for CRAN compliance.
- reproduces internal
- Mimics and extends internal
for CRAN compliance. - It also optionally only renders edge arrows, useful when an edge bundling function renders edges itself.
- Mimics and extends internal
- Another mimic of internal
for CRAN compliance.
- Another mimic of internal
added packages to Suggests to support new functions for node layout, and creation of more "correct" alpha hull polygons around points.
- best implementation of alpha hull. However, it also requiressp
package, a heavy install which not advised because it is being retired in 2023 in favor ofsf
. Slight risk that thealphahull
package is removed from CRAN if it is not updated.
Added to Depends
- lightweight replacement ofsp
that provides useful geometric functions. It is added primarily because it improves rendering pie node borders, which are resized by the exact line width determined at the time of plotting pie nodes.
- This function is in active development, and is not yet used in other functions, but will be used in the next version.
- takes set of points, makes an alpha hull using
, then expands usingsf::st_buffer()
. - If
is not available, it usesgrDevices::chull()
which does not produce the "ideal" shape but has no additional R depedencies. It is also identical to output fromigraph
packages for point hulls, so it has strong precedent.
- Refactored for greater speed, in test cases with 585 nodes, previous output took 1.28 seconds, the new output takes 0.025 seconds, 50x speed increase. This function is called in numerous places in this package, so this improvement will also positively affect all sorts of other functions.
- The sort algorithm was improved in cases where the color order were
ambiguous, but including names in the tiebreak, before using
values. - Note: This function is used by
is not explicitly provided, by detecting the probable order of colors based upon order of colors in multi-color nodes.
- The sort algorithm was improved in cases where the color order were
ambiguous, but including names in the tiebreak, before using
- The sort order was updated to be more efficient, and to use better
logic when following
or when definingcolorV
ad hoc. - When sorting by
the order will be defined bycolorV
whenever colors are aligned bycolorV
, otherwise colors are generally sorted by hue"H"
in HCL space. - Examples were added to show clearly the different options for ordering,
including visual examples of the
rendering of pie nodes.
- The sort order was updated to be more efficient, and to use better
logic when following
Visual examples are in
, since thejam_mypie()
function is internal to the igraph plotting scheme. -
This function draws pie nodes in vectorized fashion, properly drawing each set of pie polygons per node, then the appropriate borders defined by
. -
has the option to be drawn inside the border of the polygon, so that adjacent Venn wedges will have the entire outer border color visible without overlapping the adjacent Venn wedge. To enable, set:options("inner_pie_border"=TRUE)
also has the option to be drawn in a manner that does not overlappie.border
, it will be drawn just outside thepie.border
. -
In cases where
is not drawn, thepie.border
radius is adjusted to exactly the line width of theframe.color
border, so nodes will always be exactly the same sizes with or without theframe.border
. -
In most cases there should either be
, however it is possible at some point thatframe.color
will both need to be applied, and this function can handle it. -
Note this process now draws three layers of polygons:
- each
wedge fill color and no border - each
wedge border color with no fill - overall
border color with no fill
- each
changed to remove calls to
to use base functions instead. This change was due to several R crashes that appear to be bugs somewhere in the upstream packages, that also occurred on Mac OSX, and on linux, but in both scenarios involved R-3.6.1 which is not likely to gain support traction with other package authors. Understandable. -
fixed potential bug:- When
is passed via...
to the underlyingComplexHeatmap::Heatmap()
, it was not aligned to the order ofrownames(matrix)
to be displayed in the heatmap, therefore the rows were split in the wrong visual order. row_split
is now a formal argument, and when supplied as a vector, thenames(row_split)
are used to alignrownames(matrix)
- When
- new argument
to define a subset of nodes for which the reordering will be applied, which may be helpful when nodes in a nodeset are horizontal or vertical. In future, this option may be applied based upon the aspect ratio of nodes in a nodeset, or so that thenodeSortBy
can be defined as alist
named bynodesets
. It gets complicated. - more output when
- minor added checks for layout, ensuring matrix input for layout
will match
, just in case the order is not identical.
- new argument
- reverted apparent regression which did not pass
to child functionreorder_igraph_nodes()
, therefore thecolorV
color order was not properly used when called in this manner.
- reverted apparent regression which did not pass
- Change default argument from
. Rare change to argument default, justified by the change being fairly benign. Also the new default is more consistent with expectations, that nodes would be "rotated in place". Practical outcome is the same, nodes are rotated exactly as before, but the coordinate range is more likely to remain consistent, when input layout is not already centered at coordinatesc(0, 0)
. - new argument
- minor added checks for layout, ensuring matrix input for layout
will match
, just in case the order is not identical.
- Change default argument from
- Change default argument from
. Rare change to argument default, justified by the change being fairly benign. Also the new default is more consistent with expectations, that coordinates would be "rotated in place". Practical outcome is the same, points are rotated exactly as before, but the coordinate range is more likely to remain consistent, especially when input layout is not already centered at coordinatesc(0, 0)
- Change default argument from
Numerous changes were made to functions in order to improve the overall Cnet plot layout experience. New functions were developed offline that focus on layout specific to Cnet plots, useful for bipartite graphs in general.
- new argument
which optionally plots a grey grid in the background, with units equal to "percentage" across the layout coordinate range. This option is intended to help when manually adjusting node and node_set positions withnudge_igraph_node()
, both of which take unitsx,y
in the form of fraction of the overall layout dimensions.
- new argument
- new argument
is intended to help enter adjustments when many nodes need to be nudged. Thelist
is named by node (e.g. by gene), and contains x,y coordinate adjustments. It is completely equivalent to enteringnode
as three independent vectors, but may be easier to use. - argument default changed from
, because nudging a node"A"
should not also nudge every node that contains an"a"
. This rare change in default argument value seems more helpful to avoid erroneous moves by default.
- new argument
- new argument
which takes acharacter
vector of node names, then ensures those node coordinate positions are properly configured inconstraints
so they do not move during iterative layout. - new default behavior is to define
using the current graph layout stored inigraph::graph_attr(g, "layout")
, instead of using a random circular initial layout.
- new argument
internal functioninner_pie_border
- new experimental argument
is intended to draw the pie wedge border on the inside of the pie wedge shape, so it does not directly overlap the border of an adjacent pie wedge shape. I could not find a polygon function in R that can draw borders on the inside edge of the polygon, which is surprising considering the considerable effort to draw GIS world maps in R. Any adjacent borders are directly overwritten, with no option for borders to be displayed side-by-side along the polygon edge. Seems like an opportunity for someone. - nonetheless this capability is not yet implemented, but the framework is in place to be released soon.
- new experimental argument
- new arguments
, anddirectional_colors
are intended to add new directional circles indicating up- and down-regulation.
- new arguments
plots a grey grid background to an igraph plot indicating percentage units across the range of layout coordinates.
now includes"frame.color"
in order to include"pie.border"
for pie shape nodes, and"frame.color"
for nodes overall. -
- new argument
to control how empty incidence entries should appear, either as zero0
, or asNA
. This update fixes rare issue where missing enrichment P-values were reported as zero0
instead of1
by default. - These functions appear in
package, however we do not want to make this package dependent uponvenndir
just yet, so they remain here for now. Invenndir
these functions are named:venndir::list2im_opt()
- new argument
now usessortAttributes=NULL
default, when it is NULL it uses defaults fromreorderIgraphNodes()
. Previously there was inconsistent defaults between the two functions. -
- new arguments
are used to call new functionapply_cnet_direction()
to colorize node borders by default when data is available.
- new arguments
now callsmemIM2cnet()
and no longer edits colors itself, those steps are performed bymemIM2cnet()
; no longer callsremoveIgraphBlanks()
. -
- now applies exact
colors togeneIMcolors
without callingcolorjam::matrix2heatColors()
since that process returned slightly darker colors by default, and for little benefit. - new argument
intended to allow directional hit matrix to be supplied, thus enabling other features as described above, specifically colorized border on Cnetigraph
- now applies exact
- colorizes node border, pie.border, coloredrect.border based upon
directionality, using
when available.
- colorizes node border, pie.border, coloredrect.border based upon
directionality, using
is step one in migrating function names away from camelCase, toward snake_case. Not really a new function, but a new function name. -
is a similar rename ofmemIM2cnet()
which mostly takesmem
as input instead ofmemIM
- The attribute
is formatted more cleanly. - New returned attribute
which is a function that draws the caption in the bottom-right corner of the heatmap, mainly because this location is least likely to overlap other heatmap labels. The location and style can be customized as needed.
- The attribute
- argument
was updated to include"pie.border"
in the default sort order, for future when Cnet nodes also include border color with the direction of change.
- argument
bumped dependency on
to to pick up all the recent updates. -
- new argument
to control row clustering, specifically to allow no row clustering. - new argument
to honordo_plot=FALSE
- new argument
- Now generates its own caption that includes relevant clustering and
filtering parameters used, helpful to reproduce the original result.
Caption is returned as
attr(hm, "caption")
- Now generates its own caption that includes relevant clustering and
filtering parameters used, helpful to reproduce the original result.
Caption is returned as
- passes
- uses
generated bymem_gene_path_heatmap()
and returns both the gene-pathway heatmapgp_hm
and the captiongp_hm_caption
. The caption is relevant because the parameters define the clusters represented in subsequent Cnet plots.
- passes
- new argument
, same as previous behavior, with new option to disable this behavior and keep columns with all values inc(NA, "")
. We foundzScore
is sometimes reported as entirelyNA
but may be useful to keep, for consistency with other enrichment results.
- new argument
no longer includes...
when callinglines()
, which should silence a fair number of harmless but annoying warning messages. We don't need a warning message for everything, tysm.
somehow broke in a recentigraph
update, apparently the return type is no longer coerced tocharacter
vector, so needs to be converted directly.mem_plot_folio()
were impacted as well.mem_plot_folio()
was modified to callsubsetCnetIgraph()
, then failing that call, will return the fullcnet_collapsed
graph without subset. Messages are printed for review.
initial work on allowing custom midpoints within node groups, which would allow defining a custom midpoint in x,y coordinates, which may or may not be between the two sets of nodes. Implementation is not in place yet, but in progress.
was updated to improve the consistency of sorting by different node properties, specifically to allow sorting by node fill, and node border color(s). -
is the function used to render nodeshape="pie"
, is an optimized, vectorized method to render nodes in one shot, rather than drawing each in afor()
loop by default.-
Drawing even 20 or more
nodes is substantially faster usingshape.jampie.plot()
compared to defaultigraph
function. -
Speed was improved, the method of converting list of polygon coordinates to numeric vectors spaced by
was much improved. -
It can render
for each pie wedge of each node withshape="pie"
. Note that the outer line may be covered by subsequentframe.color
. Attributepie.border
is expected to be alist
are equal tolengths(pie)
. -
It can render
around the full circle of each node withshape="pie"
. This line may cover thepie.border
if also drawn. Attributeframe.color
is expected to have length equal toigraph::vcount(g)
which is the total number of nodes, oneframe.color
value per node. -
It is recommended to use one style or the other for each node:
, andframe.color="red"
pie.border=c("red", "gold")
, andframe.color=NA
Internal function
is called byshape.jampie.plot()
, and was updated to handleframe.color
default arguments changed:min_set_ct=1
, previously was 2min_gene_ct=1
, previously was 2
was not verifyingnames(geneHitList)
also matchednames(enrichList)
, therefore a mismatch could cause downstream errors inmem_plot_folio()
related functions. This issue now only usesgeneHitList
with names that match.
- added
package as dependency, it providesamap::hcluster()
verbosity was reduced whenverbose=FALSE
now honorsp_floor
when defining the incidence matrix values to be used in clustering the weighted and combined enrichment and heatmap gene-pathway incidence matrix data. -
was throwing an error when supplyingcolumn_split
and the defaultcluster_columns=TRUE
.- The error was caused by creating a dendrogram for
then supplyingComplexHeatmap::Heatmap()
with acharacter
, and a dendrogram/hclust forcluster_columns
. Instead it allows passing afunction
, which also requires using custom data, since the data used for clustering is a weighted combination of the enrichment P-values across the top of the heatmap, and the data inside the heatmap. - The new default when
will be to definecluster_rows
, respectively, to afunction
that callsamap::hcluster()
on the combined and weighted heatmap and respective annotation data matrices.
- The error was caused by creating a dendrogram for
was not properly defining gene row cluster names formem_gene_pathway_heatmap()
, leaving them empty by default instead of assigning fromletters
- bumped dependency to
jamba (>=
to retirecall_fn_ellipsis()
were updated:nameColname
is handled properly, without relying upon"Name"
colname, and without relying uponrownames()
of the enrichmentdata.frame
.- Now the subset operations use values in the
. - Also the rows in each enrichment
with values innameColname
are subset usingsubset()
, which means in some rare cases multiple rows might be returned, if the input enrichment data has the same name innameColname
for multiple rows. This change is intentional, in order to retain all rows with matching names, not just the first that occurs.
:- argument
has a default value, consistent withmultiEnrichMap()
- argument
will return data with zero rows without error, although it usually occurs because of an error somewhere else (for example input data).
was moved to the jamba package version0.0.84.900
- Issue #6 reported an error when using a series of enrichments
where only a subset contain a z-score column name for
. Related, the current approach ignored thedirectionColname
when all values were NA. Both situations have been corrected, to allow flexible mish-mash of NA and non-NA values, and presence/absence ofdirectionColname
in each enrichment input. Also related,mem_plot_folio()
was by default no enabling the directionality viamem_enrichment_heatmap(mem, apply_direction=TRUE)
, therefore there is a new argument tomem_plot_folio()
which will auto-detect whether there is directional non-zero and non-NA values that can be used in the heatmap. Also,apply_direction
can be defined on its own to force the issue.
Issue #7 reported an error, traced back to the vignette. The error was caused by passing arguments to
by overloading...
, when not all arguments were valid inComplexHeatmap::Heatmap()
. The fix:- new function
which passes arguments including...
to another function, and when that function arguments do not allow...
then it limits the arguments in...
to those arguments accepted by the other function. - Instead of:
x <- some_function(a=1, b=2, ...)
- Use:
x <- call_fn_ellipsis(some_function, a=1, b=2, ...)
were updated to usecall_fn_ellipsis()
- new function
Another error was noted during the vignette workflow, that the
was being populated even when no enrichment data contained non-NA values, which was inconsistent withfind_colname()
in functionenrich2IM()
. This situation was corrected by requiring only one enrichment result to contain a non-NA value in this column. -
were updated to callfind_colname()
with the list ofenrichResult
can accept alist
object, which is expected to contain a list ofdata.frame
objects. AnenrichResult
is converted todata.frame
, all other objects must containcolnames(x)
. Whenrequire_non_na=TRUE
it will test each object, and returnmax
unique entries that matchpattern
. The entries should all contain the same matching colnames for most purposes inmultienrichjam
was incorrectly populating empty gene counts with default1
instead of0
. The effect is mainly during filtering by gene count, where the minimum is usually never below1
, however it can cause issues in point sizing particularly inmem_enrichment_heatmap()
. The previous default1
is a remnant of using this function to generate a matrix of enrichment P-values.
argument default was changed toemptyValue=NA
so in the absence of data to populate into the incidence matrix, the default cell value will beNA
to indicate there is no available data.multiEnrichMap()
was updated to supply a specificemptyValue
for all calls toenrichList2IM()
new argumenttype
is intended to allow re-using this same function for univariate color functions, so heatmaps features can be made consistently, specifically for dotplot or normal heatmap output, and optionally labeling cells with statistical values.mem_enrichment_heatmap()
is updated to share common heatmap code for bivariate and univariate color gradients. One by-product is that output cannot be raster format, which is typically not an issue for pathway enrichment, since pathways should not represent more than 1,000 or so pathways. In that event, output should probably be rasterized (PNG, JPG) instead of vector graphics (PDF, SVG).make_legend_bivariate()
new argumentdigits
used to prevent displaying weird labels like5.9999999998
and instead will display6
default argument was changed toedge_bundling="connections"
which will enable edge bundling by default. It can be disabled withedge_bundling="none"
, although it is only active when there are edge connections that can be bundled.
was updated to customize directional information in heatmaps. Cell labels are optionally displayed, defined byshow
, to display one or more ofz-score
, andgene count
. Argumentsets
was updated to handle presence ofenrichIM
- as well as future measurements with prefixenrichIM
. New argumentmin_count
applies the gene count filter to the dot plot output heatmap.
This update mainly focuses on implementing directionality when
available in the pathway enrichment data during multiEnrichMap()
- implements bivariate color scale, in this case for enrichment-log10pvalue
for color intensity, andz-score
for color hue directionality: blue "inhibited", gold "neutral", and red "activated".display_colorRamp2D()
- display the color ramp defined bycolorRamp2D()
- define a heatmap cell function that uses the color defined bycolorRamp2D()
, optionally plots circle points, and optional text labelsmake_legend_bivariate()
- creates a 2-D color ramp legend suitable forComplexHeatmap::draw(..., annotation_legend_list=x)
new argumentapply_direction=TRUE
will enable bivariate colors, where color intensity is defined by the enrichment -log10 P-value, and color hue is defined by z-score direction:- blue = "inhibition" with z-score <= -2
- gold = "no direction" with z-score > -2 and x score < 2
- red = "activation" with z-score >= 2
Points are sized by number of genes.
Moved some functions into their own .R file for better organization:
new argumentsdirectionColname
to define an optional column name that containsnumeric
values indicating direction of pathway enrichment. These values are often in the form of an"Activation z-score"
, as is the case with IPA "Upstream Regulators". Argumentdirection_cutoff
refers to the absolute value required for direction be given a "sign" up or down. -
new argumentdirectionColname
used to determine directionality of pathway enrichment, useful for things like"Activation z-score"
, as returned by IPA "Upstream Regulators". Output includedmem$enrichIMdirection
which contains thenumeric
values, whereNA
values are substituted with0
zero. These values will be used in near future, likely inmem_enrichment_heatmap()
to indicate predicted direction of impact on particular pathways. Argumentdirection_cutoff
is passed totopEnrichListBySource()
for optional filtering to require at least one pathway to contain an absolute direction score at or above this threshold. The IPA z-score recommends a threshold z=score >= 2 for "activation" or "inhibition". Note that many pathways have no z-score, so applying this threshold will remove those pathways from downstream analysis. -
new argumentapply_direction
determine whether to indicate direction if it exists, and optionally applies a threshold. Still in testing currently. Note that applying this cutoff will hide pathways whosenumeric
direction is below the threshold. New argumentgene_count_max
to apply a max gene count threshold for the point size for the dot plot format. New argumentlegend_height
to control the heatmap legend color bar height.
will now hide all but the main enrichment colors in color legends when there are more than 8 combinations, to prevent the legend from taking the entire plot device space and not displaying the heatmap. The threshold is configurable withshow_heatmap_legend=8
. New argumentsshow_gene_legend
and are intended to allow hiding the other color legends. A minimalist style is to show only the main enrichment colors, which are used for all other colors anyway.mem_enrichment_heatmap()
was updated so the default dotplot format has properly controlled point sizes, and legend point sizes. Previously the two sizes were independent and required manual adjustment. The current approach ensures the legend point size exactly match the heatmap dot plot point size. An optional parametercexCellnote
will display labels unlesscexCellnote=0
in which case gene count labels are hidden.
new argumentinset
passed tolegend()
. Also this function usestryCatch()
to try to pass...
arguments, and if they fail it tries again without...
. Fun.
is a drop-in replacement forigraph::plot.igraph()
, and its options were described in much more detail. In brief: -
it plots nodes vectorized which is substantially faster
it changes the default to
and maintains aspect ratio 1:1, so layout coordinates are rendered without distorting the x- and y-axis ranges -
it optionally bundles edge connections, which helps particularly with large bipartite graphs (especially gene-to-pathway graphs.)
it allows bulk adjustment to node size, label size, and label distance from node center.
new argumentedge_bundling="connections"
that by default will bundle edges appropriate for Cnet plots. Disable withedge_bundling="none"
new argumentstyle="dotplot"
will create a dotplot styled heatmap, whose points are sized proportional to the number of genes involved in enrichment. This style is under development and may require additional customization options such as setting a max gene count for point sizes.
fixed bug where enrichment names were mangled bydata.frame(...)
, avoided by usingdata.frame(check.names=FALSE, ...)
Several functions were updated to include proper package prefix for function calls:
affecting functions:
was updated to handle edge cases:gene_im_weight
0 or 1;enrich_im_weight
0 or 1- user-supplied
- The
logic was changed to convert to an integer matrix that refers to colors and labels by factor levels, which helps for user-defined clustering methods, also helps labeling the color legend. - new argument
for user-defined color gradient. row_title
is no longer assigned when user-defined argument isNULL
. This workaround helps the edge case withgene_im_weight=1
where therow_split
is forced to have a limited number of values regardless whatrow_split
integer value is sent, thus causingrow_title
mismatch in length.- Fixed egregious type in second part of an
statement, only called when user supplies a custom cluster function.
was not correctly handling multiplesourceColnames
values, instead was only using the first value. This bug has been corrected.
now returnenrichResult
when supplied withenrichResult
, instead of coercing todata.frame
which would then need to be converted back toenrichResult
argument defaultsourceColnames
was changed to reflect usage with R packagemsigdbr
for MSigDB gene set data, specificallysourceColnames=c("gs_cat", "gs_subcat")
. Similarly, default values were removed fromcurateFrom
, since these defaults imposed a specific outcome.multiEnrichMap()
default values fortopEnrichCurate*
arguments were changed to NULL; default argument values changed totopEnrichSources=c("gs_cat", "gs_subat")
new argumentrotate_heatmap=TRUE
will rotate the heatmap layout so pathway names are displayed as rows, and genes are displayed as columns.
I still need example data to use for function document examples, to show utility of rotating the gene-pathway heatmap.
was implemented twice (smh) so the older function was renamedcolor_edges_by_nodes_deprecated()
. The older function blended colors using a simpler approach withavg_colors_by_list()
that took a very fast hue average; while the new function usescolorjam::blend_colors()
that uses red-yellow-blue additive color blending model. Honestly the functioncolor_edges_by_nodes()
is not used much yet, but is likely to be used more with community detection, and Cnet/community edge bundling. The newcolor_edges_by_nodes()
also applies alpha to the intermediate blended colors, to retain the relative weight of colors during the blending step.
The edge bundling update!
The new functions are under rapid development, and represent potentially
quite useful functions for visualizing complex igraph
specifically Cnet plots with Gene and Set node types.
The general technique of bundling edges between two groups of nodes is relatively stable. The details and extent that edges are bundled, including visual display of bundled edges, is under active evaluation and development. So far it doesn't seem to take much to improve the output figure, compared to using straight edges.
In the near future, Cnet plots may by default enable some form of edge bundling, as Cnet plots were in fact the motivating example.
See pkgdown docs for edge_bundle_nodegroups()
for visual
examples using the Karate network.
is the core function, and it does not
yet implement:
- edge clipping based upon igraph vertex shape, for example
. - edge arrows, which requires edge clipping for proper usage, otherwise edge arrows will be underneath the node shape itself.
- edge labels, which could be implemented, except that bundled edges are by definition much more likely to be too close for effective labels. I rarely use edge labels, so I will target the simplest thing that works.
- is a general use function to return nodes that are grouped by having identical node neighbors. This situation usually happens rarely, except with bipartite graphs where there are often clusters of nodes with the same neighbors, especially common for Cnet plot data.edge_bundle_bipartite()
is the first edge bundling function, it is actually a light wrapper aroundedge_bundle_nodegroups()
. Bipartite bundling connects a nodeset (defined as having the same neighbor nodes) to each neighbor node.edge_bundle_nodegroups()
is a general edge bundling technique that bundles edges between node groups. These node groups can be defined by any relevant technique, typically a community detection algorithm such asigraph::cluster_walktrap()
or any other of severaligraph::cluster_*
is a simple function that blends the colors of the two nodes involved in each edge, usingcolorjam::blend_colors()
since it uses RYB color blending. It is optimized so it only blends unique combinations of colors.
is a necessary utility function that "expands" adata.frame
that has one or more columns with multiple delimited values. It simply expands the rows to represent one individual value per row for those columns. This function will very likely be moved into the"jamba"
package for much broader use.handle_igraph_param_list()
is a helper function forjam_igraph()
which is intended to update node and edge attributes in bulk based upon another attribute. For example "make all the Gene nodes small, and all the Set nodes large." Same with labels, colors, etc.
has new arguments: -
- for"nodegroups"
This argument will enable edge bundling by callingedge_bundle_nodegroups()
when needed. See examples. -
are options to skip various aspects ofigraph
plot features, either to save time, or to allow more detailed visual layering. -
toggle the vectorized node shape plotting when there is more than one node shape in theigraph
object. Note this feature is substantially faster, but changes the order that nodes are rendered, by design. As a result, nodes are drawn in order of shape, so each render is a bulk operation. For nodes that overlap, or partially overlap, this feature will visibly change the ordering of nodes. In general, speed is still ideal, and reducing node layout overlaps should be a separate step.
logic was updated forexpand
which was not properly applying negative values to compress the spacing between nodes in a node set. This use is relatively rare but feasible.adjust_cnet_nodeset()
now optionally allows referring to a nodeset using the name of one node contained in the nodeset, as a convenience.
attempts to automate the process of applyingadjust_cnet_nodeset()
for each subcluster of nodes in a Cnet plot to enforce a minimum spacing between nodes. The Fruchterman-Reingold layout algorithm might offer a minimum distance threshold, but I could not find it. Incidentally, this new function can also compress node spacing, which might be useful when gene labels are not shown.
has much more detailed help text, describing more details about clustering parameters, and describing the returned objects in detail.mem_plot_folio()
new argumentdo_plot=TRUE
determines whether each plot is rendered, or just returned as a plot object to be reviewed separately.mem_plot_folio()
the returned data now includes the gene-pathway heatmap caption, which descibes the gene/set filtering criteria, and the row/column distance methods used for clustering. Since these arguments have substantial effect on the pathway clusters, it is helpful to keep this information readily available. Similarly, thecnet
plots asigraph
objects store the title as a graph attribute, accessible usinggraph_attr(cnet, "title")
now usescolorjam::blend_colors()
is tolerant of'...'
entries not valid withComplexHeatmap::Heatmap()
, in order to allow overloading'...'
for other function arguments.
is intended to help move individual nodes in anigraph
layout, useful for adjusting nodes to reduce label overlaps.get_cnet_nodeset()
is a helper function to get the nodes in a nodeset, defined as the"Gene"
nodes that all connect to the same"Set"
nodes. It is helpful when looking at a Cnet plot, and wanting easy access to the"Gene"
nodes in a particular cluster of nodes in the plot.adjust_cnet_nodeset()
is intended to manipulate the layout coordinates for nodes in a nodeset, useful to expand, shift, or rotate nodes to help with visibility.adjust_cnet_set_relayout_gene()
is a very useful function with complicated name. It is intended to help moveSet
nodes in a Cnetigraph
layout, then re-positions all theGene
nodes while keeping theSet
nodes in fixed positions.rotate_igraph_layout()
which allows rotating anigraph
layout. It can also reflect layout coordinates across one or more axes. It also calls other helper functions as needed,spread_igraph_labels()
is the underlying function to rotate coordinates, it operates on a numeric matrix and is called byrotate_igraph_layout()
The next version should include plot_cnet_heatmaps()
creates nice Cnet cluster plots where each cluster has a
corresponding expression heatmap displayed at the edge
of the figure.
when there is an error during the Cnet collapse step, and does not report the error. Now it at least reports the error. The underlying cause in this case was ComplexHeatmap not accepting horizontal color legend orientation in R-3.6.1 (grid package version 3.6.1) because of some new unit arithmetic only available in grid 4.0.0+. Hiding the color legend, or using vertical color legend fixed the issue.
- fixed error when usingapply()
on a matrix that had one row or one column.subsetCnetIgraph()
fixed issue when the Cnet igraph object has no internal layout, it runsrelayout_with_qfr()
by default.
now returnsclusters_mem
in thelist
, which includes the pathway set names represented in each cluster shown in the gene-pathway incidence matrix heatmap.
was updated to include"nodeType"
as a node attribute, which helps distinguish"Gene"
nodes in downstream operations. This change helps address #5 to hide the gene labels on Cnet plots.
- Update to address issue #4 in
with new argumentdescriptionColname
which will force the resulting colname to be"Description"
to fit expectations ofenrichplot:::fortify.internal()
which requiresdf$Description
. WhendescriptionColname
is not supplied, or not found in the inputenrichDF
a warning is issued that describes the problem.
now also work withHeatmapList
objects. By default they use the first heatmap in the list, which should be consistent with all other heatmaps.
was never implemented; existing argumentsdescriptionGrep
were used for similar but insufficient purpose. ThesubsetSets
argument defines specific pathway names to retain for analysis, and is implemented throughtopEnrichBySource()
and by proxytopEnrichListBySource()
. These functions might better be calledsubsetEnrichResult()
, but will not rename these functions.
includes the number of rows (genes) and columns (pathways) displayed in the gene-pathway incidence matrix heatmap.
was updated to fix #3, thanks to @john-lee-johnson for reporting. Issue arose becauseenrichplot::cnetplot()
expected enrichResult rownames to be equal to values in the"ID"
column of the enrichmentdata.frame
new argumentmin_count
requires a pathway to contain at leastmin_count
genes in order to be considered a "hit". This filter is mostly important when used withtopEnrichN
to use the top pathways -- it will only sort pathways then take the toptopEnrichN
number of pathways that also contain at leastmin_count
new argumentsmin_count
require pathways to contain at leastmin_count
genes, and have no higher thanp_cutoff
enrichment P-Value. Previously these functions only took the top pathways, regardless of these filters (which were applied later). This change allows the filters to be applied before taking the toptopEnrichN
pathways, which mostly helps whenmin_count
is greater than 1 -- sometimes pathways with only one gene involved in enrichment have statistically significant P-value, but are not biologically relevant for interpretation or follow-up experiments. FortopEnrichListBySource()
the filter is applied to each enrichment in the list, and any pathways meeting the criteria are taken for all enrichment lists. So a pathway must be present in the toptopEnrichN
entries which meet both thep_cutoff
criteria to be retained by these functions.
was updated to fix a small issue withmin_set_ct_each
which requires at least one enrichment to havemin_set_ct_each
genes. However, this filter was not applied alongside thep_cutoff
-- therefore some pathways with enough genes which were not significantly enriched were fulfilling these criteria, as along as another enrichment was significant. The new behavior (as expected) is to requires an pathway to meet both themin_set_ct_each
thresholds in the same enrichment in order to be retained in the gene-pathway incidence matrix.mem_gene_path_heatmap()
fixed edge case where genes present in multiple enrichments counted more towardmin_set_ct_each
, but should only count once per gene.
new argumentscolumn_title
, androw_title
allow custom cluster names, which are also carried to Cnet cluster names as needed.mem_gene_path_heatmap()
was updated to handlerow_split
arguments more intuitively, and to allowrow_split
to inactivate the split completely. Previously it was not possible to turn off split.mem_plot_folio()
argument was renamed frompathway_row_split
to reflect the intent of this argument more accurately. This change is early in the function lifecycle and not in broader use yet -- better to change it now. Otherwise, future argument name changes will not occur without some type of backward compatibility.mem_gene_path_heatmap()
new argumentsrow_cex
used to adjust row and column heatmap labels, which is helpful when used with auto-sized axis labels to make minor adjustments.mem_enrichment_heatmap()
was updated to make the color ramp more consistent withmem_gene_path_heatmap()
, so the color scale atop the gene-pathway heatmap more accurately reflects the color scale used in the enrichment heatmap itself.
new argumentcolorize_by_gene=TRUE
will color the heatmap body using blended colors from thegeneIMcolors
which represents the enrichments in which the gene is involved. The defaultcolorize_by_gene=FALSE
instead colors the heatmap body by the number of enrichments, which can be confusing if one of the enrichment colors is also red. The goal is to make it visually apparent when a gene is involved in one enrichment, by using the color from that enrichment. This feature is still in development and testing.mem_gene_path_heatmap()
changed argument name fromenrich_gene_weight
, before this argument is in wider use. Added new argumentgene_im_weight
. These arguments more accurately reflect the relative weight between enrichment and incidence matrix forenrich_im_weight
was updated with new argumentcluster_color_min_fraction
to help filter the enrichment colors to include in each resulting cnet cluster. The intent is not to represent colors where the number of significant pathways is below this threshold. For example, a cluster of 10 pathways may have only one significant pathway for a given enrichment set -- therefore this enrichment color would not be included in the cnet cluster colors.
cleaned up the heatmap overall:- left and top annotations have zero gap between columns and rows
- left and top annotation legends have discrete color bars; for
left it is always
; for the top it uses -log10 integer steps. - top annotation legend appends
to the label, to indicate that the color values are based uponlog10()
transform of the enrichment P-value. - the color legend has discrete color bar steps, indicating the number of enrichments where each gene is involved
new argumentenrich_gene_weight
used to adjust the relative influence of the enrichment-log10 P-value
and the gene incidence matrix on the column clustering. The effect is to adjust how much the enrichment P-values, or the gene content, affects the clusters. In principle both should have similar effects, but sometimes it helps to favor gene incidence or pathway enrichment.
was altered to allow filtering pathways for a minimum number of genes represented by at least one enrichment result. For example, a pathway may be required to have at least 4 genes, despite having a statistically significant enrichment P-value. The new argumentmin_set_ct_each
tests each enrichment to see if any one has enough genes per pathway. There are two main effects of this filter: The gene-pathway heatmap will display fewer pathways; and any resulting Cnet plots will have the same pathways removed.
new argumentbyCols
which is passed along torank_mem_clusters()
, and is used to sort the pathway names within each Cnet cluster. The default uses"composite_rank"
, which sorts by thefloor(-log10(pvalue))
then by the highest number of genes per pathway. Thefloor()
function effectively sorts by the order of magnitude of the enrichment P-value, dropping the details. The obvious alternative is"minp_rank"
which uses the-log10(pvalue)
directly, which therefore does not effectively sort by gene count since enrichment P-values rarely tie. In our experience, between two pathways with reasonably similar enrichment P-value (within one order of magnitude such as 2.4e-5 and 3.5e-5) the pathway with more genes was usually the more interesting/relevant biological pathway.
and imSigned2list()
are the reciprocal functions
to list2im()
and list2imSigned()
. The new functions convert
incidence matrix to list, or signed incidence matrix to list,
respectively. They're notable because they're blazing fast
in our testing, thanks to efficient methods from the arules
R package for interconverting list to compressed logical
matrix, and vice versa.
was modified to usep_floor
as the ceiling for the row hierarchical clustering, previously it usedceiling=3
which caused the dendrogram to haveheight=0
when all enrichment results were lower than 0.001.mem_enrichment_heatmap()
was modified to calculate its own matrix colors whencolor_by_column=TRUE
, until thecolorjam::matrix2heatColors()
can be updated to the improved method.mem_plot_folio()
now correctly honorsp_floor
Added a new TODO.md file to track some new feature ideas.
infers the proper order of colors from a list of color vectors. It is called byreorderIgraphNodes()
where attributes"pie.color"
contain subsets of colors, but in the proper order. This function returns all colors in their proper order.colors_from_list()
takes a list of colors, and returns the unique colors, ordered by the overall order inferred from the list. It is internally called byreorderIgraphNodes()
when argumentcolorV
is not suppleid, since the attribute"pie.color"
can be used to infer the correct order of colors.
now uses"; "
as delimiter for the"set_names"
attribute, to make it easier to distinguish individual pathway names.reorderIgraphNodes()
was refactored to handle specific color order defined either by argumentcolorV
or by inferring the correct order of colors from attributes such as"pie.color"
. This change should help order node colors more consistent to the original input colors tomultiEnrichMap()
, specifically the argumentcolorV
now has an example that shows the effects of ordering pie nodes by color.
now includes the cluster name by default with theset_labels
which are used to display the topn
pathway names for each collapsed Cnet node. For example"Cluster A: Aryl Hydrocarbons; Granzyme Signaling"
accept multiple values, which are recycled and applied to filter each cluster. For examplemax_labels=c(5,2)
will filter the first cluster to display up to 2 labels, and the second cluster to display up to 5 labels.
- Thanks to
the function calls torenameColumn()
were corrected tojamba::renameColumn()
, to resolve issue #1. Also fixed several other references tojamba
. Omg! There were so many more cases than I thought! (Package-building options to import functions from packages seem to go too far, the imported functions appear to be contained in the new package which seems misleading... Ah well.) - Also made several small changes to handle single-enrichment input to multiEnrichMap(). It still provides some useful graphical benefits even with only one enrichment input.
was updated to enable analysis with only one enrichment result. Testing whether the downstream capabilities are useful in the context of one enrichment result.
- Several functions have additional
output whenverbose=TRUE
. jam_plot_igraph()
new argumentuse_shadowText=TRUE
will enablejamba::shadowText()
to replacegraphics::text()
for igraph text, which affects node and edge labels. The goal is to make labels more widely legible when they are placed on top of light and dark colors, common when using dark colored nodes on a white background.jam_igraph()
now tries harder to respect a pre-defined xlim and ylim, before using the range of layout coordinatesmem_gene_path_heatmap()
slightly adjusted the number of pathway clusters to use based upon the number of columns in the gene-pathway matrix, slightly increasing the number for low number of columns.mem_plot_folio()
new argument pathway_column_split allows setting a specific number of pathway clusters.mem_plot_folio()
allows creating only the requested plots from the full sequence of plots. This function is likely to become the core part of the analysis workflow:
gene-pathway heatmap -> pathway clusters -> Cnet using pathway clusters
provides a newigraph
vertex shape"jampie"
. It is a complete clone to the defaultigraph
except that it offers vectorized plotting, which can be substantially faster for largeigraph
objects that use"pie"
is a similar clone toigraph::plot.igraph()
except that it uses vectorized plotting specifically when there are multiple shapes in the sameigraph
object. Formerly, each node is drawn individually which is substantially slower, especially forigraph
objects with more than 100 nodes. It also by default converts shape"pie"
in order to use vectorized plotting viashape.jampie.plot()
new argumentplot_function
allows use of custom plot function, specifically to usejam_plot_igraph()
- Functions for igraph vertex shapes were moved into a new .R file,
and into a new function family
"jam igraph shapes"
draws a grid object with title and optional subtitle, allowing for grid objects such asComplexHeatmap::Heatmap
objects, or even multiple heatmaps. That said, any grid"gTree"
object should work.
is a new function that creates the current recommended folio of multienrichment plots:
- Enrichment P-value heatmap
- Gene-pathway heatmap -- importantly with pathway clustering
- Cnet using the pathway clusters, collapsed by cluster
- Cnet using the pathway clusters, exemplar pathways per cluster
- Cnet using each individual pathway cluster
now includesp_cutoff
in the output, which represents the enrichment P-value threshold used for the analysis. This cutoff is useful in making other color gradients respect the same threshold required for significant enrichment results, so P-values that do not meet this threshold can be colored white (or the background color.)mem_plot_folio()
new argument (minor release)do_which
to help produce selected plot pages from a folio of plots.
is an intriguing new method of simplifying the numerous pathways, by using each pathway cluster frommem_gene_pathway_heatmap()
. Each cluster is condensed to one result, combining all genes in each cluster. The results are surprisingly insightful, especially when numerous pathways are present per cluster. This function also callsrank_mem_clusters()
, so it's possible to pick a handful of the top pathways per cluster, as relevant.
is a convenience function which ranks pathways/sets within clusters, useful with a list of clusters followingmem_gene_pathway_heatmap()
. It makes it easier to rank pathways within a cluster, potentially choosing one exemplar pathway to represent each cluster. This function is part of more effort to streamline the overall analysis workflow.
- Fixed small issue with
which was properly applyingmin_gene_ct
however it did not check the resulting data to remove empty columns and rows. This change has been made.
takes an igraph, determines a color for each node based upon the shape (usingavg_colors_from_list()
for shape"pie"
), then creates an average color between two nodes, and uses that as the edge color.
has more configurable arguments, in the form of named lists. The driving example islabel_factor_l=list(nodeType=c(Gene=0.01, Set=1))
, that will applylabel.cex*0.01
to "Gene" nodes, andlabel.cex*1.5
to "Set" nodes. Similar arguments:node_factor_l
to apply to node size, andlabel_dist_factor_l
to apply to label distance from node center.shape.coloredrectangle.plot()
was updated to fix a small bug in order of rendering colored rectangles, it was somehow drawing the frame after the fill colors, which caused the frames to overlap each other and appear transparent.
The vignette was updated to use the new functions, for a much cleaner overall workflow.
uses new functionavg_colors_by_list()
to create one color to represent each node, thensort_colors()
to sort nodes by color hue, instead of previous behavior which sorted by the hex color string. This change affects attributes"pie.color"
. Recall that this functionreorderIgraphNodes()
is intended to help visually organize groups of nodes by their colors, to make it easier to tell how many nodes are each color.avg_colors_by_list()
now usesweighted.mean()
based upon the"c"
channel (chroma, color saturation) in order to down-weight the effect of grey colors, which really should have no hue. The default weight for grey is 0.1, while the maximum value for fully saturated colors is 100. Blending"green"
yields slightly less saturated green, as expected.subsetCnetIgraph()
now includes convenience calls toremoveIgraphBlanks()
, andrelayout_with_qfr()
. In almost all cases, creating a subset of a Cnet necessitates a new layout, which therefore requires new node ordering (sorting groups of equivalent nodes by color), and then label orientation (the angle used to offset the node label from the center of each node).
uses thefarver::encode_colour()
function to convert colors to HCL, then sorts by hue, and returns the original sorted vector or corresponding order, respectively. For sorting colors inside adata.frame
, convert colors to a factor whose levels aresort_colors(unique(colors))
, in order to maintain ties during multi-column sorting.apply_color_cap()
imposes a numeric range onto a color channel for a vector or list of colors, usingjamba::noiseFloor()
. Values outside the allowed range are forced to the range.subgraph_jam()
is a custom version ofigraph::induced_subgraph()
, that correctly handles subsetting the graph layout when the graph itself is subsetted.jam_igraph()
is a customigraph::plot()
with proper sizing whenrescale=FALSE
, allowing better aspect ratios for certain network layout coordinates.with_qfr()
is a wrapper tolayout_with_qfr()
that returns a layout specification object, for use withigraph::add_layout_()
in a more confusing workflow pattern than I expected.
several updates to improve robustness in the overall workflow.
provide enhanced output fromComplexHeatmap::row_order()
, mainly that they return the actual rownames and colnames of data in the heatmap. Very useful when the data used for the heatmap has been filtered internal to the function.
removed argumentmakeUnique
because the underlying conversion to matrix no longer requires that step, and it was a performance hit for extremely large lists. The argumentkeepCounts
is the only requirement to maintain the count of each entry per list.multiEnrichMap()
now subsets thegeneIM
gene incidence matrix to match the genes aftertopEnrichN
filtering is applied.layout_with_qfr()
now by default will use edge attribute"weight"
as theweights
argument when callingqgraph::qgraph.layout.fruchtermanreingold()
was enhanced for more robust import conditions, specifically for different variations of missing IPA enrichment results. Also, empty colnames are removed, to help recognize the proper identifier in each scenario.
takes a list ofenrichResult
and returns the list of genes represented in eachenrichResult
. Intended mainly for internal use bymultiEnrichMap()
allows customized enrichMap-style plotting of igraph objects. Notably, you can filter by Jaccard overlap, or by overlap count -- the number of genes involved in the overlap. There are otherwise a lot of overlaps that involve only one gene, which is not the best way to build this type of network.relayout_with_qfr()
is a light extension oflayout_with_qfr()
, but adds default calls toremoveIgraphBlanks()
, andspread_igraph_labels()
to help things look pretty.mem_legend()
draws a color legend in the corner of a figure, using the colors defined in themultiEnrichMap()
subsets an igraph based upon connected components -- i.e. distinct subclusters.memIM2cnet()
takes the pathway-gene incidence matrix and produces a Cnet plotigraph
object. If given the output frommultiEnrichMap()
it will also color nodes using the gene and enrichment incidence matrix colors.avg_colors_by_list()
are intended for very rapid color blending.
was fixed to handle rare cases where pathway set name is identical to one or more genes, which happens with IPA pathway analysis, in the "Upstream Regulators" output.
is a wrapper toComplexHeatmap::Heatmap()
which takes output frommultiEnrichMap()
and produces a heatmap styled similar to a pathway-gene incidence matrix. It includes row and column annotations to help interpret the results.mem_enrichment_heatmap()
produces a heatmap of the pathways and enrichment P-values for each comparison.spread_igraph_labels()
is a general use function for igraph objects, it takes an igraph network and associated layout, and arranges igraph nodes at an angel opposite the majority of edges from each node. The result arranges labels around the outside of the network, and typically away from other nodes. It isn't perfect, but is visually a big step in the right direction.removeIgraphSinglets()
is a simple function that removes nodes that have no edges. I found myself doing it manually enough times I wanted something quick and easy.
now includes two new edge attributes on MultiEnrichMap igraphs: overlap_count which contains the number of shared genes between two sets, and overlap_max_pct which contains the max percent overlap between two sets -- based upon the # overlapped divided by the smaller of the two sets. The overlap_count is useful as an optional edge label, to show how many genes are involved.enrichDF2enrichResult()
now forces"setSize"
to contain integer values, useful when pathway size is inferred from something like gene ratio.
was not properly assigningcolnames(memIM)
, although they were inferred from therownames(enrichIM)
. The bug was becauseas.character()
removes names from a character vector, and the conversion was done to enforce proper handling bystrsplit()
which gives unexpected results when the list may contain a factor.
no longer calls commandlinegrep
to remove blank rows, for now it usesreadLines()
to select rows with at least one character.
- Fixed several calls to
that failed when sent factors, which only happens when Roptions("stringsAsFactors"=TRUE)
which is the default in base R. Now all calls tostrsplit()
unless character type has already been enforced. - Added numerous package prefixes to functions, to avoid importing all package dependencies.
were updated to handle more default colnames for P-values, now including the default colnames forenrichResult
. When no sort columns are found, a warning message is printed.
- Added documentation for
and other functions. - Added vignette describing the workflow starting with Ingenuity IPA enrichment results.
imports Ingenuity IPA enrichment results, by default splitting each enrichment table into its owndata.frame
. It curates colnames to be consistent with downstream analyses.curateIPAcolnames()
will curate the colnames of IPA data, and ensures the values in the gene column are consistently delimited.gsubs()
is similar tobase::gsub()
except that it applies a vector of pattern-replacement operations in order. This function may be moved to the"jamba"
is a helper function to find a colname given a vector of expected values, which is matched directly, then case-insensitively, then as a vector of patterns to match the start, end, then any part of the colnames. By default the first matching value from the first successful method is returned. Good for matching c("P-Value", "pvalue", "Pval")topEnrichBySource()
subset the input pathway enrichment results by taking the topn
result, then making sure the overall selected pathways are retained for all enrichment tables.
is no longer dependent upon the input listx
having names, nor having unique names.
now handles list input, which is helpful when applied to igraph objects where"pie"
colors are accessed as a list.removeIgraphBlanks()
was updated to use vectorized logic for"pie"
vertex attributes.
- Fixed small issues with
- Updated
to handle words the should be kept uppercase, with some defaults pre-configured, e.g. "mRNA".
- removed
and moved them to thejamba
package. Added corresponding version requirement on jamba.
was updated to include a wider set of canonical pathway prefixes used in MsigDB v6.1.
are helper functions used to convert a Cnet igraph to either a incidence matrix, or a table summary useful for extracting subsets of pathways using various network descriptors.drawEllipse()
add an igraph vertex shape "ellipse" whose shape is controlled by vertex.ellipse.ratio, where1
creates a circular node.
the workhorse core function, implementing the full workflow to pre-process the results for later inspection.enrichDF2enrichResult()
converts a data.frame into anenrichResult
object as used inclusterProfiler
custom function to create a cnet plot igraph object.mergeAllXY()
which merges a list of data.frames while keeping all rows.unnestList()
which un-nests a list of lists, resulting in a flattened list. It directly supportsmergeAllXY()
in order to provide a simple list of data.frame objects from potentially nested list of lists of data.frame objects.enrichList2IM()
converts a list of enrichResult objects (or data.frames) into an indidence matrix of gene rows and pathway columns.enrichList2df()
combines a list of enrichResult objects (or data.frames) into a single data.frame, using the union of genes, and the best P-value.fixSetLabels()
to update pathway/gene set labels using some small set of logic.isColorBlank()
checks if a color is a blank color, either by comparison to known colors, or transparency, or saturation/brightness.igraph2pieGraph()
converts an igraph into one with pie node shapes, optionally coloredrectangle node shapes.layout_with_qfrf()
is an extension tolayout_with_qfr()
that returns a function, therefore convenient to use inigraph::plot()
with custom arguments.removeIgraphBlanks()
removes blank colors in either pie or coloredrectangle node shapes, thereby making non-blank colors easier to see in plots.subsetCnetIgraph()
takes an igraph with Set and Gene nodeType, and subsets based upon a fixed list of Set or Gene nodes, removing singlet disconnected nodes from the output.
- added
to package dependencies. - added
to package dependencies.