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  • Minor: Consider using cli for messaging, for consistency with tidyverse.


  • General goal is to reduce label overlaps in Cnet plots

    • Many options, including considering ggraph ot tidygraph, however both require re-creating pie/jampie graph node shapes that display both fill colors and border outline (without hiding adjacent borders). These strategies would not respect edge bundling, so that would either be lost or would require porting to ggplot ecosystem somehow. Sigh. Then use ggrepel for non-overlapping labels.

    • Ideal world: There exists some grid tool for non-overlapping labels, and not ggplot2.

    • A simpler option is to allow direct x/y coordinate label adjustment. Current approach requires angle and distance from node center. Difficult to move one label "up and left a tiny amount". If given ability to adjust a label, it could be possible to adjust all labels to reduce overlaps. Potential workflow:

      • Define label coordinates after calculating angle and distance from node center per usual.

      • Apply adjustments.

      • Apply user-provided adjustments. Easiest approach. Default nudge matrix is c(0, 0) for all nodes. Edit for specific nodes, relative to plot layout coordinates.

      • Future: Automated adjustments.

        • Use strwidth() and strheight() to define bounding boxes.
        • Adjust bounding boxes?
        • The plotrix approach performs radial search in local space. It works best when labels are placed in smart order, e.g. center in a cluster, then working out toward edges. Define clusters? Define center of each cluster. Sort labels by distance from cluster center.
        • Force-directed: calc overlap of two labels, center of overlap, center of bounding box, calculate angle, relative "strength", and repel along the opposite angle.


  • fixSetLabels()

    • Define better default replacements.
    • Consider using default from/to, with option for user-defined additions.


  • Consider using mem_enrichment_heatmap() as the top_annotation for mem_gene_path_heatmap(), including for example the dotplot format.

    • Easiest prototype might be to use + to display the gene-path heatmap rotated with rotate_heatmap=TRUE beside the enrichment heatmap,then merge the color legends:
    ComplexHeatmap::draw(mpf$enrichment_hm + mpf$gp_hm,
       annotation_legend_list=attr(mpf$enrichment_hm, "annotation_legend_list"),


  • DONE. Fix the row_title for the enrichment heatmap when called by mem_plot_folio(), currently it uses numbers instead of LETTERS.

  • DONE. Consider option for fixed-attribute cells for mem_enrichment_heatmap() when used with dot plot, so each cell is square with the circle centered.

  • Consider returning updated igraph from jam_igraph()

    • Currently returns invisible(NULL).
    • For example, after applying all the updates to igraph values such as node size, label size, label distance, etc.
    • The end goal is to be able to call jam_igraph(output) with no additional arguments and have it (mostly) render the identical figure.


  • Add unit tests.

    • Cover all basic functionality.
    • Examples and vignettes should already cover the core workflow.
  • Consider adjustments to make_point_hull()

    • font size
    • distance from hull
  • Big picture: Consider using venndir::JamPolygon instead of sf polygons.

    • Would calculate offsets, rescale, transform, using JamPolygon functions.
    • Biggest benefit is to reduce dependencies, sf is heavy.


  • mem_gene_path_heatmap()

    • Changed default caption to use ComplexHeatmap::Legend() format so it can be included along with color legends.
    • Increased caption font, it was not legible.
    • Moved the gene rows, set columns labels to the top, split in two rows.
    • Return added attribute "caption_legendlist".
  • apply_cnet_direction()

    • Change default logic to use pie.border always instead of switching to frame.color when all borders are identical. I think this logic should belong in the plotting function to decide how to render nodes, jam_igraph() Also more convenient when reviewing the data, user should only have to look at pie.border and not combination of pie.border and frame.color.
  • mem_enrichment_heatmap()

    • Consider adding top_annotation using the colorV colors per enrichment, for consistency with mem_gene_path_heatmap() and Cnet plots.
  • DONE. Add add_pathway_direction()

    • DONE. Helper function to add directional z-score column to enrichResult data, using the formula from QIAGEN IPA: z <- (N_genes_up - N_genes_down) / sqrt(N_genes_up + N_genes_down)
  • Call add_pathway_direction() from multiEnrichMap() when appropriate.

    • geneHitList or geneHitIM are provided, and
    • contain positive and negative values, and
    • "z-score" is not already defined in each enrichResult object. (Bonus points for checking the direction colname attribute.)
  • Review clusterProfiler::compareClusterResult-class object definition. For example clusterProfiler::merge_result(list(enrichResults)).

    • Consider some form of integration, if possible, for example conversion to/from to call similar functions in clusterProfiler.
  • S4 object Mem to replace list returned by multiEnrichMap()


    • Consider multienrichjam() to replace multiEnrichmap()?

    • slots:

      • geneIM (im, direction, colors): matrix objects
      • enrichIM, (pvalues, direction, geneCount, colors): matrix objects
      • memIM: matrix object
      • enrichList: list of enrichResult objects
      • colorV: character vector of colors per enrichment
      • colnames: character column assignment (consider omitting to enforce standardized colnames)
    • methods:

      • mem_plot_folio(), supporting functions: mem_gene_path_heatmap(), mem_enrichment_heatmap(), mem2cnet()
      • enrichList() - accessor for mem@enrichList
      • mem2dfs() - create series of data.frame summarizing content, intended for export to Excel xlsx.
      • mem2xlsx() - direct export to Excel xlsx, calling mem2dfs().
    • behaviors

      • multiEnrichMap() returns Mem object instead of list
      • mem_plot_folio() may store parameters in the Mem object
      • mem_gene_path_heatmap(), mem_enrichment_heatmap() could also store/retrieve parameters from the mem input object.
      • mem_plot_folio() optionally stores plots into mem to maintian consistent plot attributes
  • Consider Cnet object that inherits igraph?

    • It behaves as an igraph object except its class is helpful for generic functions: plot.Cnet(), layout.Cnet(), relayout.Cnet()
    • Unclear if S3 object type is preferred since it could inherit igraph (S3 object) characteristics.
  • Consider subgraph.Cnet() or subgraph.igraph() functions

    • Main purpose is to subset the layout as well as nodes.


  • Remove all require() checks, since they should already be in Dependencies.


  • Remove gsubs() which causes a warning upon loading multienrichjam. It conflicts with jamba::gsubs(). They have slightly different logic.

  • mem_plot_folio()

    • Enrichment heatmap should define row_title to match pathway_column_title, LETTERS by default. It currently shows numbers.


  • mem_plot_folio() - option to support RMarkdown output

    • Provide optional wrapper for RMarkdown output, specifically to print headings/tabs for each plot produced.
    • Slight downside is there isn't an easy way to configure a unique figure size for each plot, so plot sizes are at the mercy of the Rmd chunk options fig.height, fig.width.
    • One implementation option is to allow hook_preplot and hook_postplot to allow the user to run a custom function before and after each plot is drawn. That feels too complicated, when the main driver is just to print an RMarkdown header.
    • Investigate whether each Markdown tab can define a new figure size.


  • importIPAenrichment()

    • DONE. Consider handling gene identifiers so that the default behavior refers to each enriched gene by the original input gene symbol, and not the IPA-generated gene symbol. Some considerations:

      • The main driver is to associate pathway genes to the input data, using the same identifier as the input data. Sometimes IPA assigns its own name which will not match the input data.

      • We may consider that data integration (comparison across enrichments) may perform better by comparing via IPA Symbol. Consider the example "HSPA1A/HSPA1B", one experiment may find "HSPA1A" significant, another may find "HSPA1B" significant. According to IPA, these results are equivalent, in which case the IPA symbol "HSPA1A/HSPA1B" would allow them to use the same identifier.

      • Sometimes the "user input" is a platform ID, such as Affymetrix probe. In this case may not be preferable to use the "user input". In this case it may be convenient for data integration, but less convenient when trying to recognize gene symbols as labels.

      • This step requires "Analysis Ready Molecules" is available, and follows expected convention used by Ingenuity.

      • When multiple genes are combined to "one entity" by IPA, and only one input symbol is retained in the "Analysis Ready Molecules". The driving use case: "HSPA1A" and "HSPA1B" are combined to one gene entry "HSPA1A/HSPA1B" by IPA. They are considered one gene for the purpose of enrichment. If one or both genes were significant, they would appear as "HSPA1A/HSPA1B" by IPA. The "Analysis Ready Molecules" will list one symbol "HSPA1B" as exemplar, and no entry will appear for "HSPA1A". In this case there are two options:

        1. Use only the IPA assigned input symbol as provided: "HSPA1B". IMPLEMENTED with revert_ipa_xref=TRUE (new default).
        2. Split the IPA multi-symbol label into component parts "HSPA1A" and "HSPA1B". In this case, we need the user to supply the actual gene hits, so we retain only the gene hit the user provided. NOT IMPLEMENTED.
        3. Leave the entry as "HSPA1A/HSPA1B", however this symbol will not match any input gene hit list, or other expression data matrix. IMPLEMENTED with revert_ipa_xref=FALSE.
    • Consider retaining the header section with analysis details, at least for text input.

  • multiEnrichMap()

    • Sometimes the gene rows in geneIM do not match gene rows in memIM, causing an error downstream. The problem appears to happen when the gene hit list does not match all entries in memIM, causing geneIM to have fewer rows.
    • One solution is to reduce memIM - not ideal because we do not want to lose data.
    • Another option is to expand geneIM - which requires inferring the incidence matrix. For directional data, it would impose 1 regardless of the intended directionality, since no other source is available.


  • edge bundling

    • Between two communities currently calculates the "central path" between the group centroids. Consider calculating the "central path" between the points with edges between the two communities.


  • igraph adjustment scripting language?

    • Combines:

      • nudge_igraph_nodes(): Fuscobac::x:0.01:y:-0.02
      • adjust_cnet_nodeset(): nodeset:A::degrees:45:x0.1:y-0.05:percent_spacing:7
      • apply_nodeset_spacing(): nodeset:B::percent_spacing:7
  • adjust_cnet_nodeset(), apply_nodeset_spacing()

    • Debug issue where label.dist and label.degrees are defined for subset of nodes, leaving other node attributes NA - which causes an error in jam_igraph(). Occurs when only one nodeset is adjusted.
    • Debug issue where percent_spacing fails in adjust_cnet_nodeset() when supplying custom nodegroups from community detection, and are not proper Cnet nodesets.


  • mem_gene_path_heatmap() - lower priority but could be useful

    • Consider interactive view (plotly? InteractiveComplexHeatmap?) to enable hover text with the enrichment P-value, gene count, z-score. Could be particularly useful with directional output.

    • Consider optionally labeling the significant dots?

      • P-value
      • z-score
      • number of genes.
  • mem_legend() - lower priority, eventually necessary

    • Consider using ComplexHeatmap::Legend() for consistency with other legends, and to allow combining multiple legends together.
  • S4 object mem (or MEM?) - higher priority - sooner the better

    • streamlined data content:

      • geneIM (im, direction, colors): matrix objects

      • enrichIM, (pvalues, direction, geneCount, colors): matrix objects

      • memIM: matrix object

      • enrichList: list of enrichResult objects

      • colorV: character vector of colors per enrichment

      • colnames: character column assignment (consider omitting to enforce standardized colnames)

      • omit: multiEnrichMap - in favor of mem_plot_folio(), memIM2cnet()

      • omit: multiCnetPlot - in favor of mem_multienrichplot()

      • optional: store output from mem_plot_folio() to keep a series of plots coordinated, using the same options: pathway_column_split, gene_row_split, enrich_im_weight, gene_im_weight, column_method, row_method (rename column_method to pathway_method?)

      • optional enrichment_hm: Heatmap output from mem_enrichment_heatmap()?

    • methods:

      • mem_plot_folio(), supporting functions: mem_gene_path_heatmap(), mem_enrichment_heatmap(), mem2cnet()
      • enrichList() - accessor for mem@enrichList
      • mem2dfs() - create series of data.frame summarizing content, intended for export to Excel xlsx.
      • mem2xlsx() - direct export to Excel xlsx, calling mem2dfs().
    • behaviors

      • multiEnrichMap() creates MEM object instead of list by default
      • mem_gene_path_heatmap(), mem_enrichment_heatmap() could also store/retrieve parameters from the mem input object.
      • mem_plot_folio() optionally stores plots into mem to maintian consistent plot attributes
  • mem_plot_folio()

    • argument do_which - consider accepting character string terms, e.g. "enrichment_hm", "gp_hm", "cnet_collapse_set"

    • Consider new argument clusters_mem for these uses:

      • allow user-defined pathway clusters
      • allow user-defined pathway subsets (missing pathways are dropped)
  • collapse_mem_clusters()

    • When provided mpf$clusters_mem as list it may result in singlet genes not connected to any pathways - these should (by default) be removed.
  • jam_igraph() - debug

    • Apparently sometimes with singlet gene nodes it produces an error: "Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : !anyNA(x) is not TRUE" traceback pointed to this line: sf::st_polygon(list(polym)) at jamenrich-igraphshapes.R#1635


  • mem_gene_path_heatmap()

    • Consider option to place the caption elsewhere.

      • Problem: The caption sometimes covers part of the color legend in the bottom-right corner.
      • Another workaround might be to customize the legend layout, so it is not blocked by the caption.
  • mem_plot_folio(), mem_gene_path_heatmap()

    • Consider a workflow to merge pathway clusters, to allow flexibility in how pathway clusters are defined.

      • Problem: Pathway clusters are sometimes defined inconsistently, where clusters "A" and "B" might be nearly identical.
      • Problem: It might be visually apparent how to sub-divide pathways, the user may need a mechanism to define pathways to specific clusters.


  • mem_gene_path_heatmap()

    • consider adding column top_annotation with pathway directionality, equivalent to the left_annotation used for gene directionality.
    • Add row and column annotation padding by default, to help distinguish the central heatmap from the left and top annotations.
  • multiEnrichMap()


  • DONE. multiEnrichMap()

    • DONE. geneHitIM and geneHitList are not behaving as intended, nor consistently. They should be interchangeable and equivalent. When geneHitIM is supplied, it populates geneIMdirection but not geneIM. When geneHitList is supplied, it populates geneIM but not geneIMdirection. When either are supplied, they should populate the relevant row in geneIM and geneIMdirection.


  • Currently it is cumbersome to edit pathway labels. It could be done for the mem object itself, however the adjustment might need to be different for different plot outputs: heatmap may not work well using word-wrap, while Cnet plots might work best with word-wrap. Publication figures might need an abbreviated label to save plot space.

  • mem_plot_folio()

    • Consider argument to enable custom adjustment of pathway labels.
  • mem_gene_path_heatmap()

    • DONE. Consider argument gene_annotations to enable "geneIM", "geneIMdirection".
    • DONE. When mem$geneIMdirection is present, include directionality in the gene clustering step.
    • REWRITTEN ABOVE. Consider option to display pathway z-score (mem$pathwayIMdirection) similar to display of mem$geneIMdirection. New argument pathway_annotations.


  • DONE. Debug issue when rendering edge arrow heads, they look wonky.

  • Remove dependency on sf in adjust_polygon_border()

    • use polyclip package as it is much more lightweight, without requiring RGEOS, LWGEOM, other world globe map-coordinate based libraries which are not easily compiled on all computer systems using R.
  • Consider porting deconcat_df2() to jamba for wider re-use by jam packages that would not otherwise need dependency on multienrichjam.

  • Consider vectorizing edge arrow size

    • Currently all edge arrows must be the same size (the same limitation is present with igraph::plot()).
    • This is a niche feature, arrows are rarely used in multienrichjam, and use of differently-sized arrows does not have a driving use case. (This feature is unlikely to move forward until needed.)
  • Consider ggraph compatibility in future.

    • Many R packages use ggraph for igraph plotting, so it might make sense for consistency to offer this feature. The output ggplot objects can be combined into larger figures using patchwork or cowplot easier than using base R plot() functions.
    • My preference not to use ggraph is mainly because the returned ggplot object is not a useful network graph, it is only the instructions for visualization. As such, the layout, node customization, is not persistent outside the ggplot object. The package clusterProfiler migrated to ggraph and now all the returned objects are not useful because they cannot (easily) be customized and analyzed.
    • However ggraph does not offer pie nor coloredrectangle node shapes.
    • Note that pie nodes can be emulated with geom_pie() but (1) is painfully slow to render because it is not vectorized, (2) does not use inner borders, which allow adjacent wedge borders to be shown beside each other without overlapping.
    • Task is to add new geom for jampie node shape that accepts pie wedge border colors drawn as inner border, with optional outer border color that also does not overlap the optional inner border.
    • Another task is to implement edge bundling using ggraph compatible methods. It involves calculating edge bundles, then rendering the curved edges, optionally with arrow heads.
    • Ultimately a utility function jam_ggraph() may be the ggraph equivalent of jam_igraph() for plotting igraph objects.


  • Integrate directionality with more steps in the workflow:

    • mem_gene_path_heatmap()

      • Consider option to display direction of change in row (gene) annotations for each enrichment. Could display with or without enrichment-colored results?
  • Create bookdown documentation

    • Should it use a separate Github repository? (Probably yes.) It looks like "jokergoo/circlize_book" is the repo for the bookdown site.
  • Refactor multiEnrichMap() - maybe new function multienrichjam()?

    • create mem S4 object with slots, print, summary functions

      • suggested methods:

        • plot() could default to mem_gene_path_heatmap() to show all data
        • print() could print summary of content: enrichments, pathways, genes
        • consider - convert to wide data.frame summary?
        • memIM(), geneIM(), enrichIM() convenient access to slot data
        • convenient way to get list format for IMs?
      • slots:

        • memIM: gene/pathway matrix
        • geneIM: gene/enrichment matrix
        • enrichIM: pathway/enrichment
        • geneIMdirection: optional direction per gene/enrichment
        • geneIMcolors: colors assigned per gene/enrichment
        • enrichIMdirection: optional direction (z-score) per pathway/enrichment
        • enrichIMcolors: colors assigned per pathway/enrichment
        • enrichIMgeneCount: integer number of genes per pathway/enrichment
    • remove steps that create embedded Cnet and Emap igraph objects:

      • multiCnetPlot, multiCnetPlot1, multiCnetPlot1b, multiCnetPlot2
      • multiEnrichMap, multiEnrichMap2
      • multiEnrichDF - consider saving data.frame with clear name
      • multiEnrichResult - What content is stored here?


  • New object classes:

    • "mem": store output from multiEnrichMap()

      • (Essentially a formal replacement for list format used currently.)

      • memIM

      • enrichIM, enrichIMcolors, enrichIMdirection

      • geneIM, geneIMcolors, geneIMdirection

      • geneHitList

      • colorV

      • params:

        • p_cutoff (from argument cutoffRowMinP)
        • min_count
        • topEnrichN
        • pvalueColname
        • directionColname
    • "mem_plots": store mem_plot_folio() data for re-use.

  • New wrapper function multienrich() to replace multiEnrichMap()?

    • streamlined refactor and replacement for multiEnrichMap()
    • avoids defining Cnet and Emap data, pushing into mem_plot_folio()
    • reduces arguments by removing all visualization arguments
    • consider storing memIM data as SummarizedExperiment for convenient use with ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap() via jamses::heatmap_se().
    • returns mem object.
  • Update mem_plot_folio()

    • input mem object

    • add mem2emap() plot output.

    • consider using jamses::heatmap_se() for heatmap functions

      • it adds jamses as dependency, along with its dependencies
      • it puts pressure to refactor the jamses contrast stats code
      • should jamses::heatmap_se() be moved to new package focused only on SummarizedExperiment heatmaps?
      • See Bioconductor package sechm which is much less capable, but has the same inspiration. It provides row scaling (ack) as a recommended (!) option. (Problematic, sorry to say. For gene expression data, the magnitude of change is important, and matters. To rescale the numeric range for consistency is counter to the biology, and to the technology. The technology has measurement limitations, for which seeing the actual numeric differences is important for assessing whether changes are reliable from that platform. These differences also transfer into follow-up confirmation assays, where changes below a threshold are not feasible to confirm. In general, gene (transcript or protein) expression fold changes are relatively consistently measured for each gene, so to enhance the apparent fold change of one gene to fit the fold change of another gene is not necessary, certainly not by default.)
  • Consider new R package for SummarizedExperiment heatmaps

    • move jamses::heatmap_se() into this package
    • move platjam::design2colors() into this package
    • minimize R package dependencies
  • R packages to review

    • Bioconductor package "ConsensusClusterPlus" which can be used to determine appropriate k values for k-means clustering, with metrics to assess consistency of cluster assignment.
    • "GeneTonic" function ggs_graph() produces a Cnet plot which they export to visIgraph() for interactivity; enrichment_map() creates EnrichMap.
    • "monaLisa" - motif enrichment, extends HOMER theme; nice heatmap Motif labels
    • "profileplyr" - coverage heatmap using tidyverse plyr syntax


  • DONE: reorder_igraph_nodes()

    • When orderByAspect=TRUE, and it detects tall-skinny aspect ratio, it appears to be applying the y-axis sorting bottom-to-top instead of top-to-bottom.
    • The culprit was spread_igraph_labels() default argument, changed from nodeSortBy=c("x", "y") to nodeSortBy=c("x", "-y").
  • mem_gene_path_heatmap()

    • Slightly increase the spacing between heatmap body and row/column annotations. Currently the gap between heatmap row/column split is identical to the gap between heatmap and row/column annotations, which makes it harder to distinguish one from the other.
    • The same can be accomplished using ComplexHeatmap::ht_opts() but the option is hard to remember, and would ideally need to be set back to the previous value after drawing the plot.


  • mem_plot_folio()

    • DONE: The enrichment dot plot (or enrichment heatmap) should be created after the gene-path heatmap is created, in order to define pathway clusters using gene content, rather than defining pathway clusters using the -log10(Pvalue) matrix.

      • The clusters derived from the P-value matrix are sometimes not very similar to the gene-pathway clustering result.
      • For this workflow, it makes the most sense to define pathway clusters upfront, then share those pathway clusters with all downstream visualizations.
      • Consider creating object class "mem_plots".
  • consider new function to convert IPA enrichment data to geneHitList

    • list element "Analysis Ready Molecules" is provided in the IPA output, and this data can be used to re-create the directional hit matrix used during import (if directionality such as fold change was provided to IPA).
  • consider new function to evaluate gene-pathway heatmap output

    • The driving use case is selecting pathway_column_split=5 upfront, but realizing perhaps 3 clusters would be preferred based upon the content.

      • Criteria for collapsing two pathway clusters together: either Jaccard similarity above 0.4, or correlation above 0.6.
      • Definitely requires more testing to determine appropriate default thresholds, or whether a reasonable data-driven threshold can be defined.
    • sometimes two clusters can and perhaps should be merged together

      • Create collapsed incidence matrix,
      • Calculate correlation,
      • Any two clusters with correlation >= 0.2 could be merged?
      • Alternatively, if more than 3 clusters would be merged, cancel to prevent merging too many clusters together.
  • consider new function to edit vertex attributes?

    • use case: existing igraph object nodes have attributes to modify:

      • sometimes modify only certain nodes: nodeType="Set" to edit labels
      • attributes in atomic vector form
      • attributes (pie.color, pie.border) in list form
      • also sometimes want to adjust colors - probably separate function
      • function returns igraph object with attribute modified and stored in the same state as present originally (e.g. atomic remains atomic; list remains list).
    • Which format seems most reasonable?

      gsub_vertex(g, pattern_l=list( nodeType=c(Set="^(WP|KEGG|BIOCARTA|GO|REACTOME)_")), replacement_l=list( nodeType=c(Set="")))

      * ```

      gsub_vertex(g, subset_attr_l=list(nodeType=c("Set")), pattern="^(WP|KEGG|BIOCARTA|GO|REACTOME)_", replacement="")

  • consider new function to adjust igraph node colors in all forms

    • modify all fill color attributes color, pie.color, coloredrect.color
    • modify all border attributes frame.color, pie.border, coloredrect.border
    • adjust frame.width, pie.lwd, coloredrect.lwd relative to each other. For example when pie.lwd and pie.border are both defined (and not transparent), frame.width=0.1, otherwise frame.width=2.


  • mem_plot_folio()

    • Debug edge cases where pathway_column_split=4 does not match the output number of column split following hierarchical clustering.
    • Debug edge case where there are not enough pathways or genes to support the gene-pathway heatmap workflow. E.g. only 1 or 2 pathways, or only 1 or 2 genes.
  • multiEnrichMap()

    • Debug error "multiEnrichMap(): geneHitIM does not contain 5 rows present in geneIM, default values will use 1."

      • Apparently when some rownames(mem$geneIM) are not found in rownames(geneHitIM).
      • Ideally change geneIMdirection so it does not store "+1" and instead shows zero or NA. Genes should be shown but without associated direction.
      • The message should describe how to find missing values so the user can debug the error.


  • reorder_igraph_nodes()

    • Currently orderByAspect=TRUE will order nodes based upon the aspect ratio of each nodeset.
    • Ideal world: when nodes are sorted by something like color, calculate the aspect ratio of nodes within that color. Situation: Assume a tall-skinny nodeset, sorted top-to-bottom by different colors. One color has 12 entries, the nodeset is 12 nodes wide, so this color appears horizontal among the other nodes. When sorting by border color, it goes top-to-bottom, which is not visually intuitive.
  • apply_cnet_direction()

    • DONE: changed default col to use colors: c("blue", "grey80", "firebrick3") with breaks c(-1, 0, 1).
  • change all frame.lwd to frame.width before frame.lwd is widely used.

    • consider backward compatibility: when frame.lwd is defined in an igraph object, copy its values into frame.width, then proceed using frame.width for all other operations.
  • mem_legend()

    • DONE: new argument pt.lwd=2 to control the line width used only for point borders, useful when do_direction=TRUE. The argument pt.lwd already gets passed to legend() however making it a formal argument here helps make the option more clear for users.
    • Auto-detect whether to enable do_direction=TRUE, by checking if any frame.color or pie.border are defined with red/blue colors. Bonus points for using the same colors defined in frame.color or pie.border, however that may be risky if those colors vary based upon some fold change value, or vary based upon contrasting with the node or pie fill color.
  • jam_igraph()

    • Consider handling V(g)$shape="circle" as shape "jampie" during rendering. Certain older Cnet plot igraph objects appear to break the default shape="circle" rendering, some cryptic error about names() not being defined when expected. The error does not appear with igraph::plot.igraph(), so it is specific to jam_igraph().

      • Possible workaround is to sidestep the problem by re-using the same shape="jampie" rendering method already implemented, which would keep all borders consistent when displaying a mixture of shape="circle" and shape="jampie" nodes.
      • Problem with that workaround, if a node has pie.color defined it will be used when shape="jampie" even if the user specified shape="circle" (which should only use color). In that case, when a shape="circle" node is being rendered internally as shape="jampie" it should first copy color into pie.color for those nodes; frame.color to pie.border; and frame.lwd (frame.width) to pie.lwd.


  • DONE: Fix bug with node rendering, caused by recent version of igraph adding vertex.frame.width (and not vertex.frame.lwd ugh).

    • NULL or missing vertex.frame.width causes an error. Ultimately caused by no default value defined in the custom function default_igraph_values(), which was necessary to create since igraph does not export that function.
    • FIXED by adding vertex.frame.width to default values.
    • Longer term fix is to replace all references to vertex.frame.lwd with vertex.frame.width, before the precedent is set.
  • Fix errors caused by "stringsAsFactors=TRUE"

    • DONE: rank_mem_clusters()
  • Fix errors caused when there is only one (or zero) genes.

    • mem_gene_path_heatmap() and mem_plot_folio()


  • mem_enrichment_heatmap() color legend changes:

    • Show actual P-value c(1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.001, 10^-4, etc.) using expression for labels, and continue using -log10(p) for color assignment.
    • Add this argument heatmap_legend_param=list(break_dist=1) which causes the numeric labels to be evenly spaced, instead of having the labels at uneven intervals, often with angled lines connecting to the color legend.
    • Option for discrete color legend? I.e. Show colors only at the labels, and not show the intervening gradient. It is more difficult to show abrupt transitions, e.g. it would need to show c(1, 0.051, 0.05, 0.01) in order to show that 0.051 is not colorized, but 0.05 is colorized. The smooth gradient is actually more effective at conveying that effect without additional labels.


  • Nodes with shape="jampie" and frame.lwd=0 are still rendering the frame color outside the inner borders. When frame.lwd=0 there should be no frame drawn even when frame.color is defined with a color.

  • Big picture musing: Consider replacing base R plotting functions with corresponding grid functions.

    • The vwline R package (P. Murrell) is capable of drawing internal/external lines.
    • The gridGraphics package also provides better methods of clipping curved lines to the edge of a node border for example.
    • Major downside, it would likely involve rewriting all the igraph node shape functions into corresponding grid format. It is effectively similar to repeating much of ggraph, except that this approach can be customized. The ggraph approach in ggplot2 is more or less untouchable in terms of providing customization. Ugh.
    • Another option may be to figure out how to add custom node shapes to ggraph, then use vwline/gridGraphics for rendering. Also need to write custom edge bundling function, since those in ggraph are wholly insufficient. Yeah, this is a no for now.


  • reorder_igraph_nodes(), reorderIgraphNodes()

    • DONE: method to specify specific nodes or nodesets to be reordered
    • motivation is to allow sorting based upon relative aspect ratio of nodes, so a nodeset whose nodes are "tall-skinny" can be sorted top-to-bottom, and nodeset whose nodes are "short-wide" can be sorted left-to-right. Frankly, not sure if the inconsistency works for all network layouts, but for sure the top-to-bottom is not ideal for "tall-skinny" nodesets, it is not visually intuitive.
  • consider new igraph shapes, intended to enable inner/outer border, frame.lwd

    • Do these make sense?
      • shape.jamcircle.plot() - enable custom frame.lwd for shape="circle"
      • others: square, csquare, rectangle, vrectangle
  • label_communities()

    • generalize this method to determine keywords most represented in any set of pathway names.


  • Low priority visual enhancement, color Cnet edges by Set.

    • Consider coloring Cnet edges by categorical color, by Set It may help clarify node groupings, while also reinforcing which edges connect to particular nodesets. Unclear whether added color would be confusing or beneficial.
    • Referring to Neely et al paper in ACR Open Rheumatology: "Gene Expression Meta-Analysis Reveals Concordance in Gene Activation, Pathway and Cell-Type Enrichment in Dermatomyositis (DM) Target Tissues"
    • They show Cnet-type plot in Figure 4A, where connections from each set were categorically colored


  • Low priority: It may be useful to create vectorized functions:

    • polygon()

      • enable multiple line widths for multiple polygons split by NA coordinates.
      • enable optional inner and outer borders with varying widths
    • text(): enable multiple family, srt

    • lines(): enable multiple col, lty, lwd for split lines, similar to segments() except enabled for multiple lines split by NA coordinates.


  • jam_igraph()

    • Return the input igraph object with all relevant object attributes updated to reflect the plot parameters. The returned object could be plotted directly without any customization.
    • Consider storing/using edge coordinates inside the igraph object. However, whenever layout is re-calculated, edge coordinates would likely become invalid. It would be tricky to handle.
  • edge bundling and edge clipping integration

    • DONE: Most scenarios described below.

    • Currently, linear edges are clipped at connected node boundaries.

    • When edges are slightly curved, the start and end positions are reasonable.

    • When edges are bundled, and especially when nodes are relatively large, the edge curves through the node in a different direction than a linear edge.

    • This situation is not a visualization problem when:

      1. nodes are not filled with transparent color, and
      2. edges are not drawn with arrows.
    • The situation is only a visible problem when:

      1. edges have arrows that would now be partly or fully covered by the node, or
      2. nodes that are filled with partial or fully transparent color, thus showing the edge underneath.
    • Proper edge clipping would probably be done by calculating the edge from the node actual center point, then clipping edge where it exits the node shape border.

    • Implementation may benefit from storing the edge coordinates as an edge attribute, to be used by the clipping function when present. Absence of custom edge coordinates would cause the clipping function to use linear edge coordinates.

      • The plot function could also use stored edge coordinates as opposed to calling edge bundling function; alternatively the edge bundling function could simply re-use existing edge coordinates as well.


  • jam_igraph(), proposed drop-in replacement for igraph:::plot.igraph():

    • FIXED: This function does not seem to handle edge arrows, nor does it shorten edges based upon node sizes.
    • bonus points for node/edge legend functions
    • When layout is not defined, the xlim/ylim values sometimes do not match the dynamic layout calculated on the fly.
  • igraph shape "ellipse"

    • DONE: it should have a proper "clip" function, in order for edge arrows to appear at the border of each node
  • igraph "coloredrectangle" shape

    • DONE: The coloredrect.border should also be capable of adjacent lines that do not overlap.


  • reorder_igraph_nodes()

    • DONE: to be fancy, it should also propagate changes to label.dist and, as created by spread_igraph_labels(), since switching coordinates for two nodes should also switch the and label.dist associated with those coordinates.
  • jam_igraph()

    • It shows some lag before plotting all nodes vectorized, check if the edge bundling is the slow step, and optimize as needed. UPDATE: Yes the edge bundling step is introducing lag; or the resulting curved lines are being plotted slowly? Another good reason to store edge bundle coordinates in the igraph.
  • mem_legend()

    • consider using ComplexHeatmap::Legend() for consistency with future Cnet-Heatmap usage, and because that mechanism is really nice.
  • Refactor multiEnrichMap()

    • likely create new function multienrich() so multiEnrichMap() can be deprecated and remain for backward compatibility.

    • Avoid pre-calculating Cnet and Emap graphs. Counterpoint: It could call mem_plot_folio() with defaults, and store results back into the multienrichResult.

    • Consider multienrichResult object type?

      • could hold what is now a list object, with proper slot names.
      • custom print()/summary() function to display summary info about number of genes, pathways, etc.
    • Consider multienrichPlot object type? No, the decision is to re-use multienrichResult.

      • Benefit is simplicity: this object feeds all downstream plots.
      • The negative is that it requires saving a separate multienrichResult with alternative clustering if necessary.
      • Main goal is to define the gene-pathway clustering, then re-use clusters in subsequent steps without having to repeat the clustering the same way. If one uses custom clustering in mem_plot_folio() to produce gene-pathway heatmap, they have to use the same arguments in subsequent steps otherwise the clusters will differ, and it is not clearly indicated to be a problem.
    • mem_plot_folio() may likely return the multienrichResult after updating internally stored data. It should have option to use existing results.

  • Write a more directed vignette showing at least two common use cases:

    1. Enrichment using clusterProfiler::enricher(), then multi-enrichment.
    2. Enrichment using Qiagen Ingenuity IPA (outside of R) then importing the files produced using "Export All" from within the Ingenuity IPA app.
    3. Enrichment using some other external (non-R) tool, for example DAVID.
  • Write a vignette focused solely on Cnet plot custom layout options. Background:

    • Very common workflow results in Cnet plot to summarize the findings.

    • This Cnet plot has often been included as a figure or supplementary figure for a paper, therefore it requires manual adjustments to increase legibility and clarity of the figure.

    • Adjust individual nodes: nudge_igraph_node(). Note this function can be called on a list of nodes using nodes_xy, or using vectors with nodes, x, y.

    • Adjust sets of nodes:

      • adjust_cnet_nodeset() - Usually for sub-clusters of gene nodes, move the whole group, adjust intra-group node spacing, or rotate the group around the group center.
      • apply_nodeset_spacing() - Apply a minimum spacing between nodes, for each nodeset.
      • adjust_cnet_set_relayout_gene() - Adjust "Set" nodes manually, then fix them in place but allow "Gene" nodes to move during re-layout, usually with relayout_with_qfr()
    • Adjust all nodes:

      • layout_with_qfr(), layout_with_qfrf(), relayout_with_qfr() - All are wrappers to qgraph::qgraph.layout.fruchtermanreingold() with convenient defaults. layout_with_qfr() returns coordinates; layout_with_qfrf() returns a layout function with user-defined repulse argument; relayout_with_qfr() updates layout in-place for an igraph object, storing in graph_attr(g, "layout").
      • rotate_igraph_layout() - rotate the layout coordinates by some user-defined degree angle.
      • spread_igraph_labels() - positions node labels radially around nodes, based upon the average incoming edge angle.
      • reorder_igraph_nodes() - within each nodeset, reposition nodes in order of node color, border color, then label. A nodeset is defined as a set of nodes that all share the same connections, which is mostly only useful for bipartite graphs such as Cnet plots. This function performs the node re-ordering for all nodesets, across the whole igraph object.
    • plot with jam_igraph()

      • Vectorized plotting when multiple shapes are used, otherwise igraph::plot() uses a for() to iterate each node.
      • Improved pie rendering, also vectorized.
      • Convenience methods to adjust node size, node label font size, node label distance
      • Optional shadow text node labels
      • Maintain aspect ratio = 1, so nodes are symmetrically spaced along each axis (defined by the layout algorithm used.)
      • optionally render node groups using mark.groups
      • Call edge bundling, especially useful for bipartite graphs such as Cnet plots.
      • Optionally draw background grid with percent layout units.
  • add dev functions layout_cnet() and related iterative layout functions.


  • mechanism to store edge coordinates in igraph object

    • to my knowledge, this functionality does not exist in igraph, nor is it represented in ggraph or tidygraph objects. However tidygraph may have capability to supply specific edge coordinates if they exist, so it might be the closest to implementing this feature.

    • igraph::plot() is not equipped to use edge coordinates

    • ggraph is not equipped to use edge coordinates, it only creates edge coordinates based upon the edge geom_ being used.

    • The driving use case is to define edge coordinates to handle:

      1. edge bundling, a procedure that could be done dynamically, but is computationally expensive for large numbers of nodes;
      2. custom edge pathing, specifically for pathway schematics, such as those generated when using GraphViz DOT format. While the DOT format generates and stores edge coordinates, I could not find examples in R that import a fully-described DOT file (with edge coordinates embedded) that also imported edge coordinates.
    • Reasons to want edge coordinates upfront:

      • pre-calculate edge bundling, saving time during rendering
      • allow custom definition of edges, for example in a pathway schematic where edges are positioned to avoid overlaps.
      • calculate better label placement by using the angle of incoming edges, not limited to the linear vector from node1 to node2.
    • Issues raised when storing edge coordinates:

      • Obviously, whenever the node layout coordinates are changed, the edges also need to be changed.
      • rotate_igraph_layout() could rotate nodes and all edges together.
      • nudge_igraph_node() and adjust_cnet_nodeset() must decide whether to adjust edges by simple scaling, or simply invalidate all edges, then force the user to re-calculate edge coordinates.
    • useful helper functions

      • validate_edge_coords() - Test whether edge coordinates match node coordinates. If not, then delete or replace edges with linear equivalent.
      • adjust_edge() - Wrapper function to adjust the curvature, placement, rotation, of edges. Could be called when rotating node layout, to rotate edges accordingly.
      • bundle_edges() - Wrapper to apply bundling to one set of edges together as a group. Optionally define specific coordinate(s) through which the bundling loess curve is routed.
      • fancy options like routing edges with preference for vertical/horizontal pathing, with slight curvature at right angle turns. Often used in schematic diagrams.
      • fancy "subway" style options, where bundled edges are allowed to remain visible adjacent to other edges along their path. Edges could "snap" to nearby edges in the same bundle.


  • get_cnet_nodeset()

    • This function is called several times by internal functions, and could therefore be much faster than currently.
    • Refactor by using igraph::as_adjacency_matrix(). Subset rows for nodeType="Gene" and columns for nodeType="Set". Then should be able to convert rapidly by venndir::im2list() or some pasteByRow() magic, produce nodeset per node (row). Finally, split node names by nodeset.
  • node adjustment to prevent label overlaps

    • Idea: "stretch" out nodeset nodes "to the right", which fixes the left edge of the nodeset, then expands the node spacing outward as fraction of current range of nodeset nodes. For example, expand to the right by 10%, to improve side-to-side spacing, since label overlaps typically occur with nodes at the same y-level.
    • Stretch nodes "to the left" would work the same, but fixes the right x-coordinate range, and expands the left x-coordinate range.
    • Stretch nodes "to the top", and "to the bottom" work similarly.
    • Future idea to reduce node label overlap is to treat it like biscuit dough under a rolling pin. Stretch subset of nodes in each direction until the labels no longer overlap. The trick is to stretch nodes away from other nodesets, so it does not cause new overlaps with other nodes.
  • adjust_cnet_nodeset()

    • Consider option to restrict "expand" to x- or y-axis expansion. Basic idea is to limit expansion to "widen" the node spacing, or to make node spacing "taller". The "widen" option is helpful to reduce label overlaps for nodes directly beside each other.
  • spread_igraph_labels()

    • ideal case: somehow take into account the edge bundling to calculate input angle to each node, rather than straight vector from node to node.
    • node_groups - spread labels relative to node group centroid, so labels in this cluster of nodes will be spaced out from each other. Bonus points for taking into account the overall average input angle to nodes in each group, and applying a fraction of that offset along with the node-to-group offset. For example, for a node group in the top right, they generally point to the top-right, but are fanned out slightly so the bottom-left-most node is not fanned out to bottom-left, but maybe center, or only slightly bottom-left of the node.
  • new layout functions specific for Cnet plots

    • iterate_qfr_layout() - R code version of qgraph::qgraph.layout.fruchtermanreingold() with custom addition of node "shells", and option to call iterate_node_group_distance()

    • iterate_node_group_distance() - R layout intended only to enforce separation across node groups (defined by get_cnet_nodeset()) so there is additional space between nodesets in the layout.

    • layout_cnet() - wrapper function that calls rounds of layouts. This series of steps is currently the best default layout to generate the most readable Cnet plot possible.

      1. initial node placement - qfr layout without node/group distance
      2. node spacing - qfr with node distance
      3. node/group spacing - qfr with node and group distance 4a. imposed nodeset percent spacing
      4. group spacing - "fix" node layout per nodeset, then layout nodesets
      5. detect best rotation to place first "Set" node top-left, then rotate
      6. spread labels, re-order nodes by color/border.
    • Other ideas:

      1. Try the new bubble_force() calculation for minimum distance, instead of the linear desired distance force.
      2. Consider constraining all Gene nodes, then allow only Set nodes to move. Goal is to prevent Set nodes from being embedded inside Gene nodes due to overall net forces.
      3. Optional fixed coordinate range, to prevent layouts from becoming infinitely large, thus endless cycle of imposing minimum precent spacing, making the range larger, thus making the spacing smaller, etc. etc. It means when a force would push a node/group out of bounds, it gets stopped at the boundary/boundaries. Hopefully because forces are applied to both node1 and node2, when node1 cannot move, node2 should still move albeit at half speed.
      4. Really pie in the sky: Use the node size and shape to calculate distance between nodes, nearest polygon distance for example. Probably also a processing non-starter since it would add overhead to the calculations, however it is the type of thing that could be parallelized during each iteration. No idea how efficient it would be to split threads during each iteration.
    • Code it in Rust, use R package expandr to integrate the Rust function into the package via an R function. Follow C++ code steps used by qgraph:::qgraph_layout_Cpp(). It doesn't seem that these layout iterations are particularly good for multi-threading, however.

      • each iteration could be multi-threaded. Threads could share one distance matrix, the extract values when needed. Or threads could share node coordinates, then calculate distance when needed on the fly. If fast enough, distance matrix (and memory allocation) could be avoided, just do the math when needed.
      • Look for Rust libraries for geometric calculations.
  • mem_gene_path_heatmap()

    • add option to display gene incidence matrix (left annotation) using geneIMdirection colors, to represent up/down.
  • add plot_cnet_heatmaps()

    • make default arguments as minimal and close to default settings as possible


  • adjust_cnet_nodeset()

    • COMPLETE: add minimum percent spacing, similar to apply_nodeset_spacing() except to operate on only one nodeset at a time.


  • shape.jampie.plot() which calls jam_mypie():

    • When drawing borders for multiple pie shapes, the overlapping border are overdrawn, hiding all but the last border drawn.

    • Instead, draw border inside the polygon edge, so the borders are adjacent and not overlapping.

    • Quick survey revealed no drop-in replacement polygon() functions.

    • Workaround involves sf::st_buffer() to calculate a buffer inside each polygon, creating a "donut" filled with the border color. In principle, this issue tends to occur in relatively few nodes for typical Cnet plots, however it could be substantial performance hit.

      1. Each polygon, convert to corresponding sf::st_polygon object
      2. Call sf::st_buffer().
      3. Create polygon from original border, inner buffer border. Or split the original polygon at this border, apply color to the outer and inner polygons. This way the border and fill colors are drawn together so nodes are "complete".


  • multiEnrichMap()

    • accept p_cutoff and deprecate cutoffRowMinP for future removal. p_cutoff is used in other package functions, as is min_count.
  • mem_enrichment_heatmap()

    • problem: style="dotplot" and style="heatmap" have very different visual effects, the dotplot de-emphasizes significance in favor of gene count (point size) - smaller gene count hides significance. The pale bivalent colors are very close to white, while "Reds" color gradient is much more distinctive.
    • Can try transforming point size, so the minimum size starts out larger? Arguments point_size_min=3 and point_size_max=10 may help?
    • Another more dramatic option is to create normal heatmap, then just draw points on top of the already-filled cells. Note the points would be inside the boxes, instead of connected by lines through the center of each box. Could test with style="hybrid" and implement both.


  • S4 objects?

    • mem:

      • Idea is to have one object type to handle output from multiEnrichMap()
      • benefit is mostly to have default behaviors for things like print() but also for clarity during the workflow. The mem object can be clear input to other functions.
    • cnet:

      • inherits igraph and extends assumptions, again mainly for clarity as input argument to other functions
  • mem_gene_path_heatmap()

    • option to display dot plot format at the top of heatmaps, equivalent to calling mem_enrichment_heatmap(). Benefit would be to indicate direction (color) and number of genes (size) in addition to P-value (intensity).
  • fix reorderIgraphNodes()

    • DONE: add "frame.color": sortAttributes=c("pie.color", "pie.color.length", "coloredrect.color", "color", "pie.border", "frame.color", "label", "name")

    • future: make sort more intelligent, so it uses appropriate color based upon node shape during the sort.

      • shape="pie": use "pie.color", "pie.border", "frame.color", "label", "name"
      • shape="coloredrect": use "coloredrect.color", "coloredrect.border", "frame.color", "label", "name"
      • all others assumed to be shape="circle" or similar: use "color", "frame.color" and ignore "pie.color", "pie.border", "coloredrect.color", "coloredrect.border", "label", "name"
  • DONE: Include gene direction in the workflow:

    • DONE: Add geneIMdirection to mem object.

      • Requires geneHitIM input to multiEnrichMap().
      • Alternate backwards compatibility is function to add geneIMdirection to mem object, and/or cnet igraph object.
      • DONE: memIM2cnet() should optionally use enrichIMdirection to apply border color.
    • DONE: mem2cnet() as its own function, minor variation and extension to memIM2cnet() which only uses the memIM portion of the data.

    • jam_igraph() should recognize lwd when plotting nodes. This change diverges from default behavior in igraph which only uses par("lwd") as a global adjustment for all lines while plotting nodes, therefore does not allow any nodes to have different line widths.

    • DONE: Outline of Cnet gene nodes by direction.

    • Gene-Path heatmap rows should optionally indicate direction, possibly another stripe using geneIMdirection.

  • multiEnrichMap()

    • should call mem2cnet() - or just avoid this step altogether since the cnet process is better done with mem_plot_folio()
    • consider removing the enrichMap and cnet steps altogether.


  • mem_plot_folio()

    • FIXED: mem_enrichment_heatmap() does not honor do_plot=FALSE.
  • mem_enrichment_heatmap()

    • DONE: add argument cluster_rows to allow cluster_rows=FALSE.
    • DONE for manual plot calls: one goal is to draw this heatmap using the order from the gene-pathway heatmap clustering.
    • Future idea: allow plotting this data using the same order as the gene-pathway heatmap. This process would require running the gene-pathway clustering first, determining the column order, then using it to order the rows in this heatmap.


  • Now that jam_igraph() and node shapes "jampie" render the pie.border and frame.color, which can indicate the direction of change for each gene, in context of each enrichment test, some other changes should be made to the workflow:

    • Consider adding pie.lwd to recognized attributes in shape.jampie.plot(), but confirm that this argument can be used when rendering "jampie" node shapes. Currently the line width can only be adjusted with par("lwd") which is a global setting.

    • The default frame.color (vertex.frame.color) should probably be set to NA or "transparent" so the frame color is not visible for pie nodes. It shows up as a small white line now, which was not visible previously.

    • reorderIgraphNodes() should include pie.border and frame.color in sensible default locations, so nodes will also be sorted by these values when relevant, without the user having to add these columns.

    • New function to populate frame.color and pie.border for Cnet plots.

      • When pie has only one value, apply color to frame.color
      • When pie has multiple values, and different directions, apply colors to pie.border
      • When pie has multiple values, and all have the same direction, apply colors to frame.color
      • In absence of any directional data, set all frame.color to default, and set all pie.border to "transparent" or NA.
  • Need to include gene direction of change in the workflow:

    • Some easy method to include direction of change in the multiEnrichMap() workflow, for example argument geneHitList currently uses a character vector, but could accept integer vector direction with genes stored as character labels, same as used with venndir signed input lists.
    • When gene direction is available, the frame.color and/or pie.border colors are defined.
    • mem_gene_path_heatmap() option to represent direction of change in the gene_im incidence matrix.


  • Edge bundling makes assumptions for bipartite graphs (cnet) that are difficult to use with normal graphs.

    • edge_bundle_nodegroups() probably needs to subset edges involved in each nodegroup before bundling all edges connected to these nodes. Currently, nodes are assumed to share all connections, but the effect should occur for edges where both ends of the edge are contained in the nodegroup entries.
    • consider node attribute "nodegroup".
    • consider edge attribute "edgegroup", which would probably be the optimal approach for edge bundling, apart from implementing another technique similar to force-directed, hierarchically-defined, or density-directed edge bundling.
    • consider an option to specify the "midpoint" for a nodegroup, to allow some control on the spline curvature. Bonus points for allowing multiple points in order, to influence a path.
  • jam_igraph()

    • fancy effect: allow edge colors to have multiple values, then interpolate color along each edge. For bundled edges, make a gradient equal to the number of line segments. For straight edges, break into detail number of pieces. The detail argument is also used by the edge_bundle_*() functions.
  • subset igraph object by nodes, with added benefit that the graph_attr(g, "layout") will also be subset, if present. It is odd that the default igraph::subgraph() function would subset the graph, leaving the layout which inevitably causes an error.


  • mem_gene_pathway_heatmap()

    • would be useful to have an option to subset enrichments, this option would likely be useful to mem_plot_folio(), and mem_enrichment_heatmap(), so the effect could cascade to subsequent functions.
  • new function idea? subset_mem()

    • Could be useful to accomplish the item above, to subset by enrichments prior to mem_plot_folio() related functions.

    • The challenge is that subsetting only enrichIM does not also update corresponding memIM data. Data to be updated:

    • geneIM, geneIMcolors, geneIMdirection - simple subset by colnames

    • enrichIM, enrichIMcolors, enrichIMgeneCount - simple subset by colnames

    • memIM - re-create after updating geneIM

    • enrichList - simple subset by name

    • Others not necessary for mem_plot_folio():

      • multiEnrichMap, multiCnetPlot should be re-created using methods in multiEnrichMap(). To be fair, these objects are not that useful anymore, since mem_plot_folio() is generally preferred.


  • mem_gene_pathway_heatmap() when supplied with custom column_split throws an error when cluster_columns=TRUE.

    • internally it uses amap::hcluster() to generate a dendrogram/hclust
    • using split and dendrogram together is not allowed by ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap()
    • this clustering also uses the incidence matrix combined with the pathway enrichment annotation displayed along the top, and these values are weighted with pathway_column_weight.
    • A proper solution would be to provide a custom function for cluster_columns that internally combined the incidence matrix and enrichment matrix data together prior to clustering. If this function receives a numeric matrix with proper colnames, it should work.
  • COMPLETE: mem_plot_folio() argument gene_row_title=NULL is being passed to mem_gene_pathway_heatmap() and is therefore not using the default row_title=letters.

23mar2022 issue #7 passing arguments through ... in mem_plot_folio()

  • User reported an error when calling mem_plot_folio(mem, node_factor=5, label_factor=1.5)
  • mem_plot_folio() is passing ... to ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap() which does not accept ... and throws an error when receiving extra arguments.
  • I need to limit ... to arguments accepted by Heatmap(). I feel like there is an R package function to handle this scenario, so I can avoid writing, custom_args).


Workflow that starts with pathway-gene incidence matrix upfront, bypassing the multiEnrichMap() workflow altogether.

  • memIM2cnet() to convert pathway-to-gene incidence matrix to Cnet igraph.

    • Requires geneIM which is the enrichment-to-gene incidence matrix. In the driving example, each enrichment would represent a disease subgroup, with the full set of differential genes associated to each subgroup.
    • Requires enrichIM which contains enrichment-to-pathway whose values are P-values. When this data is not supplied, it should use 0.001 by default. I think these values are only used as an optional gradient color for the pathway nodes.
    • Optional geneIMcolors which is the same as geneIM except the cells contain colors to use for each gene. Currently the function does not fill these colors, the best method is to use colorjam::matrix2heatColors()
    geneIMcolors <- colorjam::matrix2heatColors(x=geneIM,


  • option to assign pathways to "functional themes" based upon presentation by Adeline Chin in Dr. Hanna Kim' group.

    • This step may "collapse" multiple pathways together, similar to grouping functional groups: union of genes, lowest enrichment P-value.


  • heatmap_row_order(), heatmap_column_order() should return a flat vector when there are no row_split or column_split, respectively. Currently data is returned as a list of one-length vectors.

    • Consider moving into jamba package, in case this function needs to be re-used, it should not require loading the full multienrichjam package, which itself requires things like igraph, clusterProfiler, qgraph, DOSE, matrixStats.
    • Import jamba::heatmap_row_order() and jamba::heatmap_column_order() to ensure any functions or packages calling this function will succeed without error.

This document describes plans for enhancements to the multienrichjam R package.


Now that directional z-score can also be associated with enrichment P-values, heatmaps might need to use a bivariate color scale, to indicate enrichment and directionality. See "stevens.bluered". For example the mem_enrichment_heatmap() colors nodes by enrichment P-value, more intense is more significant enrichment. The z-score direction is used to apply red "activated" or blue "inhibited". However, pathways with no z-score, or z-score below the threshold are colored red by default. They should use a neutral color.


For IPA "Upstream Regulators" it sometimes offers a direction implied by the activation z-score. Design idea is to implement the directionality so it can be included in downstream analyses.

  • mem_enrichment_heatmap() - currently shades by the -log10(pvalue) however if there is directionality, it could be signed + for activated, - for inhibited. Then the heatmap color scale would use blue-white-red color gradient.
  • mem$enrichIMdirection contains matrix of direction, by default 1 means all have same direction.

During multiEnrichMap() it filters for topEnrichN entries for each enrichment. It might be useful to retain the rank number for each enrichment, to review when setting a different topEnrichN threshold.

  • mem$enrichIMgeneCount contains matrix of gene counts
  • mem$enrichIMrank contains matrix of pathway rank (after filtering gene count)


  • COMPLETE: mem_enrichment_heatmap() - the heatmap circles and legend circles are not the same size - they should be fixed to the same absolute size.

    • COMPLETE: Optionally label each heatmap cell with the number of genes for visual reinforcement.
  • COMPLETE: When there are more than 3 enrichments, the color legend on the gene-pathway heatmap becomes unwieldy - taking over the whole figure.

    • Optionally (and by default) hide color legend for the gene-pathway heatmap.
  • COMPLETE: The gene-pathway heatmap use_raster=TRUE causes artifacts in output, it should be disabled by default. In future, debug why things go wrong.

    • I think the bug is caused by rasterization being done on underlying numbers before the color ramp is applied, in which case this problem cannot be solved when colorize_by_gene=TRUE since categorical values are assigned numbers which are not a proper color gradient.


  • Replace multiEnrichMap() with multienrichjam() and simplify the arguments:

    • p_cutoff
    • min_gene_count
    • top_enrich_n
    • colnames: id, name, description, pvalue, gene
    • color_sub
  • Port mem_enrichment_heatmap() argument colorize_by_gene=TRUE to use ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap() instead of jamba::imageByColors() for consistency, also so it can support style="dotplot".


  • jam_igraph() with rescale=TRUE should also scale igraph vertex size and igraph label size according to the new axis ranges.
  • Debug jam_igraph() when vertex.size is defined alongside V(g)$size, and node_factor. It appears not to apply the size properly.
  • COMPLETE: mem_enrichment_heatmap() new option for dot plot format, based upon enrichplot::dotplot() that sizes each dot by the number of genes present.


  • In multiEnrichMap() remove default topEnrichSources and topEnrichSourceSubset which throw errors when not using MSigDB data.
  • topEnrichBySource() and topEnrichListBySource() should be able to accept enrichResult as input, and return enrichResult and not data.frame which is understandably lossy. I need to understand the proper method for creating a subset of an enrichList object, including its internal data.
  • Streamline the topEnrichListBySource() workflow.


  • COMPLETE: Allow rotating gene-pathway incidence matrix when using mem_gene_path_heatmap(), so the pathway names are rows.
  • Add test data object mem to be convenient for function examples, and testthis test suite.

Smaller usability items

  • edge_bundling="connections" should also allow render_groups=TRUE to work, by returning the "nodegroups" required for that step.

    • It should probably filter out singlet nodes by default, since the typical use case is "nodeset-to-node" for Cnet plots.
    • Main use case is with a Cnet plot, edge bundling by connected nodes should allow drawing an optional border around each group of nodes.

COMPLETE: 10apr2021: implement edge bundling techniques

Priority: high

Status: Implemented, early active testing of usability and functionality

  • "connections" - Cnet edge bundles - special case of nodeset-to-node edge bundling
  • "nodegroups": Node group bundles - general case of nodeset-to-nodeset edge bundling

Useful to improve readability/aesthetics of collapsed Cnet plots, especially Cnet plots with many gene nodes where it is difficult to tell which pathway clusters are connected to each gene.

10apr2021: enhancements to jam_igraph() (must be done inside jam_plot_igraph())

  • Consider silently returning the igraph object plotted where the vertex, edge, and graph attributes are updated to the values used at runtime. For example, if user overrides any attributes, those attributes will be present in the object returned, so the next iteration someone could just call jam_igraph() without any custom attributes and it would produce the same plot again.

  • See and igraph::igraph_options()

10apr2021: implement edge bundling in jam_igraph() and jam_plot_igraph()

Priority: high

Status: Implemented

  • This task involves making edge bundling accessible as a simple option during plotting, to prevent having to run 3 or 4 functions:

    • jam_igraph() with hidden edges
    • bundle_node_edges() to display edges on top of nodes
    • (optional) jam_igraph() with hidden edges, nodes with solid white color so they fully cover edges.
    • jam_igraph() with hidden edges, to display nodes on top of bundled edges while allowing nodes to have alpha transparency
  • Note there is a package based on ggraph that implements edge bundling - if jam_ggraph() is going to be our future, maybe we should implement edge bundling using a similar approach used by that R package.

10apr2021: add plot_cnet_heatmaps() to multienrichjam

Priority: high

  • plot_cnet_heatmaps() is in development, and arranges expression heatmaps around a central Cnet plot, using genes in each cnet cluster. It is intended to be used with Cnet clusters from collapse_mem_clusters(), by-product of mem_plot_folio().

This figure seems very useful because it integrates expression changes alongside gene-pathway connections.

The multienrichment workflow would likely become:

  • Prepare enrichment data
  • multiEnrichMap()
  • mem_plot_folio()
  • plot_cnet_heatmap()

10apr2021: enable plotting node community data in jam_igraph()

Priority: low

  • Analogous to igraph:::plot.communities() with mark.groups
  • for edge bundling, this step could optionally display boundaries around each node group.

Value is reinforcing node groups with a boundary. In testing, the boundary actually made plots look more complex. And with simple plots, it does not seem necessary since nodes are already well-spaced.

10apr2021: include geneCount matrix output from multiEnrichMap()

Priority: medium

  • Purpose is to complement the "enrichIM" matrix, with P-values for each set. However "dysregulated pathways" may also be required to have N number of genes, yet this data is not easily available.

  • Rows are pathways, columns are enrichments, values are the number of genes involved in enrichment.

    • Consider a matrix whose cells contain delimited gene symbols

Useful to apply filtering at matrix-level for pathways that meet enrichment P-value and gene count thresholds.

2020: apply node color order based upon shape of node cluster

Priority: medium


  • when a cluster of nodes is short-wide, the order should be left-to-right

  • when a cluster of nodes is tall-skinny, the order should be top-to-bottom

  • all else should be sorted left-to-right (or user-defined default order)

    • it is visually confusing when tall-skinny nodes are sorted left-to-right

Useful to automate the ordering of node colors

2020: apply subsetSets in multiEnrichMap()

Priority: low

  • apparently it had never been implemented? User-defined subset of pathways/sets to include in multiEnrichMap(), as an alternative to using topEnrichBySource().

Users can currently perform this subset step before running multiEnrichMap().

COMPLETE: Apply min_count in multiEnrichMap()

  • Currently multiEnrichMap() does not filter by number of genes involved in enrichment, it only filters by enrichment P-value. New argument min_count is applied only when topEnrichN is used, but nothing else downstream is aware of filtering by min_count. The corresponding argument in mem_plot_folio() is min_set_ct_each, which requires a set (pathway) to contain at least this many entries in at least one enrichment result which also meets p_cutoff criteria for enrichment P-value.

2020: Optional highlight genes

Priority: low

  • mem_plot_folio() and subsequent plots, optional argument highlight_genes which would effectively hide all gene labels except highlight_genes -- to help especially crowded plots.

    • Option 1: User-supplied genes
    • Option 2: Genes defined by one or more pathways/sets to highlight
    • Implement as wrapper to jam_igraph() to hide/display relevant node labels
    • plot_cnet_heatmap() could label the heatmap rows using anno_mark()

Useful in Cnet plots with too many genes to label, it allows only a subset of genes to be highlighted. Will become high priority if a manuscript decides to use this technique.

Consider a strict output format for mem_plot_folio()

Priority: medium

  • Goal is to run mem_plot_folio() once then be able to plot any component separately. Would help keep all plots in sync with the settings used.

  • Benefit: Always have ability to see the exact gene-pathway incidence matrix heatmap, and its clustering, which is used for a collapsed Cnet plots.

  • Design idea: List format

    • Named by type of output:

      • enrichment P-values

      • gene-pathway heatmap

        • Heatmap object
        • gene clusters
        • pathway clusters
        • filter/cluster settings used
      • collapsed cnet igraphs

        • with each labeling option implemented
      • cnet exemplar igraphs

        • 1 exemplar per pathway cluster
        • 2 exemplars per pathway cluster
        • 3 exemplars per pathway cluster
      • each cnet cluster igraph

        • cluster 1 cnet igraph
        • cluster 2 cnet igraph
        • cluster 3 cnet igraph
        • ...
    • Each type of output contains a list of relevant components

10apr2021: make plot commands word for ggraph

Priority: low

  • Goal is to use ggraph for ggplot2-type plotting instead of using base R for igraph plots.

  • jam_ggraph() ?

    • Test scatterpie R package which implements pie node shapes for use in ggraph. Unsure the data content requirement.

10apr2021: document examples for reorderIgraphNotes()

  • Examples should show how to specify color order, or change the order if necessary.

COMPLETE: 2020: Improve reorderIgraphNotes()

  • reorderIgraphNodes() when it encounters attributes with multiple colors per node, such as "pie.colors" and "coloredrect.colors", calls avg_colors_by_list() to generate one blended color per node, then it sorts those colors using sort_colors(). However, the color order ultimately does not match the order in the color legend, and other plots such as heatmaps.
  • Future idea is to convert node attributes with multiple colors per node into a data.frame where each color is in a separate column. Then convert each column to a factor whose levels match the color order from colorV (argument to multiEnrichMap()). The end result should sort nodes consistent with the order of colors.
  • Note this process assumes that all node colors are from a limited set, which ideally should match colorV. Therefore if any color gradient is applied to nodes with nodeType="gene", this process will not work.