We focus on developing a decision support system to predict and evaluate the effectiveness of various strategies to combat desertification. This system aims to assist policymakers and land managers in making informed decisions on the best approaches to prevent or reverse desertification in vulnerable areas.
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- Land Managers
- Policy Makers
- Environmental Protection Agencies
To prevent or reverse desertification in vulnerable areas.
The situation decision makers are in when they have to make a decision can be described by the following attributes:
- RegionType (Categorical): ['Arid', 'SemiArid', 'DrySubhumid']
- SoilType (Categorical): ['Sandy', 'Loamy', 'Clay', 'Silty']
- AnnualRainfall (Numerical, mm/year): Continuous values based on historical data
- TemperatureRange (Categorical): ['Low', 'Moderate', 'High']
- VegetationCover (Numerical, %): Continuous values from 0 to 100
- LandUse (Categorical): ['Agricultural', 'Pastoral', 'Conservation', 'Urban']
- PreviousDesertificationMeasures (Categorical): ['None', 'Afforestation', 'WaterManagement', 'SoilConservation']
- PopulationDensity (Numerical, people/km²): Continuous values
- EconomicStatus (Categorical): ['LowIncome', 'MiddleIncome', 'HighIncome']
- Year (Numerical, Integer): Year of the data record
Decision makers can take the following actions:
- DesertificationStrategy (Categorical): ['Afforestation', 'SustainableAgriculture', 'WaterHarvesting', 'SoilAmendment', 'ProtectedAreaEstablishment']
- FundingLevel (Categorical): ['Low', 'Medium', 'High']
- CommunityInvolvement (Categorical): ['None', 'AwarenessCampaigns', 'DirectParticipation']
- TechnologyUse (Categorical): ['None', 'Basic', 'Advanced']
- MonitoringFrequency (Categorical): ['None', 'Annual', 'SemiAnnual', 'Quarterly']
Decision makers are evaluated on the following outcomes:
- DesertificationChange (Categorical): ['Increased', 'NoChange', 'Decreased'] (Maximize)
- BiodiversityImpact (Categorical): ['Negative', 'Neutral', 'Positive'] (Maximize)
- EconomicImpact (Categorical): ['Worse', 'NoChange', 'Improved'] (Maximize)
- Cost (Numerical, USD): Calculated based on FundingLevel, TechnologyUse, and MonitoringFrequency (Minimize)
(no discussion yet)