Each document type defined in Explore has his own icon. All the icons are stored on [EXPLORE_HOME]\ExploreWeb\resources\images\icons and follos this pattern:
- explore_custom_icon_: Prefix
- [[DOC_TYPE_NAME_IN_LOWERCASE]]: Document type name in lowercase
- _doc_type.png: Suffix
In our example:
A 32x32 pixel image is recommended.
You must copy the Reddit logo, called icn_multichannel_reddit_16.png, from the img folder in this project and paste on the [[EXPLORE_HOME]]\ExploreWeb\resources\images\icons of your Explore instance, e.g.
D:\Program Files (x86)\OpenText\Explore\ExploreWeb\resources\images\icons
During your test you can decide to remove all inputs imported. The fastest way to do it is just executing this command from a terminal/console as administrator:
NOTE: This will delete all the data in your Solr instance!
d:> cd d:\SolrCloud\solr-7.3.3\example\exampledocs
d:\SolrCloud\solr-7.3.3\example\exampledocs> java -Dc=interaction -Ddata=args -Dcommit=true -jar post.jar "<delete><query>*:*</query></delete>"
NOTE: The path of your Solr installation can vary in your environment.
If you just want to remove a specific content type you, .e.g. Ticket
you can use a new query:
d:> cd d:\SolrCloud\solr-7.3.3\example\exampledocs
d:\SolrCloud\solr-7.3.3\example\exampledocs> java -Dc=interaction -Ddata=args -Dcommit=true -jar post.jar "<delete><query>itag: Ticket</query></delete>"