What work did the SIG do this year that should be highlighted?
- Significant progress on KEP-1645, the MCS API now with conformance tests
- Developed the About API for ClusterSets
What initiatives are you working on that aren't being tracked in KEPs?
- SIG-MC is building a website (multicluster.sigs.k8s.io) to track and communicate multicluster related initiatives, patterns, and best practices. (contribute)
- We are working with the Gateway API project to formalize interaction with multi-cluster services
- The SIG is exploring cross-cluster workload management - what might it take to support multicluster controllers? and the work API
KEP work in 2022 (v1.24, v1.25, v1.26):
- alpha:
- progress to beta:
What areas and/or subprojects does your group need the most help with? Any areas with 2 or fewer OWNERs? (link to more details)
- There has been continued and repeated interest in multicluster controller development, but we need more people to come and share specific use cases, previous attempts at implementations, and/or concerns before we can hope to propose any generally useful solutions.
- See this doc for areas the SIG has been exploring. Help trying things out, refining use cases, and prototyping would be greatly appreciated.
What metrics/community health stats does your group care about and/or measure?
- We tend to focus most on meetup attendees and presenters, and contributors.
- In H2 2022 we averaged 15 attendees/week, now up to ~20 in 2023-03
- 2-3 presenters each week in 2023, up from ~1 in H2 2022
- We have regular discussion and repo contributions from 5-6 companies.
- We tend to focus most on meetup attendees and presenters, and contributors.
Does your CONTRIBUTING.md help new contributors engage with your group specifically by pointing to activities or programs that provide useful context or allow easy participation?
- Yes
If your group has special training, requirements for reviewers/approvers, or processes beyond the general contributor guide, does your CONTRIBUTING.md document those to help existing contributors grow throughout the contributor ladder?
- N/A
Does the group have contributors from multiple companies/affiliations?
- Yes - contributions from 5-6 companies. Most bi-weekly SIG meetings have contributors from 4+ companies.
Are there ways end users/companies can contribute that they currently are not? If one of those ways is more full time support, what would they work on and why?
- See multicluster.sigs.k8s.io/contributing to get started.
- Check our bi-weekly discussion notes for recent topics and areas that could use attention.
- Bring your own ideas or pain points.
- The community we have is great, we just need more of it!
- Primary slack channel member count: 3335
- Primary mailing list member count: 841
- Primary meeting attendee count (estimated, if needed): ~20
- Primary meeting participant count (estimated, if needed): ~8
- Unique reviewers for SIG-owned packages: 6
- Unique approvers for SIG-owned packages: 6
Include any other ways you measure group membership
Retired in 2022:
- kubemci
- Kubefed
- about-api
- mcs-api
- work-api
Operational tasks in sig-governance.md:
- README.md reviewed for accuracy and updated if needed
- CONTRIBUTING.md reviewed for accuracy and updated if needed (or created if missing and your contributor steps and experience are different or more in-depth than the documentation listed in the general contributor guide and devel folder.)
- Subprojects list and linked OWNERS files in sigs.yaml reviewed for accuracy and updated if needed
- SIG leaders (chairs, tech leads, and subproject owners) in sigs.yaml are accurate and active, and updated if needed
- Meeting notes and recordings for 2022 are linked from README.md and updated/uploaded if needed
- Did you have community-wide updates in 2022 (e.g. community meetings, kubecon, or kubernetes-dev@ emails)? Links to email, slides, or recordings:
- Bi-weekly meeting notes Meeting notes and Agenda
- Kubecon NA Update
- Kubecon EU Update