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Install the Open Horizon Agent

This continues the instructions from Install the Open Horizon Hub Services and Build and Run the Open Horizon Hub Services.

Stand up your environment in the other tier for the Horizon Agent (Anax) and open a shell.
Do not attempt this in the same environment as the Horizon Services due to port conflicts and environment variable collisions. Instructions below are for either Ubuntu or OSX.


Install brew package manager

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

brew update
brew upgrade
brew install wget

Get and install Docker


Test after install

docker --version

Download and install the Agent's certificate

sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain horizon-cli.crt

Download and install the Agent

sudo installer -pkg "horizon-cli-2.24.18.pkg" -target /

The output of running the command should look something like this:

installer: Package name is horizon-cli-2.24.18
installer: Upgrading at base path /
installer: The upgrade was successful.

If you are installing the Agent for the first time, start the client using the command below:

horizon-container start

If you had a previous version already installed, and are upgrading the Agent, use the following instead:

horizon-container update
horizon-container restart

Test after install

hzn version

hzn node list

When you look at the output for hzn node list, pay attention to the line for the exchange api:

"exchange_api": ""

When the Anax agent is properly configured, it will point to the public IP address of the Horizon Hub Services that you stood up earlier instead of, and is useful for confirming proper configuration.

To fix, stop the container, create a file at /etc/default/horizon with the contents below, then restart the container and test.

horizon-container stop
sudo mkdir -p /etc/default
sudo touch /etc/default/horizon

Then edit the /etc/default/horizon file and insert the following contents.

NOTE: Replace x.x.x.x with the actual IP address of the machine running the Open Horizon Hub Services.


Then re-start the container:

horizon-container start

And then check the output to confirm that the exchange api value is now set to your exchange service public IP address:

hzn node list

For Ubuntu


Become root so the following several steps will work properly

sudo -s

Update the package manager

apt-get -y update

Install and test Docker

curl -fsSL | sh
docker --version

Configure package manager for the Anax Agent:

If you operating system is not xenial (16.x) then update the following appropriately for bionic (18.x). NOTE: If you did not copy the CRLF after EOF, then you will need to press Enter/Return on your keyboard.

wget -qO - | apt-key add -
cat <<EOF > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bluehorizon.list
deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture)] xenial-$aptrepo main
deb-src [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture)] xenial-$aptrepo main

Refresh package manager index list

apt-get -y update

Install and the Agent

apt-get -y install bluehorizon

IMPORTANT, exit out of root, back to your user account


Check the version to confirm that the Horizon CLI is installed and working

hzn version

Check to ensure that it is working and your machine/node is "unconfigured"

hzn node list

When you look at the output for hzn node list, pay attention to the line for the exchange api:

"exchange_api": ""

When the Agent is properly configured, it will point to the public IP address of the Horizon Hub Services that you stood up earlier, and is useful for confirming proper configuration.

To fix this, you will edit the horizon agent configuration file and then restart the agent service.

Please note two important details: first, the protocol is http instead of https (due to lack of a public signed cert), and second, the URL must end with a trailing slash, even though the corresponding environment variable does not.

NOTE: Replace x.x.x.x with the actual IP address of the machine running the Open Horizon Hub Services.

Edit the file at /etc/default/horizon using sudo to set the exchange URL (HZN_EXCHANGE_URL) to http://x.x.x.x:3090/v1/.

Also add the MSS URL and set your device id.

Edit the file at /etc/default/horizon using sudo to set the MMS URL (HZN_FSS_CSSURL) to http://x.x.x.x:9443. Edit the file at /etc/default/horizon using sudo to set the device id (HZN_DEVICE_ID) to whatever you want, e.g. mynode.

Restart the Agent service:

sudo systemctl restart horizon

and confirm that the changes took effect by re-running hzn node list and checking the exchange_api value.

Also, verify that the "exchange_version" is correct. If it is an empty string, then the agent does not have network connectivity to the exchange. You will need to resolve this problem before you continue.


Configure the Agent.