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Johan Haleby edited this page Mar 27, 2016 · 30 revisions


In order to stub HTTP endpoints you must conform to the route schema. Here's an example:

{ "/something" {:status 200 :body "hello"}
  "/something-else" {:status 201 } }

The key in this map is the request specification and the value is the response specification. The combination of key and value (i.e. request- and response specification) is called a route. You supply this route map to the with-routes! macro or the start! function. For example:

      { "/something" {:status 200 :body "hello"}
        "/something-else" {:status 201 } }
      (client/get ...))


As an alternative to explicitly declaring the route map (that consists of one to many routes) you can provide it from a function that takes a server instance as a parameter. This is useful if you need access to some data from the server in order to build up your routes. For example:

(fn [server]
    (let [absolute-uri (str (:uri server) "/somewhere")]
      { "/somewhere" {:status 200 :body absolute-uri}}))

In this example we get the URI of the server (which may be autogenerated if using the macro for later use in our response specification. For example:

      (fn [server]
          (let [absolute-uri (str (:uri server) "/somewhere")]
               { "/somewhere" {:status 200 :body absolute-uri}}))
      (client/get ...))

The server schema is defined like this:

{:uri :port :nano-server :routes {:request-spec-fn <function that takes a request (map) that returns true/false whether this spec matches the request> :request-spec :response-spec-fn <function that takes a request (map) and return the response-spec> :response-spec :recordings }}

For more information on recordings refer to this wiki page.

Request Specification

The request specification (the key in the route map) can be created in three different ways:

  1. Path only

    This allows you to match a path in the request. For example:

    { "/something" { ... } }

    This will match requests (regardless of http method) whose path is equal to "/something". For example it'll match the URI http://localhost:8083/something but not http://localhost:8083/something2.

  2. Map

    If path is not enough it's possible to define the request specification using a map. The schema is defined as this:

    {:path <string>
     :method <any of :get :post :put :delete etc>
     :query-params { :query-param-name <value> }}     

    For example:

    {{:path "/x" :method :get :query-params { :q "query" }} {...} }

    This will match a GET request with path equal to /x that has a query parameter q=query. For example http://localhost:8083/x?q=query. More routing options might be available in the future.

  3. Function

    This is the most advanced option and allows you to determine a match based on the actual request by providing a function that returns true or false on match:

    (fn [request] <true or false>)

    The request schema looks like this:

    {:method       <keyword of http method, for example :get :post etc>
     :headers      <map> 
     :content-type <the content-type header>
     :path         <the uri path>
     :request-line <the request line (currently HTTP/1.1 is always added)
     :body         <the request body>
     :query-params <map>

    For example:

    { (fn [request]
        (clojure.string/starts-with? (:path request) "/my-resource")) { ... }}

Response Specification

The response specification (the value in the route map) can be created in two different ways:

  1. Map

    The response can be generated from a response specification defined as a map. The schema is defined as this:

    {:status <the status code as Int>
     :headers <map of name-value pairs>
     :content-type <shortcut for setting the "content-type" header>
     :body <The body as string>

    For example:

    {{...} {:status 200 :content-type "text/plain" :body "Hello world"}  }

    The response generated from this specification should be self explanatory.

  2. Function

    This allows you generate a response based on the request as outlined in section 3 here by providing a function:

    (fn [request] <response specification>)

    For example:

    {{...} (fn [request] {:status 200 :content-type "text/plain" :body "Hello " (->> request :headers :name)})  }

    Given that the name header is defined as NAME: John this will generated a response with body "Hello John"

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