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start! function

Johan Haleby edited this page Mar 27, 2016 · 4 revisions

start! (found in stub-http.core) is a function that is useful if you don't want to use the with-routes! macro, for example if you want to reuse the same server instance in multiple tests. start! also allows you to define additional settings (such as a predefined port) which the with-routes! macro doesn't. Usage example:

(let [server (start!  {"/something" {:status 200 :content-type "text/plan" :body "hello" }})
      uri (:uri server)]
        (is (= "hello" (:body (client/get (str uri "/something")))))
            (.close server)))

This will start the stub server on a free port and return the "server" record/instance. Note that if you use the start! function like this you need to stop it manually.

with-open support

The server record implements Closable which means that you can use the with-open macro in Clojure to automatically having it closed. The previous example could thus be written as:

(with-open [server (start!  {"/something" {:status 200 :content-type "text/plan" :body "hello" }})]
           (is (= "hello" (:body (client/get (str uri "/something"))))))

which is less verbose.


The start! functions also allows you to define additional settings

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