TODO Create menu images, add to menu_images folder under data for the frontend
TODO Could add a 'Show me what this drink looks like' feature, which upon user request, the application would pop up an image of the menu item.
TODO Build out the Azure Backend Toggle to switch from the Realtime API to the STT-LLM-TTS services pipeline to compare the latency, phonetics, conversable AI experiences
TODO Deploy it
TODO Add in tokens for session; research audio tokenizer from openai if it is openly available
TODO Add in Azure AI Speech Backend
TODO Update Readme to include Azure AI Speech backend separate process
TODO Update Readme with latest Architecture Diagram that covers Azure AI Speech backend process
- TODO Could add in Bing API for searching latest coffee info on the web
- TODO Create audio actions/tools/functions to open and close chat history as well as show menu
- TODO Consider adding a chat box to the bottom of Transcript History. This would make it a text chat experience, instead of audio Transcript History