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230 lines (162 loc) · 13 KB

components.«component».source.«sourceSet» is addressable/visible in rule space


  • Change implementation of components node to eagerly create a source child node for each element node, with the object returned by componentSpec.sources
  • components.«name».source is projected using the unmanaged projection (i.e. it is opaque)
  • Use .all() hook of component's source set container to create the child nodes of the source node as unmanaged node, based on type of the source set given to the origin create() method
  • Change all removal type operations of «component».source to throw UnsupportedOperationException

Test Coverage

  • Can reference components.«component».source in a rule (by path, can't bind by type for non top level)
  • source node is displayed for each component in the component container
  • Can reference components.«component».source.«source set» in a rule (by path, can't bind by type for non top level)
  • Can reference components.«component».source.«source set» in a rule as a matching specialisation of LanguageSourceSet
  • source.«sourceSet» node is displayed for each source set of each component in the component container
  • Existing usages of ProjectSourceSet continue to work, and corresponding root sources node (changing anything here is out of scope)
  • Removal of source sets throws UnsupportedOperationException

Breaking changes

  • Removing source sets from components no longer supported

Feature 1: Key objects in the software model are visible to rules

The goal for this feature is to expose something like the following structure to rules:

project (aka 'model')
+-- components
|   +-- <component-name>
|       +-- sources
|       |   +-- <source-set-name>
|       +-- binaries
|           +-- <binary-name>
+-- testSuites
    +-- <test-suite-name>
        +-- <same-structure-as-component-above>

For this feature, it is a non-goal to expose any public mechanism for implementing this structure, but this isn't necessarily ruled out either. The implementation may be fully internal and not extensible (other than adding elements to the various collections above).

At the completion of this feature, it should be possible to:

  • Run the model report to see something like the above structure.
  • Use the rule DSL to configure any of the objects above selected using hard-coded path.


One possible approach is to add each relationship to the graph incrementally, one at a time, fixing the inevitable breakages before moving to the next.

An implementation could use the internal MutableModelNode type to expose each relationship as an edge between two nodes with unmanaged values. Rules hardcoded in the component base plugins can attach these node and edges as the appropriate model elements become known.

The collections in the graph above are currently represented using DomainObjectSet. One possible implementation is to listen for changes to these collections and attach node and edges as elements are added, bridging the legacy collections into the model graph. Possibly a better implementation would be to change CollectionBuilder into a 'managed map' and use a managed implementation (not the existing bridged implementation) for these collections instead. This approach would mean some interleaving of this feature and the next.


Make ComponentSpecContainer a CollectionBuilder<ComponentSpec>

  • Remove the ability to view/mutate the component container as a domain object set
  • Remove the “bridging” of the component container outside of model space


  • Remove components project extension
  • Remove model projection that allows access as a domain object set
  • Change ComponentSpecContainer to extends CollectionBuilder<ComponentSpec>
  • Add the necessary, possibly adhoc, projection that presents a view that is a ComponentSpecContainer impl

Some, internal only, mechanism will also need to be added to keep the functionality of ExtensiblePolymorphicDomainObjectContainer. That is, the ability to register a kind of factory for new component types.

This story doesn't dictate any kind of implementation for the actual model node other than the ability to project as a ComponentSpecContainer (and CollectionBuilder<T extends ComponentSpec> sub collections)

Test Coverage

  • Can view the components container as a ComponentSpecContainer
  • Can view the components container as a sub set CollectionBuilder<T> where T extends ComponentSpec (e.g. PlayCoffeeScriptPlugin.createCoffeeScriptSourceSets)
  • DSL type methods (e.g. Action → Closure) methods can be used on a ComponentSpecContainer
  • Can continue to register custom component types (i.e. @ComponentType rules still work)

Most of this coverage already exists, need to fill in the gaps:

  • Build script can:
    • Create a component using a registered component type.
    • Configure components:
      • With given name
      • With given type
      • All components
    • Apply beforeEach/afterEach rules to components.
  • Plugin can do the above.
  • Reasonable error message when:
    • Attempting to create a component using a type for which there is no implementation.
    • Attempting to create a component using default type.

Breaking changes

  • Removal of project.componentSpecs
  • Removal of ability to bind to the component container as ExtensiblePolymorphicDomainObjectContainer<ComponentSpec> (if this ever actually worked)
  • Removal of ExtensiblePolymorphicDomainObjectContainer<ComponentSpec> methods from ComponentSpecContainer, addition of collection builder methods
  • All configuration done using subject of type ComponentSpecContainer is deferred. Used to be eager.

components.«component».binaries.«binary» is addressable/visible in rule space


  • Change implementation of components node to eagerly create a binaries child node for each element node, with the object returned by componentSpec.binaries
  • components.«name».binaries is projected using the unmanaged projection (i.e. it is opaque)
  • Use .all() hook of component's binaries container to create the child nodes of the binaries node as unmanaged node, based on the runtime type of the binary
  • Change all removal type operations of «component».binaries to throw UnsupportedOperationException

Test Coverage

  • Can reference components.«component».binaries in a rule (by path, can't bind by type for non top level)
  • binaries node is displayed for each component in the component report
  • Can reference components.«component».binaries.«binary» in a rule (by path, can't bind by type for non top level)
  • Can reference components.«component».binaries.«binary» in a rule as a matching specialisation of BinarySpec
  • binaries.«binary» node is displayed for each source set of each component in the component container
  • Existing usages of BinarySpec continue to work, and corresponding root binaries node (changing anything here is out of scope)
  • Removal of binaries throws UnsupportedOperationException

Breaking changes

  • Removing binaries from components no longer supported

The test suite container has the same level of management/visibility as the general component container

Effectively the same treatment that the component spec container received.

Implementation should refactor ComponentModelBasePlugin and NativeBinariesTestPlugin so that this behaviour is reused for the test suite container and not duplicated.

Feature 2: Public API of the component model does not use domain object collections

Story: Use ModelMap instead of various domain object collection types in public API of component model

  • Change the methods currently using domain object collections (i.e. ComponentSpec.getSource(), ComponentSpec.sources(), ComponentSpec.getBinaries(), ComponentSpec.binaries() to use ModelMap.
  • Create new implementations of ModelMap that are backed by appropriate domain object collection and use them in implementation of the above methods.
  • Backing these implementations with domain object collection types means that they will be eager.

Test coverage

Existing test coverage still works.

Breaking changes

  • ComponentSpec.getSource() now returns a ModelMap<LanguageSourceSet> instead of DomainObjectSet<LanguageSourceSet>.
  • ComponentSpec.sources() now takes a Action<? super ModelMap<LanguageSourceSet>> instead of Action<? super PolymorphicDomainObjectContainer<LanguageSourceSet>>.
  • ComponentSpec.getBinaries() now returns a ModelMap<BinarySpec> instead of NamedDomainObjectCollection<BinarySpec>.
  • ComponentSpec.binaries() now takes a Action<? super ModelMap<BinarySpec>> instead of Action<? super NamedDomainObjectContainer<BinarySpec>>.

Feature 3: Configuration of key parts of the software model are deferrable until required

This feature changes the software model to introduce 'managed map' types instead of DomainObjectSet.

  • The property ComponentSpec.sources, a collection of LanguageSourceSet, should allow any LanguageSourceSet type registered using a @LanguageType rule to be added.
  • The property ComponentSpec.binaries, a collection of BinarySpec, should allow any BinarySpec type registered using a @BinaryType rule to be added.

At the completion of this feature, it should be possible to write 'before-each', 'after-each', 'all with type' etc rules for the source sets and binaries of a component. These rules will be executed as required.

This feature does not require that sources, binaries etc. of the component model are actually deferred under conventional use. Some of the infrastructure rules in the component model plugins are currently coarse in that they effectively depend on all the components, forcing realisation. This feature does not require changing the implementation of these rules to be more fine grained. It does require that the elements are potentially deferrable.


Again, a possible approach is to change each collection, one at a time, and fix the breakages before moving on to the next collection. Breakages are expected as configuration for the elements of these collections will be deferred, whereas it is currently performed eagerly.

This feature requires a managed map implementation whose values are unmanaged, which means some kind of internal factory will be required for this implementation (such as NamedEntityInstantiator).

Currently the DSL supports nested, eager, configuration of these elements:

model {
    component {
        someThing {
            sources {
                cpp { ... }
            binaries {
                all { ... }

Some replacement for this nesting should be offered, and the configuration deferred.

Story: Component source sets are not realized unless required

This story changes the sources property of ComponentSpec to be of type (the new with this story) ModelMap<LanguageSourceSet>. The model map will be entirely model graph backed, and not “bridge” a collection. This allows actually creating the source sets to be deferred.

ModelMap is replacement for the existing CollectionBuilder, and DomainObjectContainer from non-rules world. It should actually extend CollectionBuilder, which will later be removed and inlined into ModelMap. ModelMap does not need to actually implement Map at this time. Existing usages of CollectionBuilder do not necessarily need to be changed to ModelMap. However, if it makes things easier (e.g. reuse of projections) then we should do this. If so, CollectionBuilder must go through a deprecate cycle and still be usable (e.g. as a type binding target) for one release.

After the change, the DSL for working with component source sets should be largely unchanged. Particularly, the familiar nested closure syntax. It is not a requirement that ModelMap is structurally compatible with NamedDomainObjectSet and friends, but supports the same patterns in so far as CollectionBuilder already does.

Test Coverage

  • Component spec source sets are not realised when only another property of the component is required (e.g. rule depends on component.binaries)
  • Only required component source set is realised (e.g. rule depends on component.sources.main does not realise component.sources.other)
  • Specification of source set for component in DSL does not eagerly create the source set (i.e. existing container DSL syntax can still be used, but source set is no longer eagerly created)
  • Can use withType(), named() etc. methods to attach rules to specific source sets

Breaking changes / Deprecations

  • component.sources no longer a DomainObjectSet
  • component.source(Action) no longer operates on a PolymorphicDomainObjectContainer
  • Potential deprecation (for removal in next release) of CollectionBuilder (replaced by ModelMap)

Open questions

  • Implications for FunctionalSourceSet and project level source set container?