[](https://flattr.com/submit/auto?user_id=jonnybbb&url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fjonnybbb%2Fspring-social-xing&title=Spring Social Xing&language=&tags=github&category=software)
compile(group: 'org.springframework.social', name: 'spring-social-xing', version: '1.1.0.RELEASE')
<name>Spring Social Xing Repository</name>
To check out the project and build from source, do the following:
git clone git://github.com/jonnybbb/spring-social-xing.git
cd spring-social-xing
./gradlew build
To generate Eclipse metadata (.classpath
and .project files
), do the following:
./gradlew eclipse
Once complete, you may then import the projects into Eclipse as usual:
File -> Import -> Existing projects into workspace
To generate IDEA metadata (.iml
and .ipr
files), do the following:
./gradlew idea
To build the JavaDoc, do the following from within the root directory:
./gradlew :docs:api
The result will be available in docs/build/api