We use Prometheus to collect metrics, and can trigger alerts based on these metrics. Alerts are specified in their own Kubernetes-resource called alerts
as we have made our own operator called Alerterator.
This means that you can manage your alerts with kubectl
, and that alerts are not tied to a specific app or namespace. Giving you more freedom to set up the necessary alerts for one or several apps. You can even make your own personal alert-profile.
Underneath we have an example for a complete Alert-resource, ready to be kubectl apply -f alerts.yaml
apiVersion: "nais.io/v1alpha1"
kind: "Alert"
name: AuraAppAlerts
team: aura
receivers: # receivers for all alerts below
channel: '#teambeam-alerts-dev'
prependText: '<!here> | ' # this text will be prepended to the Slack alert title
- alert: nais-testapp unavailable
expr: 'kube_deployment_status_replicas_unavailable{deployment="app-name"} > 0'
for: 2m
action: Read app logs(kubectl logs appname). Read Application events (kubectl descibe deployment appname)
description: Av og til går appen ned, ofte pga. feil i kode ved oppstart
documentation: https://github.com/navikt/aura-doc/naisvakt/alerts.md#app_unavailable
sla: respond within 1h, during office hours
severity: critical
We also support e-mail as a receiver, check out a bigger example in the alerterator-repo. In the same folder we also have a set of recommended-alerts for you to get started with.
Parameter | Description | Default | Required |
metadata.name | Name for the group of alerts | x | |
metadata.labels.team | mailnick/tag | x | |
spec.receivers | You need at least one receiver | x | |
spec.receivers.slack.channel | Slack channel to send notifications to | ||
spec.receivers.slack.preprend_text | Text to prepend every Slack-message with severity danger |
spec.receivers.email.to | The email address to send notifications to | ||
spec.receivers.email.send_resolved | Whether or not to notify about resolved alerts | false | |
spec.alerts[].alert | The title of the alerts | x | |
spec.alerts[].description | Simple description of the triggered alert | ||
spec.alerts[].expr | Prometheus expression that triggers an alert | x | |
spec.alerts[].for | Duration before the alert should trigger | x | |
spec.alerts[].action | How to resolve this alert | x | |
spec.alerts[].documentation | URL for docmentation for this alert | ||
spec.alerts[].sla | Time before the alert should be resolved | ||
spec.alerts[].severity | Alert level for Slack-messages | danger |
Use kubectl
to add, update, and remove the alert-resource. Adding and updating is done with the kubectl apply -f alerts.yaml
, while delete is done either with kubectl delete alert <alert-name>
og kubectl delete -f alerts.yaml
You can list alerts in the cluster with kubectl get alerts
(singluar: alert
, shorten: al
), and describe a specific alert-resource with kubectl describe alert <alert-name>
In order to minimize the feedback loop we suggest experimenting on the Prometheus server to find the right metric for your alert and the notification threshold. The Prometheus server can be found in each cluster, at https://prometheus.{cluster.domain}
(i.e. https://prometheus.nais.preprod.local).
You can also visit the Alertmanager at https://alertmanager.{cluster.domain}
(i.e. https://alertmanager.nais.preprod.local) to see which alerts are triggered now (you can also silence already triggered alerts).
You can also use labels
in your Slack/e-mail notification by referencing them with {{ $labels.<field> }}
. Run your query on the Prometheus server to see which labels
are available for your alert.
For example:
{{ $labels.node }} is marked as unschedulable
turns into the following when posted to Slack/email:
b27apvl00178.preprod.local is marked as unschedulable
Another example is how you can avoid specifying all the namespaces your app is running in, by using the kubernetes_namespace
label in your action
og description
. Just add {{ $labels.kubernetes_namespace }}
, and it will write the namespace for the app that is having problems.
You can read more about this over at the Prometheus documentation.
Using regular expression, you can target multiple apps or namespaces with one query. This saves on repeating the same alert for each your apps.
Here we use =~
to select labels that regex-match the provided string (or substring). Use !~
to negate the regular expression.
Slack has their own syntax for notifying @channel
or @here
, respectively <!channel>
and <!here>
Notifying a user group on the other hand is a bit more complicated. The user group @nais-vakt
is written <!subteam^SB8KS4WAV|nais-vakt> in a Slack alert-message
, where SB8KS4WAV
is the id for the specific user group, and nais-vakt
is the name of the user group.
You can find the id by right-clicking on the name in the user group list. Where last part in the URL is the id. The URL will look something like the one below:
It's pretty straight forward to move alerts from Naisd to Alerterator, as the only difference is that the annotation-fields has been move to the top-level.
- alert: appNotAvailable
expr: kube_deployment_status_replicas_unavailable{deployment="app-name"} > 0
for: 5m
action: Read app logs(kubectl logs appname). Read Application events (kubectl descibe deployment appname)
severity: Warning
should be transformed to
- alert: appNotAvailable
expr: kube_deployment_status_replicas_unavailable{deployment="app-name"} > 0
for: 5m
action: Read app logs(kubectl logs appname). Read Application events (kubectl descibe deployment appname)
severity: Warning
Check out the complete spec for more information about the different keys.