Parses compiler output and populates error, warning and messages in a structured manner.
Compiler Output Parser is a header only library, which provides an API to parse compiler output a single line at a time.
- Compiler Output Parser uses compile-time-regular-expressions library
git clone
Compiler Output Parser depends on compile-time-regular-expressions libraries. Please make sure that it is installed. It is present also as a submodule, can be fetched via
git submodule init
git submodule update
- Sample code
#include "compiler_output_parser.hpp"
void fn()
std::string testLine = "/home/test/file/path/test.cpp:3:10: fatal error: test.h: No such file or directory";
CompilerOutputLineInfo info = GetCompilerOutputLineInfo(testLine);
Contributors names and contact info
Christo Joseph twitter
This project is licensed under the GPL V3 License - see the file for details
Inspiration, code snippets, etc.