To acquire the VistA-M source tree, follow the instructions in ObtainingVistAMCode. To prepare the M components for import into the VistA instance, follow the steps found in the PrepareMComponents document.
Importing the routines is done using the MUMPS routine named %RI. This is the MUMPS standard routine to import routines from a .RO file like what was created when the Python scripts were run. To start the GT.M instance in the terminal, simply enter the command: gtm.
~/Downloads$ gtm
When the "GTM>" prompt is there, you are in the GT.M environment and can execute the %RI routine using the command D ^%RI.
Routine Input Utility - Converts RO files to *.m files.
Formfeed delimited <No>?
The file that was created earlier is not formfeed delimited, so the default option for the first prompt is the correct one to choose. When the prompt asks for an "Input Device," enter the path to the that was created in the earlier step. Our path to the is shown entered below.
Formfeed delimited <No>? <ENTER> Input Device: <terminal>: /home/osehra/Downloads/VistA/ Routines Output directory:
This brings the prompt asking for the output directory. The path entered here should point to the r folder that was used to set the gtmroutines environment variable in the previous step. In our case, the directory was::
This is the location where the %RI routine will store the routines that it imports from
The "Output directory" must include the "r" subdirectory string and must finish with a slash "/". After entering the path, the names of the routines that are imported are shown on the terminal window as they are processed. When the routine is finished, it will display the amount of lines restored and the number of routines processed, then show the GT.M prompt.
Output directory: /home/osehra/Downloads/VistA/r/
Restored 2349289 lines in 26037 routines
Once the import process finishes, you can verify if it was succesful by visiting the "Output directory" from a terminal and using the "ls" command. This command should show a large collection of "*.m" files that were created during the import process.
If you expect to use this testing beyond the XINDEX capacity, there is another .ro file that you should import. It is found in the Testing/Setup directory called "". It contains a new copy of the ZTLOAD1.m file which contains modifications that remove some transaction processing code that fails only on the GT.M platform.
Formfeed delimited <No>? <ENTER> Input Device: <terminal>: /home/osehra/Downloads/VistA/Testing/Setup/ Routines Output directory: /home/osehra/Downloads/VistA/r/ ZTLOAD1 Restored ...
Then, import these two routines from using the ^%RI utility. The next step is to use the newly imported ZGI routine to import the VistA globals from the repository
GTM> W $$LIST^ZGI("/path-to/VistA/globals.lst")
This will take the globals.lst file and use the entries in it to tell GT.M to import that .zwr file.
While the routine is running, the names of the .zwr files will be printed to the screen as they are being processed. This is going through the OSEHRA Code base and importing all of the .zwr files from each package. The final package imported is the "Wounded Injured and Ill Warriors". After the last global is imported, the program will return to the GT.M prompt.
Some configuration within the VistA environment is necessary before you have a full VistA instance.
The text below shows the routine that need to be run to configure the VistA instance. The ZTMGRSET routine will configure the VistA instance by renaming some system-specific routines. This is done using the command:
GTM> D ^ZTMGRSET ZTMGRSET Version 8.0 Patch level 34,36,69,94,121,127,136,191,275,355,446 HELLO! I exist to assist you in correctly initializing the current account. Which MUMPS system should I install? 1 = VAX DSM(V6), VAX DSM(V7) 2 = MSM-PC/PLUS, MSM for NT or UNIX 3 = Cache (VMS, NT, Linux), OpenM-NT 4 = Datatree, DTM-PC, DT-MAX 5 = 6 = 7 = GT.M (VMS) 8 = GT.M (Unix) System: 8 I will now rename a group of routines specific to your operating system. Routine: ZOSVGUX Loaded, Saved as %ZOSV Routine: ZIS4GTM Loaded, Saved as %ZIS4 Routine: ZISFGTM Loaded, Saved as %ZISF Routine: ZISHGTM Loaded, Saved as %ZISH Routine: XUCIGTM Loaded, Saved as %XUCI Routine: ZOSV2GTM Loaded, Saved as %ZOSV2 Routine: ZISTCPS Loaded, Saved as %ZISTCPS NAME OF MANAGER'S UCI,VOLUME SET: VAH,ROU// PLA,PLA The value of PRODUCTION will be used in the GETENV api. PRODUCTION (SIGN-ON) UCI,VOLUME SET: VAH,ROU// PLA,PLA The VOLUME name must match the one in PRODUCTION. NAME OF VOLUME SET: PLA//PLA The temp directory for the system: '/tmp/'// <ENTER> ^%ZOSF setup Now to load routines common to all systems. Routine: ZTLOAD Loaded, Saved as %ZTLOAD Routine: ZTLOAD1 Loaded, Saved as %ZTLOAD1 Routine: ZTLOAD2 Loaded, Saved as %ZTLOAD2 Routine: ZTLOAD3 Loaded, Saved as %ZTLOAD3 Routine: ZTLOAD4 Loaded, Saved as %ZTLOAD4 Routine: ZTLOAD5 Loaded, Saved as %ZTLOAD5 Routine: ZTLOAD6 Loaded, Saved as %ZTLOAD6 Routine: ZTLOAD7 Loaded, Saved as %ZTLOAD7 Routine: ZTM Loaded, Saved as %ZTM Routine: ZTM0 Loaded, Saved as %ZTM0 Routine: ZTM1 Loaded, Saved as %ZTM1 Routine: ZTM2 Loaded, Saved as %ZTM2 Routine: ZTM3 Loaded, Saved as %ZTM3 Routine: ZTM4 Loaded, Saved as %ZTM4 Routine: ZTM5 Loaded, Saved as %ZTM5 Routine: ZTM6 Loaded, Saved as %ZTM6 Routine: ZTMS Loaded, Saved as %ZTMS Routine: ZTMS0 Loaded, Saved as %ZTMS0 Routine: ZTMS1 Loaded, Saved as %ZTMS1 Routine: ZTMS2 Loaded, Saved as %ZTMS2 Routine: ZTMS3 Loaded, Saved as %ZTMS3 Routine: ZTMS4 Loaded, Saved as %ZTMS4 Routine: ZTMS5 Loaded, Saved as %ZTMS5 Routine: ZTMS7 Loaded, Saved as %ZTMS7 Routine: ZTMSH Loaded, Saved as %ZTMSH Routine: ZTER Loaded, Saved as %ZTER Routine: ZTER1 Loaded, Saved as %ZTER1 Routine: ZIS Loaded, Saved as %ZIS Routine: ZIS1 Loaded, Saved as %ZIS1 Routine: ZIS2 Loaded, Saved as %ZIS2 Routine: ZIS3 Loaded, Saved as %ZIS3 Routine: ZIS5 Loaded, Saved as %ZIS5 Routine: ZIS6 Loaded, Saved as %ZIS6 Routine: ZIS7 Loaded, Saved as %ZIS7 Routine: ZISC Loaded, Saved as %ZISC Routine: ZISP Loaded, Saved as %ZISP Routine: ZISS Loaded, Saved as %ZISS Routine: ZISS1 Loaded, Saved as %ZISS1 Routine: ZISS2 Loaded, Saved as %ZISS2 Routine: ZISTCP Loaded, Saved as %ZISTCP Routine: ZISUTL Loaded, Saved as %ZISUTL Routine: ZTPP Loaded, Saved as %ZTPP Routine: ZTP1 Loaded, Saved as %ZTP1 Routine: ZTPTCH Loaded, Saved as %ZTPTCH Routine: ZTRDEL Loaded, Saved as %ZTRDEL Routine: ZTMOVE Loaded, Saved as %ZTMOVE Want to rename the FileMan routines: No// Y Routine: DIDT Loaded, Saved as %DT Routine: DIDTC Loaded, Saved as %DTC Routine: DIRCR Loaded, Saved as %RCR Setting ^%ZIS('C') Now, I will check your % globals........... ALL DONE GTM>
After loading a few routines, the configuration will ask you for the names of the box/volume pair of the system, the name of the manager's namespace, and the temp directory. shows the default answers being accepted for these prompts. They can be set if you need a specific name, but we used the defaults of PLA for all names and the /tmp/ directory for the system.
Note: The NAME OF MANAGER'S UCI, VOLUME SET and PRODUCTION (SIGN-ON) UCI,VOLUME SET prompts should be set to PLA,PLA if more than XINDEX functionality is desired.
It will load and save some other routines, then ask if you "Want to rename the FileMan routines:." We answer this option with a YES. The routine then loads three more routines, checks the % globals, and exits. Now you are ready to start testing the OSEHRA Code base.
Some developers have encountered errors being displayed during the configuation process. See the second entry on the Troubleshooting Page to see if the errors are the same and find any solutions.