You can get any of the following FMG API endpoints:
The following example shows how to get the Fortinet_CA
CA certificate:
.. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: REQUEST .. code-block:: json { "id": 3, "method": "get", "params": [ { "url": "/cli/global/system/certificate/ca/Fortinet_CA" } ], "session": "{{session}}", "verbose": 1 } .. tab-item:: RESPONSE .. code-block:: json { "id": 3, "result": [ { "data": { "ca": [ "\"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nx+nkkKoLQHPUczTwYRxQUQ==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\"" ], "comment": "Default CA certificate", "name": "Fortinet_CA" }, "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK" }, "url": "/cli/global/system/certificate/ca/Fortinet_CA" } ] }
Caught in #1031557.
You can use the get certinfo
The following example shows how to get the Fortinet_CA
CA certificate in a human-readable form:
.. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: REQUEST .. code-block:: json { "id": 3, "method": "get", "params": [ { "option": [ "get certinfo" ], "url": "/cli/global/system/certificate/ca/Fortinet_CA" } ], "session": "{{session}}", "verbose": 1 } .. tab-item:: RESPONSE .. code-block:: json { "id": 3, "result": [ { "data": { "ca": { "Extension": [ { "Content": "A3:31:AF:A3:48:EE:A1:E2:5F:B1:F2:FD:D6:FB:41:48:50:1B:3A:75", "Critical": "no", "Name": "X509v3 Subject Key Identifier" }, { "Content": "A3:31:AF:A3:48:EE:A1:E2:5F:B1:F2:FD:D6:FB:41:48:50:1B:3A:75", "Critical": "no", "Name": "X509v3 Authority Key Identifier" }, { "Content": "CA:TRUE", "Critical": "yes", "Name": "X509v3 Basic Constraints" }, { "Content": "Digital Signature, Certificate Sign, CRL Sign", "Critical": "yes", "Name": "X509v3 Key Usage" } ], "Fingerprint": "86:40:5C:F4:C2:A6:0B:96:82:9E:5F:E7:4F:D9:51:22", "Issuer": "C = US, ST = California, L = Sunnyvale, O = Fortinet, OU = Certificate Authority, CN = fortinet-ca2, emailAddress = [email protected]", "Root CA": "Yes", "SN": "00 ", "Status": 0, "Subject": "C = US, ST = California, L = Sunnyvale, O = Fortinet, OU = Certificate Authority, CN = fortinet-ca2, emailAddress = [email protected]", "Valid from": "2016-06-06 20:27:39 GMT", "Valid to": "2056-05-27 20:27:39 GMT", "Version": 3 }, "comment": "Default CA certificate", "name": "Fortinet_CA" }, "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK" }, "url": "/cli/global/system/certificate/ca/Fortinet_CA" } ] }
"id": 3,
"method": "get",
"params": [
"url": "/sys/ha/status"
"session": "xe7wJZJrY2y5/KT4jZk+GNh2bUbF/VUbK3GV2gjxbuM+O55HbJCY9Z35HakLnQywuzvGGeWVfO7nUD5lGmJEpXjFcvH5+XV7",
"verbose": 1
"id": 3,
"result": [
"data": {
"Average Idle CPU": "95.31",
"Average Memory Usage": "57.15",
"Average Nice CPU": "0.00",
"Average System CPU": "1.84",
"Average User CPU": "2.80",
"Cluster-ID": 1,
"Debug": "off",
"FMG-HA Status": "Synchronized State",
"File-Quota": 4096,
"HA Health Status": "OK",
"HA Primary Uptime": "Mon Jul 4 13:34:01 2022",
"HA Primary state change timestamp": "Mon Jul 4 13:34:18 2022",
"HA Role": "Primary",
"HB-Interval": 10,
"HB-Lost-Threshold": 30,
"Model": "FortiManager-VM64",
"Primary": "fmg-connectors-primary, FMG-VMTM22005246,",
"members": [
"Average Idle CPU": "99.39",
"Average Memory Usage": "37.76",
"Average Nice CPU": "0.00",
"Average System CPU": "0.36",
"Average User CPU": "0.15",
"Estimated Sync Time Left (seconds)": 0,
"HA Sync status": "up,in-sync",
"Hostname": "FMG-VM64",
"IP": "",
"Last Error": "",
"Last Heartbeat (seconds)": 8,
"Last Sync (seconds)": 30007,
"Pending Synced Data (bytes)": "0",
"Serial Number": "FMG-VMTM22005248",
"Total Synced Data (bytes)": "6670248"
"status": {
"code": 0,
"message": "OK"
"url": "/sys/ha/status"
Output will give you important info like the FMG firmware version FMG.
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "1.0",
"method": "get",
"params": [
"url": "/cli/global/system/status"
"session": "Iq63nDbtYQB3CrRUbSQDKAW20nervesJG2idL0Buyn0DFHYy9aISECEONR/lYfkYAq6SD+ZonSP0BZ1yRypOVA==",
"verbose": 1
"id": 1,
"result": [
"data": {
"Admin Domain Configuration": "Enabled",
"BIOS version": "04000002",
"Branch Point": "1954",
"Build": "1954",
"Current Time": "Tue Feb 11 07:22:50 CET 2020",
"Daylight Time Saving": "Yes",
"FIPS Mode": "Disabled",
"HA Mode": "Stand Alone",
"Hostname": "FMG-6.4.X-INTERIM",
"License Status": "Valid",
"Major": 6,
"Max Number of Admin Domains": 10000,
"Max Number of Device Groups": 10000,
"Minor": 4,
"Offline Mode": "Disabled",
"Patch": 0,
"Platform Full Name": "FortiManager-VM64-KVM",
"Platform Type": "FMG-VM64-KVM",
"Release Version Information": " (Interim)",
"Serial Number": "FMG-VMTM20000078",
"Time Zone": "(GMT+1:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris.",
"Version": "v6.4.0-build1954 200206 (Interim)",
"x86-64 Applications": "Yes"
"status": {
"code": 0,
"message": "OK"
"url": "/cli/global/system/status"
.. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: REQUEST .. code-block:: json { "id": 3, "method": "exec", "params": [ { "data": { "flags": 0 }, "url": "/um/license/self" } ], "session": "{{session}}" } .. tab-item:: RESPONSE .. code-block:: json { "id": 3, "result": [ { "data": { "contract": [ { "account": "[email protected]", "company": "Fortinet", "contract_item": [ "ADOM-1-06-20260525:0:5000:5000:0", "AVDB-1-99-20221001:0:1:1:0", "AVEN-1-99-20221001:0:1:1:0", "COMP-1-20-20260525:0:1:1:0", "ENHN-1-20-20260525:0:1:1:0", "FMWR-1-06-20260525:0:1:1:0", "FRVS-1-06-20260525:0:1:1:0", "NIDS-1-99-20221001:0:1:1:0", "SPRT-1-20-20260525:0:1:1:0", "VMLS-1-06-20260525:0:5000:5000:0" ], "industry": "Technology", "rawdata": "Contract=ADOM-1-06-20260525:0:5000:5000:0*AVDB-1-99-20221001:0:1:1:0*AVEN-1-99-20221001:0:1:1:0*COMP-1-20-20260525:0:1:1:0*ENHN-1-20-20260525:0:1:1:0*FMWR-1-06-20260525:0:1:1:0*FRVS-1-06-20260525:0:1:1:0*NIDS-1-99-20221001:0:1:1:0*SPRT-1-20-20260525:0:1:1:0*VMLS-1-06-20260525:0:5000:5000:0|[email protected]|Industry=Technology|Company=Fortinet|UserID=106728", "serial": "FMVMMLREDACTED79" } ], "count": 1 }, "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK" }, "url": "/um/license/self" } ] }
To create the tacacs_001
TACACS+ server:
.. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: REQUEST .. code-block:: json { "id": 2, "method": "set", "params": [ { "data": { "authen-type": "auto", "authorization": "enable", "key": "nsefortinet", "name": "tacacs+_001", "port": 49, "server": "" }, "url": "/cli/global/system/admin/tacacs" } ], "session": "{{session}}" } .. tab-item:: REQUEST .. code-block:: json { "id": 2, "result": [ { "data": { "name": "tacacs+_001" }, "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK" }, "url": "/cli/global/system/admin/tacacs" } ] }
To delete the tacacs_001
TACACS+ server:
.. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: REQUEST .. code-block:: json { "id": 2, "method": "delete", "params": [ { "url": "/cli/global/system/admin/tacacs/tacacs+_001" } ], "session": "{{session}}" } .. tab-item:: REQUEST .. code-block:: json { "id": 2, "result": [ { "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK" }, "url": "/cli/global/system/admin/tacacs/tacacs+_001" } ] }
Has been added in FMG 6.4.1 with #0632548.
.. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: REQUEST .. code-block:: json { "id": 1, "method": "get", "params": [ { "url": "/sys/session" } ], "session": "{{session_id}}" } .. tab-item:: RESPONSE .. code-block:: json { "id": 1, "result": [ { "data": { "admin_adom": "root", "admin_prof": "Super_User", "admin_user": "devops", "adom_list": [], "adom_override": 0, "current_adom_name": "root", "email": "", "first_name": "", "last_name": "", "login_user": "devops", "time_left": 28800, "timestamp": 1641926409, "valid": 1 }, "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK" }, "url": "/sys/session" } ] }
"id": 1,
"method": "set",
"params": [
"data": {
"importance": "required",
"length": 20,
"name": "foobar",
"status": "enable"
"url": "/dvmdb/_meta_fields/device"
"session": "{{session}}"
"id": 1,
"result": [
"status": {
"code": 0,
"message": "OK"
"url": "/dvmdb/_meta_fields/device"
This is for the situation where fortimanager is managing a fortianalyzer and we don't want to create the fortianalyzer ADOM by using the fortianalyzer.
"id": 1,
"method": "add",
"params": [
"data": [
"create_time": 1594363171,
"desc": "This is a test",
"flags": 2056,
"mig_mr": 0,
"mig_os_ver": 0,
"mr": 4,
"name": "FOOBAR_007",
"os_ver": 6,
"restricted_prds": 1,
"state": 1
"url": "/dvmdb/adom"
"remote": "deployment/proxy/703",
"session": "AxLiomO/CpbyM6ObMs0Z2aTEg2UVeTkPjKZpVZb7Q1FqTY5A2/cClfQ7/A77NYV1xzGm5/VyPcw0pCs/czD0xA==",
"verbose": 1
We can also use this one:
{ "id": 72, "method": "exec", "params": [ { "url": "faz/cmd/sync/dvmdb", "data": { "device": "fazfoo", "adom": "FOOBAR" } } ] }
Caught in #0632548.
"id": 1,
"jsonrpc": "1.0",
"method": "get",
"params": [
"url": "/sys/session"
"session": "AfbffH1jvS34Wa/ZJElS7lQPlhWWYvAsikl/eO7k3ikaqH4Q0AgfIJYAJVcaNTydybdd/fN5HPj8rLy7QVIL7w==",
"verbose": 1
"id": 1,
"result": [
"data": {
"admin_adom": "root",
"admin_prof": "Super_User",
"admin_user": "admin",
"adom_list": [],
"adom_override": 0,
"login_user": "admin"
"status": {
"code": 0,
"message": "OK"
"url": "/sys/session"
Caught in #621300.
The followinge example shows how to reboot your FortiManager unit:
.. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: REQUEST .. code-block:: json { "id": 1, "method": "exec", "params": [ { "url": "/sys/reboot", "message": "We're rebooting!" } ], "session": "{{session}}" } .. tab-item:: RESPONSE .. code-block:: json { "id": 1, "result": { "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK" } } }
Caught in #621300.
FortiManager backup could be trigger with this simple API:
curl --silent --user devops:fortinet --insecure -o fmg_backup_001.dat
This is generating a non encrypted protected archive named
Starting with FortiManager 7.0.11, 7.2.5 and 7.4.2 (#0959025), it is no longer possible to generate a non encrypted backup file.
Starting with FortiManager 7.2.6, 7.4.4 and 7.6.1 (#1049364), if you debug FortiManager using following command:
diagnose debug service sys 255 diagnose debug enable
You should see the following error output:
Request [/usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd:27987:30]: { "__from_rest": 1, "client": "\/usr\/local\/apache2\/bin\/httpd:27987", "id": 30, "method": "get", "params": [{ "target start": 1, "url": "\/sys\/backup"}], "session": "nJEOlg5gbzoTtHmxpeKGxww9bab06XRLGXWJd7UjRNmREC4zl2OJ326racvBw0Qo3dZFjRddWNBj0nRksTX6fQ==", "src": ""} Chkperm Response [/usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd:27987:30]: { "id": 30, "result": [{ "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url": "\/sys\/backup"}], "session": 2534} Response [/usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd:27987:30]: { "id": 30, "result": { "status": { "code": -10, "message": "Backup password must be set"}}}
With a previous version, you should see a different error message. For instance with FortiManager 7.4.2/7.4.3:
Request [/usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd:16351:483]: { "__from_rest": 1, "client": "\/usr\/local\/apache2\/bin\/httpd:16351", "id": 483, "method": "get", "params": [{ "target start": 1, "url": "\/sys\/backup"}], "session": "N8UFAhji78TkDBMYRcDBPbsHF94iwoTxCYyI2woGWD6YQ3vqx5e\/kmhsVzApTfMvWY7tES2Mt\/Sq0O164+UEaQ==", "src": ""} Chkperm Response [/usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd:16351:483]: { "id": 483, "result": [{ "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url": "\/sys\/backup"}], "session": 49192} Response [/usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd:16351:483]: { "id": 483, "result": { "status": { "code": -1, "message": "runtime error 0: invalid value"}}}
Should you want to encrypt your backup file:
curl --silent --user devops:fortinet --insecure -o fmg_backup_002.dat
In this case, resulting backup file fmg_backup_002.dat
will be encrypted
with password abc123
Starting with FortiManager 7.2.3 (#0875702), it is possible to use the FortiManager JSON RPC API to trigger a backup operation.
The following example shows how to backup your FortiManager system to an external FTP server; backup file will be encrypted:
.. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: REQUEST .. code-block:: json { "id": 3, "method": "exec", "params": [ { "data": { "filename": "tmp/fmg_backup.dat", "passwd": "fortinet", "port": 21, "server": "", "service": "ftp", "username": "tiger", "userpasswd": "fortinet" }, "url": "/sys/backup" } ], "session": "{{session}}" } .. tab-item:: RESPONSE .. code-block:: json { "id": 3, "result": { "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK" }, "taskid": 837 } } .. note:: - Once the task is completed, you can get your ``fmg_backup.dat`` FortiManger backup file, from the ``tmp`` folder of your ```` FTP server
- Starting with FortiManager 7.0.11, 7.2.5 and 7.4.2 (#0959025), it is no longer possible to generate a non encrypted backup file.
Caught in #621300.
FortiManager restore operation could be triggered:
For the non-encrypted backup file:
curl --silent --user devops:fortinet --insecure --data-binary @fmg_backup_001.dat
For the encrypted backup file:
curl --silent --user devops:fortinet --insecure --data-binary @fmg_backup_002.dat
Using |fmg_api| to restore FortiManager
Caught in #0746154.
It is possible to restore a FortiManager system using the |fmg_api| form, provided the FortiManager backup file has been uploaded in an external FTP, SCP or SFTP server:
.. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: REQUEST .. code-block:: json { "id": 3, "method": "exec", "params": [ { "data": { "filename": "tmp/fmg_backup.dat", "port": 21, "server": "", "service": "ftp", "username": "tiger", "userpasswd": "fortinet" }, "url": "/sys/restore" } ], "session": "{{session}}" } .. tab-item:: RESPONSE .. code-block:: json { "id": 3, "result": { "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK" } } }
Caught in #1100531 (FMG 7.6.3).
The following example shows how to upgrade the FortiManager. FortiManager will
fetch the image.out
firmware using the
TFTP server.
.. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: REQUEST .. code-block:: json { "id": 3, "method":"exec", "params": [ { "url": "/sys/upgrade", "data": { "service": "tftp", "server":"", "filename": "image.out" } } ], "session":"{{session}}" } .. note:: You can also use ``scp``, ``ftp`` and ``sftp`` as the ``service``. In this case, you need to provide the following details: - ``username``: The username - ``userpasswd``: The password - ``port``: (Optional) He port number. .. tab-item:: RESPONSE .. code-block:: json { "id": 3, "result": { "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK" }, "url": "/sys/upgrade" }
Caught in #0600185.
The following example shows how to upgrade your FortiManager unit:
.. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: REQUEST .. code-block:: shell curl --silent --user devops:fortinet --header "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" --insecure --data-binary '@Downloads/FMG_VM64-v7-build3372-FORTINET.out' .. tab-item:: RESPONSE .. code-block:: json { "result": { "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK" } } }
"id": 3,
"method": "get",
"params": [
"url": "/cli/global/system/performance"
"session": "PAFlmA6mEMYGylgdrwY7hj2F1/w3li5OzRZrbD6D7+kr6kSPBtTCJBSgYBxau9KZp5jlw7HvUWMeaOa4PrQfhw==",
"verbose": 1
"id": 3,
"result": [
"data": {
"CPU": {
"CPU[0] usage": {
"Details": {
"%idle": "93.66",
"%iowait": "4.50",
"%irq": "0.00",
"%nice": "0.00",
"%softirq": "0.00",
"%sys": "0.61",
"%user": "1.23"
"Usage": "6.34%"
"CPU[1] usage": {
"Details": {
"%idle": "97.15",
"%iowait": "0.00",
"%irq": "0.00",
"%nice": "0.00",
"%softirq": "0.20",
"%sys": "0.61",
"%user": "2.03"
"Usage": "2.85%"
"CPU[2] usage": {
"Details": {
"%idle": "98.57",
"%iowait": "0.00",
"%irq": "0.00",
"%nice": "0.00",
"%softirq": "0.00",
"%sys": "0.41",
"%user": "1.02"
"Usage": "1.43%"
"CPU[3] usage": {
"Details": {
"%idle": "97.96",
"%iowait": "0.00",
"%irq": "0.00",
"%nice": "0.00",
"%softirq": "0.00",
"%sys": "0.81",
"%user": "1.22"
"Usage": "2.04%"
"CPU_num": 4,
"Used": "2.0%",
"Used(Excluded NICE)": "2.0%"
"Flash Disk": {
"IOStat": {
"%util": "0.0",
"queue": "0.0",
"r_kB/s": "1.2",
"r_tps": "0.0",
"sampling_sec": "199754.29",
"svc_ms": "0.0",
"tps": "0.0",
"w_kB/s": "0.0",
"w_tps": "0.0",
"wait_ms": "0.7"
"Total": "1,007,512 KB",
"Used": "234,648 KB 23.3%"
"Hard Disk": {
"IOStat": {
"%util": "0.0",
"queue": "0.0",
"r_kB/s": "3.5",
"r_tps": "0.1",
"sampling_sec": "199754.28",
"svc_ms": "0.1",
"tps": "3.0",
"w_kB/s": "71.4",
"w_tps": "2.8",
"wait_ms": "5.5"
"Total": "83,663,256 KB",
"Used": "26,416,368 KB 31.6%"
"Memory": {
"Total": "10,264,044 KB",
"Used": "4,817,012 KB 46.9%"
"status": {
"code": 0,
"message": "OK"
"url": "/cli/global/system/performance"
.. tabs:: .. tab:: REQUEST .. code-block:: json { "method": "exec", "params": [ { "url": "/cli/global/exec/top", "data": { "top-n": 50, "order-by": "cpu-usage" } } ], "id": "{{ session }}" }
.. tabs:: .. tab:: REQUEST .. code-block:: json { "method": "exec", "params": [ { "url": "/cli/global/exec/iotop", "data": { "top-n": 50, } } ], "id": "{{ session }}" }
Deleting a task could be used to delete a completed task or cancelling/stopping a running task.
The following example shows how to delete the 11111
.. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: REQUEST .. code-block:: json { "id": 3, "method": "delete", "params": [ { "url": "/task/task/11111" } ], "session": "{{session}}" } .. tab-item:: RESPONSE .. code-block:: json { "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK" }, "url": "/task/task/11111" }