From 0fa17ce47123e4e0194cac1b51189f8551696e98 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: SO9010 Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 15:29:57 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] note --- psst-gui/src/widget/ | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) diff --git a/psst-gui/src/widget/ b/psst-gui/src/widget/ index e3a65601..c9f1a144 100644 --- a/psst-gui/src/widget/ +++ b/psst-gui/src/widget/ @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ pub static LOGO: SvgIcon = SvgIcon { op: PaintOp::Fill, }; +// I recomend using to make the svg path 25.0 pix size, and also to center the svg path + // SFSymbols - gear pub static PREFERENCES: SvgIcon = SvgIcon { svg_path: "M12.5225 23.925C12.8909 23.925 13.3328 23.925 13.6275 23.85L14.2168 24.9C14.2905 25.125 14.4378 25.2 14.7324 25.125 15.0271 25.125 15.0271 24.975 15.1007 24.75L15.2481 23.55A9.675 9.5024 90 0017.3843 22.725L18.2682 23.55C18.4156 23.7 18.5629 23.7 18.7839 23.625S19.0049 23.4 19.0049 23.1L18.7839 21.975A10.35 10.1653 90 0020.5518 20.475L21.6567 20.925C21.8776 21.075 21.9514 21 22.1723 20.775 22.3933 20.55 22.3933 20.475 22.1723 20.25L21.583 19.2A11.1 10.902 90 0022.688 17.175L23.8665 17.25C24.1612 17.25 24.2348 17.175 24.3085 16.95 24.3822 16.725 24.3822 16.575 24.1612 16.425L23.2773 15.675C23.4983 14.925 23.5719 14.175 23.6455 13.425L24.7505 13.05C24.9715 12.975 25.0451 12.825 25.0451 12.6S24.9715 12.225 24.7505 12.15L23.6455 11.775A12.225 12.007 90 0023.2773 9.525L24.1612 8.775C24.3822 8.625 24.3822 8.55 24.3085 8.25 24.2348 8.025 24.1612 7.95 23.8665 7.95L22.688 8.025A11.475 11.2703 90 0021.583 6L22.1723 5.025C22.3197 4.8 22.3197 4.65 22.1723 4.5 21.9514 4.275 21.804 4.2 21.6567 4.35L20.5518 4.8A11.25 11.0493 90 0018.7839 3.3L19.0049 2.175C19.0785 1.875 19.0049 1.8 18.7839 1.65 18.4892 1.5 18.4156 1.5 18.2682 1.725L17.3843 2.4A11.1 10.902 90 0015.2481 1.65L15.1007.45C15.1007.15 14.9534.075 14.7324.075 14.4378.075 14.3642.075 14.2168.3L13.6275 1.425A12.45 12.2279 90 0012.5225 1.35C12.1542 1.35 11.7859 1.35 11.4177 1.425L10.8284.225C10.7546.075 10.6074 0 10.3127 0S10.0181.15 9.9444.375L9.797 1.65C9.0605 1.875 8.3238 2.1 7.6609 2.475L6.7769 1.725C6.5559 1.575 6.4823 1.575 6.2613 1.65 6.0403 1.725 6.0403 1.875 6.0403 2.175L6.2613 3.3A10.8 10.6074 90 004.4934 4.8L3.3884 4.35C3.1675 4.2 3.0938 4.275 2.7991 4.5 2.6518 4.65 2.6518 4.8 2.7991 5.025L3.4621 6.075A11.475 11.2703 90 002.3572 7.95L1.1786 7.875C.8839 7.875.8103 7.95.7366 8.175.5893 8.475.6629 8.55.8839 8.7L1.7679 9.45A13.125 12.8909 90 001.3996 11.7L.2946 12.075C0 12.15 0 12.225 0 12.525S.0736 12.9.2946 12.975L1.3996 13.35C1.4732 14.1 1.5469 14.925 1.7679 15.6L.8839 16.35C.6629 16.5.6629 16.575.7366 16.875.8103 17.1.8839 17.175 1.1786 17.175L2.3572 17.1C2.6518 17.775 3.0201 18.45 3.4621 19.125L2.8728 20.175C2.7255 20.4 2.7255 20.55 2.8728 20.7 3.0938 20.925 3.2411 21 3.4621 20.85L4.5671 20.4C5.0827 21 5.672 21.45 6.3349 21.9L6.114 23.025C6.0403 23.325 6.114 23.4 6.3349 23.55 6.6295 23.7 6.7033 23.625 6.8506 23.475L7.7345 22.65A10.8 10.6074 90 009.8708 23.475L10.0181 24.675C10.0181 24.975 10.0917 25.05 10.3863 25.05S10.7546 25.05 10.902 24.825L11.4913 23.775C11.8596 23.85 12.2279 23.85 12.5963 23.85ZM15.0271 12.3A2.55 2.5046 90 0012.5963 10.2 2.25 2.2099 90 0011.7123 10.425L7.4399 3.15A10.575 10.3863 90 0112.4489 1.875C18.1946 1.875 22.7616 6.45 22.909 12.3ZM2.1362 12.6C2.1362 8.7 4.0514 5.4 6.9242 3.525L11.0493 10.725A2.475 2.4308 90 0011.123 14.775L6.9979 21.825C4.0514 19.95 2.1362 16.575 2.1362 12.675ZM10.7546 12.675C10.7546 11.625 11.5649 10.8 12.5963 10.8 13.5538 10.8 14.4378 11.625 14.4378 12.675S13.6275 14.55 12.5963 14.55A1.875 1.8415 90 0110.7546 12.675ZM12.5225 23.4C10.7546 23.4 9.0605 22.95 7.5872 22.125L11.7123 15.075A2.625 2.5782 90 0012.5225 15.225C13.8485 15.225 14.8798 14.25 14.9534 12.975H22.909C22.7616 18.825 18.1946 23.4 12.4489 23.4Z",