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Contract Type

Jeremie Rossignol edited this page Nov 14, 2015 · 21 revisions

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The CONTRACT_TYPE node is the main node for all Contract Configurator contracts. This node is what defines a contract that will be offered by Contract Configurator.

Also see the detailed pages for the listing of all possible values for DATA, PARAMETER, REQUIREMENT and BEHAVIOUR nodes:

Sample CONTRACT_TYPE (can be downloaded here):

    // Unique name of the contract type (required)
    name = SimpleTestContract

    // Contract title is displayed in the window in the corner, should be
    // short and descritive
    title = Simple Test Contract

    // Reference to a CONTRACT_GROUP node which supplies additional rules
    // for limiting the number of contracts within a given group.
    group = ContractGroup

    // Two options for specifying the description:
    // 1) Supply the full text here in the description field
    //description = A more detailed description of the contract.

    // 2) Supply the following fields, which will be fed into the text
    //    generator.  Use of the CoherentContracts mod is highly
    //    recommended, as it generates far more meaningful text.
    topic = Contract Configurator // Topic of the contract.  Should be a
                                  // singular noun.
    subject = Kerbal              // Subject of the contract.  See
                                  // CoherentContracts for some possible
                                  // values.  Includes stuff like Kerbal,
                                  // Experiment, Parts, Mun, MunSrf, etc.
    motivation = test             // Motivation for why we are doing the
                                  // contract.  See CoherentContracts for
                                  // some possible values.  Some values
                                  // used are: flags, test, rescue.

    // Contract notes are displayed in mission control.  Use it to give 
    // any special instructions.
    // Optional
    notes = These are the contract level notes.

    // The contract synopsis appears in bold.  Give a quick summary of the
    // contract objective.
    synopsis = We want you to do a thing.

    // The completedMessage is the message that is displayed when the
    // contract completes.
    completedMessage = You have done the thing.

    // Agent (agency).  If not populated, a random agent will be selected.
    agent = Integrated Integrals

    // Contract min/max expiry in days.  If both are set to 0.0, it will
    // result in a contract that never expires.
    // Default = 1.0 and 7.0 days, respectively
    minExpiry = 500.0
    maxExpiry = 1000.0

    // Contract deadline in days.  Default is no deadline.
    deadline = 500

    // Controls for whether a contract can be declined or cancelled, default
    // is true for both
    cancellable = true
    declinable = true

    // When set to true, this contract is automatically accepted when
    // offered.  Use it to make a contract like the stock World-Firsts
    // Record contracts.
    // Default = false
    autoAccept = false

    // Prestige.  If not specified, this contract type will be available at
    // any prestige level.  Otherwise, locked to the level specified.  Can
    // be specified multiple times.
    // Values from Contract.ContractPrestige:
    //     Trivial
    //     Significant
    //     Exceptional
    prestige = Significant

    // Target Celestial body - controls where the contract must be
    // completed, has some automated effects on numeric values (increasing
    // science, etc.).  Also gets used in some of the parameter classes.
    // Default = null (no celestial body)
    targetBody = Kerbin

    // The maximum number of times this contract type can be completed (0
    // being unlimited).
    // Default = 0
    maxCompletions = 3

    // The maximum instances of this contract that can be active at one
    // time (0 being unlimited).
    // Default = 0
    maxSimultaneous = 1

    // Contract rewards
    rewardScience = 100.0
    rewardReputation = 20.0
    rewardFunds = 100000.0
    failureReputation = 10.0
    failureFunds = 10000.0
    advanceFunds = 10000.0

    // The weight is used in the contract generation process.  Each contract
    // type that is available to be offered is added to a weighted list.
    // Contract types with a higher value are more likely to be chosen.
    // Note that the weight is applied per contract group.
    // Default = 1.0
    weight = 10.0

    // The DATA node is a special node that is not used by contracts
    // or parameters directly, but provide storage for generic values
    // that can be used as part of expressions.
        type = Vessel
        targetVessel = AllVessels().Where(v => v.isOrbiting()).First()

    // The PARAMETER node defines a contract parameter.  The following
    // shows an example parameter.  See the Parameters page for examples of
    // all supported parameters.
        name = ReachState1

        // The type defines the type of Parameter.  See the Parameters page
        // for a list of all supported Contract Configurator parameters.
        type = ReachState

        // This is a parameter specific to the ReachState parameter type.
        // Each parameter type can have include its own custom fields.
        minAltitude = 45000

    // The REQUIREMENT node defines a contract requirement - a prerequisite
    // that needs to be met before the contract can be offered.  The
    // following shows an example requirement.  See the Requirements page
    // for examples of all supported requirements.
        name = ReachSpace1

        // The type defines the type of Requirement.  See the Requirements
        // page for all supported Contract Configurator requirements.
        type = ReachSpace

    // The BEHAVIOUR node adds additional special contract level behaviour.
    // See the Behaviours page for examples of all supported behaviours.
        name = Behaviour1

        // The type defines the type of Behaviour.  See the Behaviours page
        // for all supported Contract Configurator behaviours.
        type = Behaviour

[ Top ] [ The CONTRACT_TYPE node ]

Contract Reward Modifiers

Thanks to DMagic - these values are pulled from [this forum post] (

Contract rewards, advances, and penalties are all affected by a multiplier which is dependent on both the contract prestige and the celestial body. The multipliers are

Body Multiplier
Sun 4.0
  Moho 7.0
  Eve 5.0
    Gilly 6.0
  Kerbin 1.0
    Mun 2.0
    Minmus 2.0
  Duna 5.0
    Ike 5.0
  Jool 6.0
    Laythe 8.0
    Vall 8.0
    Bop 8.0
    Tylo 8.0
    Pol 8.0
  Dres 6.0
  Eeloo 10.0
Prestige Multiplier
Trivial 1.00
Significant 1.25
Exceptional 1.50

[ Top ] [ Contract Reward Modifiers ]

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