Now our application is ready to be used as a result of successful Package job run. In this chapter, we are going to...
- Copy the artifact from the package job
- Build a Docker image with our application in it.
(Note: Visit and create a DockerHub account if you don't have one already.)
- Before creating this job, please install copy artifacts plugin which is also a prerequisite.
- Install CloudBees Docker Build and Publish Plugin
- After installing that plugin, go to `Credentials => global(global domain) => Add credentials => fill in the details
- Now go back to Jenkins Main Page
- Fork the following repository.
This repository consists of one Dockerfile which you need to update.
Let us see what this Dockerfile does,
- The Dockerfile is very simple and has only three steps.
FROM tomcat:latest
ADD target/CMADSession*.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/cmad.war
ADD /usr/local/tomcat/bin/
Line 1
FROM tomcat:latest
We are building our image with official tomcat image as a Base image.
Line 2
ADD CMADSession*.war.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/cmad.war
Here we copy our application from the host to container.
Line 3
ADD /usr/local/tomcat/bin/
Like the previous step, we add a script inside the image. The purpose of this script is to decrease the launch time of the application. The script has following contents.
# Fast up the server boot process
This time create a freestyle project named Docker-Image.
In Source Code Management step, add the following git repository.
- In Build Trigger, add Package as a trigger.
- Click on apply project for now.
This job requires workspace to be cleared before it runs. So,
In Build Environment step, Select Delete workspace before build starts then click on Advanced.
In Patterns for files to be deleted section, click on Add.
In the second field add target/*.war as a pattern.
In Build Step, Copy artifacts from another project from the drop down list.
In Project name, Type Package.
Select Latest successful build in the next section.
In artifacts to copy section, type target/*.war
This will copy our application from Package job to Docker-Image job.
This job has one Build step.
Select Docker Build and Publish from the Build step
- Add the following details in the fields.
Then click on Save.
Now you can run the Docker-Image job
If everything goes well, this job will create a Docker image and push it to DockerHub registry.