This repository contains the source code of a Java implementation of the TOSCA-based matchmaking and adaptation approach, which has been presented in
A. Brogi, J. Soldani
Finding available services in TOSCA-compliant clouds.
Science of Computer Programming, volumes 115–116, pages 177–198, 1 January–1 February 2016
If you wish to reuse the sources in this repository, please properly cite the above mentioned paper. Below you can find the BibTex reference:
author = {Antonio Brogi and Jacopo Soldani},
title = {Finding available services in TOSCA-compliant clouds},
journal = {Science of Computer Programming},
volume = {115 - 116},
pages = {177 - 198},
year = {2016},
note = {Special Section on Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software (FOCLASA 2012), Special Section on Foundations of Coordination Languages and Software (FOCLASA 2013)},
issn = {0167-6423},
doi = {},
url = {}
A documentation of the source code in this repository can be found at this link