diff --git a/docs/demos/jspsych-survey-demo1.html b/docs/demos/jspsych-survey-demo1.html
index 09d5d3eeb0..67344a231c 100644
--- a/docs/demos/jspsych-survey-demo1.html
+++ b/docs/demos/jspsych-survey-demo1.html
@@ -20,39 +20,22 @@
showQuestionNumbers: false,
- {
- type: 'html',
- name: 'info',
- html: '
Please answer the following questions:
- },
type: 'radiogroup',
title: "Which of the following do you like the most?",
name: 'vegetablesLike',
- choices: ['Tomato', 'Cucumber', 'Eggplant', 'Corn', 'Peas', 'Broccoli'],
- colCount: 2,
- required: true,
- showNoneItem: true,
- showOtherItem: true,
+ choices: ['Tomato', 'Cucumber', 'Eggplant', 'Corn', 'Peas', 'Broccoli']
type: 'checkbox',
title: "Which of the following do you like?",
name: 'fruitLike',
- description: "You can select as many as you want. Select at least 2 to see a conditional question appear below.",
+ description: "You can select as many as you want.",
choices: ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Orange', 'Grape', 'Strawberry', 'Kiwi', 'Mango'],
- colCount: 2,
showOtherItem: true,
showSelectAllItem: true,
- required: false,
- },
- {
- type: 'ranking',
- title: "Of the fruits that you like, which one is your favorite?",
- name: "fruitFavorite",
- choicesFromQuestion: "fruitLike",
- choicesFromQuestionMode: "selected",
- visibleIf: "{fruitLike.length} > 1",
+ showNoneItem: true,
+ required: true,
diff --git a/docs/demos/jspsych-survey-demo2.html b/docs/demos/jspsych-survey-demo2.html
index 94152816b5..8c4ba3fc18 100644
--- a/docs/demos/jspsych-survey-demo2.html
+++ b/docs/demos/jspsych-survey-demo2.html
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
survey_json: JSON.stringify({
showQuestionNumbers: false,
title: 'My questionnaire',
- completeText: 'Submit',
+ completeText: 'Done!',
pageNextText: 'Continue',
pagePrevText: 'Previous',
pages: [
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
choices: ['Blue','Yellow','Pink','Teal','Orange','Lime green'],
showNoneItem: true,
showOtherItem: true,
- name: 'FavColor',
- colCount: 2
+ colCount: 0,
+ name: 'FavColor',
type: 'checkbox',
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
choices: ['Lion','Squirrel','Badger','Whale', 'Turtle'],
choicesOrder: 'random',
colCount: 0,
- name: 'AnimalLike',
+ name: 'FavAnimals',
diff --git a/docs/demos/jspsych-survey-demo3.html b/docs/demos/jspsych-survey-demo3.html
index 72eb61f271..1bab302655 100644
--- a/docs/demos/jspsych-survey-demo3.html
+++ b/docs/demos/jspsych-survey-demo3.html
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
type: 'matrix',
name: 'like-food-matrix',
- title: ' ',
+ title: 'Matrix question for rating mutliple statements on the same scale.',
alternateRows: true,
isAllRowRequired: true,
rows: [
diff --git a/docs/demos/jspsych-survey-demo4.html b/docs/demos/jspsych-survey-demo4.html
index f612e69dea..a96fee8985 100644
--- a/docs/demos/jspsych-survey-demo4.html
+++ b/docs/demos/jspsych-survey-demo4.html
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
type: jsPsychSurvey,
survey_json: JSON.stringify({
showQuestionNumbers: false,
- title: 'Multiple choice question with a correct answer.',
+ title: 'Conditional question visibility.',
pages: [{
name: 'question',
elements: [
@@ -27,23 +27,23 @@
type: 'radiogroup',
title: 'During the experiment, are you allowed to write things down on paper to help you?',
choices: ["Yes", "No"],
- correctAnswer: "No",
+ name: "WriteOK",
isRequired: true
}, {
- name: 'score',
+ name: 'feedback',
elements: [
type: 'html',
name: 'incorrect',
- visibleIf: '{correctAnswers} < {questionCount}',
- html: 'That response was incorrect.
+ visibleIf: '{WriteOK} = "Yes"',
+ html: 'That response was incorrect.
Please return to the previous page and try again.
type: 'html',
name: 'correct',
- visibleIf: '{correctAnswers} == {questionCount}',
+ visibleIf: '{WriteOK} == "No"',
html: 'Congratulations!
diff --git a/docs/demos/jspsych-survey-demo5.html b/docs/demos/jspsych-survey-demo5.html
index 4472096b00..06959718f0 100644
--- a/docs/demos/jspsych-survey-demo5.html
+++ b/docs/demos/jspsych-survey-demo5.html
@@ -15,64 +15,69 @@
const jsPsych = initJsPsych();
- // values that change across survey trials - each object represents a single trial
- const question_variables = [
- {
- 'fruit': 'apples',
- 'Q1_prompt': 'Do you like apples?',
- 'Q1_type': 'regular'
- },
- {
- 'fruit': 'pears',
- 'Q1_prompt': 'Do you like pears?',
- 'Q1_type': 'regular'
- },
- {
- 'fruit': 'bananas',
- 'Q1_prompt': 'Do you NOT like bananas?',
- 'Q1_type': 'reverse'
- },
- ];
- // create an array to store all of our survey trials so that we can easily randomize their order
- survey_trials = [];
- // construct the survey trials dynamically using an array of question-specific information
- for (let i=0; i>',
+ elements: [
+ {
+ type: 'radiogroup',
+ title: question_variables[i].Q1_prompt,
+ choices: ['Yes', 'No'],
+ name: 'Q1'
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'text',
+ title: 'What do you '+question_variables[i].Q2_word+' most about '+question_variables[i].fruit+'?',
+ name: 'Q2'
+ }
+ ]
+ };
+ // set up a survey trial object using the JSON we've just created for this question,
+ // and add the trial object to the survey trials array
+ survey_trials.push({
+ type: jsPsychSurvey,
+ survey_json: JSON.stringify(survey_json),
+ data: {
+ 'Q1_prompt': question_variables[i].Q1_prompt,
+ 'Q1_type': question_variables[i].Q1_type,
+ 'Q2_word': question_variables[i].Q2_word,
+ 'fruit': question_variables[i].fruit
+ }
+ });
+ }
const timeline = jsPsych.randomization.shuffle(survey_trials);
diff --git a/docs/plugins/survey.md b/docs/plugins/survey.md
index 7a6492fe10..aa891d32f5 100644
--- a/docs/plugins/survey.md
+++ b/docs/plugins/survey.md
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ In addition to a basic text input box, you can select from any of these other in
- [Progress bar](https://surveyjs.io/form-library/examples/configure-form-navigation-with-progress-indicators/jquery)
- [Carry responses forward from a selection question](https://surveyjs.io/form-library/examples/carry-forward-responses/jquery)
- [Carry responses forward from a dynamic matrix/panel](https://surveyjs.io/form-library/examples/pipe-answers-from-dynamic-matrix-or-panel/jquery)
-- [Conditional visibility for elements/questions](https://surveyjs.io/form-library/examples/implement-conditional-logic-to-change-question-visibility/jquery)
+- [Conditional visibility for elements/questions](https://surveyjs.io/form-library/documentation/design-survey/conditional-logic#conditional-visibility) (see also [this example](https://surveyjs.io/form-library/examples/implement-conditional-logic-to-change-question-visibility/jquery))
- Special choices for multi-choice-type questions: [None](https://surveyjs.io/form-library/documentation/api-reference/radio-button-question-model#showNoneItem), [Other](https://surveyjs.io/form-library/documentation/api-reference/radio-button-question-model#showOtherItem), [Select All](https://surveyjs.io/form-library/documentation/api-reference/checkbox-question-model#showSelectAllItem), [Refuse to answer](https://surveyjs.io/form-library/documentation/api-reference/radio-button-question-model#showRefuseItem), and [Don't know](https://surveyjs.io/form-library/documentation/api-reference/radio-button-question-model#showDontKnowItem)
- [Localization](https://surveyjs.io/form-library/examples/survey-localization/jquery) (adapting the survey's language based on a country/region value and associated set of content and UI translations)
- [Text piping](https://surveyjs.io/form-library/examples/text-piping-in-surveys/jquery) (dynamically insert text into questions/answers based on previous responses)
@@ -299,34 +299,35 @@ import '@jspsych/plugin-survey/css/survey.css'
## Examples
-???+ example "Basic single page"
+???+ example "Single page with radiogroup (multiple choice) and checkbox"
=== "Code"
- var trial = {
+ const trial = {
type: jsPsychSurvey,
- pages: [
- [
- {
- type: 'html',
- prompt: 'Please answer the following questions:',
- },
- {
- type: 'multi-choice',
- prompt: "Which of the following do you like the most?",
- name: 'VegetablesLike',
- options: ['Tomato', 'Cucumber', 'Eggplant', 'Corn', 'Peas'],
- required: true
- },
- {
- type: 'multi-select',
- prompt: "Which of the following do you like?",
- name: 'FruitLike',
- options: ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Orange', 'Grape', 'Strawberry'],
- required: false,
- }
+ survey_json: JSON.stringify({
+ showQuestionNumbers: false,
+ elements:
+ [
+ {
+ type: 'radiogroup',
+ title: "Which of the following do you like the most?",
+ name: 'vegetablesLike',
+ choices: ['Tomato', 'Cucumber', 'Eggplant', 'Corn', 'Peas', 'Broccoli']
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'checkbox',
+ title: "Which of the following do you like?",
+ name: 'fruitLike',
+ description: "You can select as many as you want.",
+ choices: ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Orange', 'Grape', 'Strawberry', 'Kiwi', 'Mango'],
+ showOtherItem: true,
+ showSelectAllItem: true,
+ showNoneItem: true,
+ required: true,
+ }
- ],
+ }),
@@ -337,51 +338,66 @@ import '@jspsych/plugin-survey/css/survey.css'
Open demo in new tab
-???+ example "Multiple pages, more customization"
+???+ example "Multiple pages with text and multiple choice questions, and more customization"
=== "Code"
- var trial = {
+ const trial = {
type: jsPsychSurvey,
- pages: [
- [
+ survey_json: JSON.stringify({
+ showQuestionNumbers: false,
+ title: 'My questionnaire',
+ completeText: 'Done!',
+ pageNextText: 'Continue',
+ pagePrevText: 'Previous',
+ pages: [
- type: 'text',
- prompt: "Where were you born?",
- placeholder: 'City, State, Country',
- name: 'birthplace',
- required: true,
- },
- {
- type: 'text',
- prompt: "How old are you?",
- name: 'age',
- textbox_columns: 5,
- required: false,
- }
- ],
- [
- {
- type: 'multi-choice',
- prompt: "What's your favorite color?",
- options: ['blue','yellow','pink','teal','orange','lime green','other','none of these'],
- name: 'FavColor',
- },
+ name: 'page1',
+ elements: [
+ {
+ type: 'text',
+ title: 'Where were you born?',
+ placeholder: 'City, State, Country',
+ name: 'birthplace',
+ size: 30,
+ isRequired: true,
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'text',
+ title: 'How old are you?',
+ name: 'age',
+ isRequired: false,
+ inputType: 'number',
+ min: 0,
+ max: 100,
+ defaultValue: 0
+ }
+ ]
+ },
- type: 'multi-select',
- prompt: "Which of these animals do you like? Select all that apply.",
- options: ['lion','squirrel','badger','whale'],
- option_reorder: 'random',
- columns: 0,
- name: 'AnimalLike',
+ name: 'page2',
+ elements: [
+ {
+ type: 'radiogroup',
+ title: "What's your favorite color?",
+ choices: ['Blue','Yellow','Pink','Teal','Orange','Lime green'],
+ showNoneItem: true,
+ showOtherItem: true,
+ colCount: 0,
+ name: 'FavColor',
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'checkbox',
+ title: 'Which of these animals do you like? Select all that apply.',
+ choices: ['Lion','Squirrel','Badger','Whale', 'Turtle'],
+ choicesOrder: 'random',
+ colCount: 0,
+ name: 'FavAnimals',
+ }
+ ]
- ],
- title: 'My questionnaire',
- button_label_next: 'Continue',
- button_label_back: 'Previous',
- button_label_finish: 'Submit',
- show_question_numbers: 'onPage'
+ })
@@ -392,68 +408,88 @@ import '@jspsych/plugin-survey/css/survey.css'
Open demo in new tab
-???+ example "Single and multiple item Likert-style scales"
+???+ example "Rating and matrix questions for Likert-style scales"
+ This example shows several different options for presenting a single question/statement and a rating scale (buttons, dropdown, stars, smileys). It also shows a table of several questions/statements (rows) to be rated on the same scale (columns).
=== "Code"
const trial = {
type: jsPsychSurvey,
- pages: [
- [
+ survey_json: JSON.stringify({
+ showQuestionNumbers: false,
+ title: 'Likert scale examples',
+ elements: [
- type: 'likert',
- prompt: 'I like to eat vegetables.',
- likert_scale_min_label: 'Strongly Disagree',
- likert_scale_max_label: 'Strongly Agree',
- likert_scale_values: [
- {value: 1},
- {value: 2},
- {value: 3},
- {value: 4},
- {value: 5}
- ]
+ type: 'rating',
+ name: 'like-vegetables',
+ title: 'I like to eat vegetables.',
+ description: 'Button rating scale with min/max descriptions',
+ minRateDescription: 'Strongly Disagree',
+ maxRateDescription: 'Strongly Agree',
+ displayMode: 'buttons',
+ rateValues: [1,2,3,4,5]
- type: 'likert',
- prompt: 'I like to eat fruit.',
- likert_scale_min_label: 'Strongly Disagree',
- likert_scale_max_label: 'Strongly Agree',
- likert_scale_values: [
- {value: 1},
- {value: 2},
- {value: 3},
- {value: 4},
- {value: 5}
- ]
+ type: 'rating',
+ name: 'like-fruit',
+ title: 'I like to eat fruit.',
+ description: 'Dropdown rating scale with min/max descriptions',
+ minRateDescription: 'Strongly Disagree',
+ maxRateDescription: 'Strongly Agree',
+ displayMode: 'dropdown',
+ rateCount: 10,
+ rateMax: 10,
- type: 'likert',
- prompt: 'I like to eat meat.',
- likert_scale_min_label: 'Strongly Disagree',
- likert_scale_max_label: 'Strongly Agree',
- likert_scale_values: [
- {value: 1},
- {value: 2},
- {value: 3},
- {value: 4},
- {value: 5}
- ]
- },
- ],
- [
+ type: 'rating',
+ name: 'like-meat',
+ title: 'I like to eat meat.',
+ description: 'Star rating scale',
+ rateType: 'stars',
+ rateCount: 10,
+ rateMax: 10,
+ },
- type: 'likert-table',
- prompt: ' ',
- statements: [
- {prompt: 'I like to eat vegetables', name: 'VeggiesTable'},
- {prompt: 'I like to eat fruit', name: 'FruitTable'},
- {prompt: 'I like to eat meat', name: 'MeatTable'},
+ type: 'rating',
+ name: 'like-cooking',
+ title: 'How much do you enjoy cooking?',
+ description: 'Smiley rating scale',
+ rateType: 'smileys',
+ rateCount: 10,
+ rateMax: 10,
+ scaleColorMode: 'colored',
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'matrix',
+ name: 'like-food-matrix',
+ title: 'Matrix question for rating mutliple statements on the same scale.',
+ alternateRows: true,
+ isAllRowRequired: true,
+ rows: [
+ {text: 'I like to eat vegetables.', value: 'VeggiesTable'},
+ {text: 'I like to eat fruit.', value: 'FruitTable'},
+ {text: 'I like to eat meat.', value: 'MeatTable'},
+ {text: 'I like to cook.', value: 'CookTable'},
- options: ['Strongly Disagree', 'Disagree', 'Neutral', 'Agree', 'Strongly Agree'],
+ columns: [{
+ "value": 5,
+ "text": "Strongly agree"
+ }, {
+ "value": 4,
+ "text": "Agree"
+ }, {
+ "value": 3,
+ "text": "Neutral"
+ }, {
+ "value": 2,
+ "text": "Disagree"
+ }, {
+ "value": 1,
+ "text": "Strongly disagree"
+ }]
- ],
+ })
@@ -464,23 +500,44 @@ import '@jspsych/plugin-survey/css/survey.css'
Open demo in new tab
-???+ example "Response scoring"
+???+ example "Conditional question visibility based on response"
=== "Code"
const trial = {
type: jsPsychSurvey,
- pages: [
- [
- {
- type: 'multi-choice',
- prompt: 'During the experiment, are allowed to write things down on paper to help you?',
- options: ["Yes", "No"],
- correct_response: "No",
- required: true
- },
- ]
- ],
+ survey_json: JSON.stringify({
+ showQuestionNumbers: false,
+ title: 'Conditional question visibility.',
+ pages: [{
+ name: 'question',
+ elements: [
+ {
+ type: 'radiogroup',
+ title: 'During the experiment, are you allowed to write things down on paper to help you?',
+ choices: ["Yes", "No"],
+ name: "WriteOK",
+ isRequired: true
+ }
+ ],
+ }, {
+ name: 'feedback',
+ elements: [
+ {
+ type: 'html',
+ name: 'incorrect',
+ visibleIf: '{WriteOK} = "Yes"',
+ html: 'That response was incorrect.
Please return to the previous page and try again.
+ },
+ {
+ type: 'html',
+ name: 'correct',
+ visibleIf: '{WriteOK} == "No"',
+ html: 'Congratulations!
+ }
+ ]
+ }]
+ })
@@ -491,57 +548,75 @@ import '@jspsych/plugin-survey/css/survey.css'
Open demo in new tab
-???+ example "Adding data to trial"
- When adding any data to a Survey trial, you should add it via the `data` parameter at the whole-trial level (not inside the question objects), even if it only relates to one question out of multiple questions/pages contained wihtin the trial.
+???+ example "Repeating survey trials with different variables"
+ The survey plugin is not compatible with the jsPsych timeline variables feature, so an alternative to creating a set of repeating survey trials is to construct them in a loop.
+ When adding any data to a survey trial, you should add it via the `data` parameter at the whole-trial level (not inside the question objects), even if it only relates to one question out of multiple questions/pages contained within the trial.
=== "Code"
- const question_info = [
+ // values that change across survey trials - each object represents a single trial
+ const question_variables = [
'fruit': 'apples',
'Q1_prompt': 'Do you like apples?',
- 'Q1_type': 'regular'
+ 'Q1_type': 'regular',
+ 'Q2_word': 'like'
+ },
+ {
+ 'fruit': 'pears',
+ 'Q1_prompt': 'Do you like pears?',
+ 'Q1_type': 'regular',
+ 'Q2_word': 'like'
'fruit': 'bananas',
'Q1_prompt': 'Do you NOT like bananas?',
- 'Q1_type': 'reverse'
+ 'Q1_type': 'reverse',
+ 'Q2_word': 'hate'
- const survey = {
- type: jsPsychSurvey,
- pages: [
- [
+ // create an array to store all of our survey trials so that we can easily randomize their order
+ survey_trials = [];
+ // construct the survey trials dynamically using an array of question-specific information
+ for (let i=0; i>',
+ elements: [
- type: 'multi-choice',
- prompt: jsPsych.timelineVariable('Q1_prompt'),
- options: ['Yes', 'No'],
+ type: 'radiogroup',
+ title: question_variables[i].Q1_prompt,
+ choices: ['Yes', 'No'],
name: 'Q1'
type: 'text',
- prompt: function() {
- return `What's your favorite thing about ${jsPsych.timelineVariable('fruit')}?`;
- },
+ title: 'What do you '+question_variables[i].Q2_word+' most about '+question_variables[i].fruit+'?',
name: 'Q2'
- ],
- // Add data at the whole-trial level here
- data: {
- 'Q1_prompt': jsPsych.timelineVariable('Q1_prompt'),
- 'Q1_type': jsPsych.timelineVariable('Q1_type'),
- 'fruit': jsPsych.timelineVariable('fruit')
- },
- button_label_finish: 'Continue'
- };
- const survey_procedure = {
- timeline: [survey],
- timeline_variables: question_info,
- randomize_order: true
- };
+ };
+ // set up a survey trial object using the JSON we've just created for this question,
+ // and add the trial object to the survey trials array
+ survey_trials.push({
+ type: jsPsychSurvey,
+ survey_json: JSON.stringify(survey_json),
+ data: {
+ 'Q1_prompt': question_variables[i].Q1_prompt,
+ 'Q1_type': question_variables[i].Q1_type,
+ 'Q2_word': question_variables[i].Q2_word,
+ 'fruit': question_variables[i].fruit
+ }
+ });
+ }
=== "Demo"