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Marcel Waldvogel edited this page Jun 20, 2017 · 9 revisions

Install instructions for xmpp-cloud-auth

How to set up Nextcloud with Apache and Prosody on Debian/Ubuntu with user management all done in Nextcloud.

The following instructions assume a fresh Debian/Ubuntu installation. Please replace,, and 2001:db8::2 with your real domain and IPv4/IPv6 addresses. (If you are unlucky enough to hav e a provider which still does not support IPv6, just leave out the AAAA lines in your DNS configuration.)

All operations are performed as root (after e.g. sudo -s) unless otherwise noted.

  1. Installing the software
  2. Setting up DNS entries
  3. Configuring Nextcloud
  4. Setting up Apache with a Let's Encrypt certificate
  5. Configuring Prosody
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