A follow up to ClarityCoders' AutoTube
You need a reddit application for that. You can create one to the following link :https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps
You can follow this tutorial to create your application : https://youtu.be/bMT9ZC9sBzI?t=228
- Clone this repository
- Install ImageMagick
- Rename the .env_sample file to .env
- Edit your .env file :
- IMAGEMAGICK_BINARIES="C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.1.0-Q16-HDRI\magick.exe" (Change the path to your installation to the magick.exe file. Check moviepy on pypi for more information)
environment variable is only needed if you're on Windows or on Ubuntu 16.04LTS
An example for the reddit user agent : "<MemeAcquisition-v1.0>"
- open a console (bash, cmd, etc...) where you cloned the repo and enter the following command :
pip install -r requirements.txt
If it returns an error, try the following command :
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Is it still doesn't work, make sure you that python and pip are properly installed.
Some code will be more explicit :
from RedditDownloader import RedditBot
from utils import SocialMedias, get_credentials, Scales
reddit = RedditBot(get_credentials())
data = reddit.save_images_from_subreddit(
video_path = reddit.create_video(data)
ytb_data = {
"file": video_path,
"title": "#shorts \n Memes but this time you laugh for real",
"description": "why tho",
"keywords": "meme,memes,laugh,internet,shorts",
"privacyStatus": "public"
reddit.publish_on(SocialMedias.YouTube, ytb_data)
This class takes 2 arguments :
- required :
instance that has been initialized. There's a utility function for that :utils.get_credentials()
- optional :
to log to console operation,False
by default
You then have a single method described below :
All 6 keyword arguments are optional.
- a tuple of strings that contains the subreddit names. By default, it will query the memes subreddit. Check out what's after the r/ to known what is the exact string to add to the tuple. -
- how many images (posts) do you want to download (int). By default, 5. -
- A tuple that contains all the file extensions that you want to download. By default, ("jpg", "png", "gif"). It may be used to download only jps and png or only gif. It may raise errors with other file extensions. -
- bool. If set to True it will only download NSFW posts (marked NSFW by the community or mods). If set to False it will only download SFW posts. By default, set to False. -
- tuple of ints. If passed, it will resize the downloaded images with the size passed as argument (width, height). By default, None is passed so no resize occurs. Some sizes are already defined for TikTok, YouTube or Instagram. -> see Scales -
- bool. Only works when a new scale is passed. If set to False the resized image will be placed in a "resized" folder along with the original images. If set to True it will replace the original images.
This method will return a list of dict
with the data queried that you can use later on.
This method will create a video with the data previously queried. it takes an optional argument :
- video_data : that correspond to the data queried. If no argument are passed, it will take the last data queried if still in memory. If no argument are passed and there is no data left in memory, it will raise an exception.
It returns the path to the created video.
This method will return the path of the queried images. it takes one optional argument :
- data : that correspond to the data queried. If no argument are passed, it will take the last data queried if still in memory. If no argument are passed and there is no data left in memory, it will raise an exception.
Publish photo or video on a social media.
Takes 2 required arguments :
- social_media - see SocialMedias
- data - a dict that contains all the data needed for the post. See Data format for more information about the data formatting.
There's some scales already defined. To access them, import Scales
from utils
from utils import Scales
Use this class to choose a social media to posts your video/photo
from utils import SocialMedias
['Instagram', 'Snapchat', 'TikTok', 'YouTube']
usage :
from RedditDownloader import RedditBot
from utils import SocialMedias, get_credentials, Scales
reddit = RedditBot(get_credentials())
data = reddit.save_images_from_subreddit(
video_path = reddit.create_video(data)
ytb_data = {
"file": video_path,
"title": "#short \n Memes but this time you laugh for real",
"description": "why tho",
"keywords": "meme,memes,laugh,internet,short",
"privacyStatus": "public"
reddit.publish_on(SocialMedias.YouTube, ytb_data)
"image_path": "absolute path to image",
"Best_comment": "best comment on this image",
"best_reply": "best reply of the best comment"
"image_path": "absolute path to image",
"Best_comment": "best comment on this image",
"best_reply": "best reply of the best comment"
"file": "absolute path to video",
"title": "video title",
"description": "video description",
"keywords": "tag1,tag2,tag3...",
"privacyStatus": "private|public|unlisted"
"files": ["absolute path to video/photo1", "absolute path to video/photo2", ...],
"description": "post description",
"type": "igtv|reels|post"
"file": "absolute path to video",
"description": "post description"
"file": "absolute path to video",
"description": "post description"