In this section we will create a new Kubernetes cluster locally using kind and install ArgoCD on it. We will then access the web interface to make sure that everything is in place.
Use kind to start a new local cluster. Clone the forked repository, enter the folder and then run:
kind create cluster --config=cluster.yml
Now that the cluster is up and running, let's build the manifests of ArgoCD using kustomize and apply them. Kustomize is a tool that generates Kubernetes manifests, starting from a definition.
In this case we are going to run Kustomize from a docker container, but you can also download kustomize locally and run it from there, the result shouldn't change.
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/argocd_deploy:/app/manifests build manifests | kubectl apply -f -
NOTE: If you are using a different operating system than linux you might have to adjust the command above
ArgoCD is now being installed. You can follow the progress with:
kubectl get po -n argocd -w
Take this time to have a look a the resources in the GitOps-workshop/argocd_deploy
You will find some commented lines and files, we will use them in the next steps.
Let's verify that everything is up and running by accessing the web interface of ArgoCD.
- Get the auto-generated password for the 'admin' user
kubectl get secret -n argocd argocd-initial-admin-secret --template={{.data.password}} | base64 --decode
- Port forward to the Argo CD server. This will bing your local port to ArgoCD
kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443
- Login on localhost:8080 with username
and password from previous step
Optionally, you can also install the ArgoCD CLI and then log in using:
argocd login localhost:8080