diff --git a/lib/camping-unabridged.rb b/lib/camping-unabridged.rb
index d8cd07d..2520f96 100644
--- a/lib/camping-unabridged.rb
+++ b/lib/camping-unabridged.rb
@@ -540,6 +540,190 @@ def service(*a)
+ # In order to fully understand controllers and how they are used, you
+ # should know a bit about HTTP - the protocol behind The World Wide Web.
+ #
+ # == Request
+ #
+ # HTTP is built around _requests_. When a user types "http://yoursite.com/"
+ # in his web browser, the browser starts making requests to the server.
+ # It's basically asking the server to do what the user want. When the server
+ # has decided what to do, it sends a _response_ back to the browser which
+ # is then showed to the user.
+ #
+ # We can brutually split a request into three parts: a resource, a method
+ # and the rest.
+ #
+ # === Resource
+ #
+ # A _resource_ in HTTP is simply a name of a _thing_ - it's a noun. Just like
+ # "home", "blog post" and "comment" are nouns in our world, are "/",
+ # "/post/123" and "/post/123/comment/456" resources in HTTP.
+ #
+ # Nouns are well and good, but just like you can't build a sentence with
+ # only nouns, you can't build a request with only a resource. We need verbs!
+ #
+ # === Method
+ #
+ # _Methods_ are the verbs in HTTP. It's not enough to have the name of
+ # what you want, you have to tell _what_ you want to do too. Since
+ # we're speaking with machines, we have to stick to these:
+ #
+ # * GET
+ # * POST
+ # * (PUT)
+ # * (DELTE)
+ #
+ # GET is the default method. When you type an address or click a link in
+ # your browser, it's smart enough to realize that you want to get that
+ # resource. GET also is the simplest of the methods: it should not _do_
+ # anything, just return the content.
+ #
+ # The three others are focused on actions. POST for create, PUT for
+ # update and DELETE for, uhm, delete. You may have noticed the parenthesis
+ # around PUT and DELETE, and the reason for that is quite sad:
+ #
+ # When the web was still young, some realized that they didn't _need_
+ # PUT and DELETE; they could just use POST and put the verb in the
+ # resource: POST /posts/delete/1. This doesn't make sense at all, but
+ # it happened and right now browsers only support GET and POST.
+ #
+ # === The Rest
+ #
+ # HTTP is also very flexible, so the browser can send all kind of other
+ # metadata (called _headers_). This includes the name of the browser, the
+ # preferred language, the domain of the server and much, much more.
+ #
+ # In POST, PUT and DELETE you can also send some arbitrary data (called
+ # the _body_). This is used for instance when you upload a file.
+ #
+ # Probably the most important part is that the browser can send parameters.
+ # In all the methods you can tack them on to the end after a question mark
+ # (/search?query=camping), while POST, PUT and DELETE also allows
+ # to send them, hidden from the user, in the body.
+ #
+ # == Response
+ #
+ # When the browser has sent the request to the server, the server has
+ # to return a response. We can also split the response into three parts:
+ # a status code, headers and a body.
+ #
+ # === Status Code
+ #
+ # The status code tells a bit about the response. For instance:
+ #
+ # * 200 means everything went fine and no problems occured.
+ # * 401 means you have to login.
+ # * 404 means the resource couldn't be found.
+ # * 500 means the server encountered an error.
+ #
+ # This is just a small selection. Wikipedia has a {nice list with _all_ the
+ # codes}[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes].
+ #
+ # === Headers
+ #
+ # Just like the headers in the request, the headers in the response are
+ # used to send useful metadata back to the browser. Examples of this
+ # are what kind of content this is, the length of the body and if the
+ # browser should give a "File Download" dialogue box.
+ #
+ # === Body
+ #
+ # The body is simply what the user is going to see.
+ #
+ # == Using controllers in Camping
+ #
+ # I guess you're bored with all of this (seemingly useless) theory, but we
+ # believe it's better to understand HTTP now than later. Let's however
+ # start with some coding.
+ #
+ # In Camping, a controller is simply a resource:
+ #
+ # module Blog::Controllers
+ # class Posts < R '/posts'
+ # def get
+ # "Hello from GET"
+ # end
+ #
+ # def post
+ # "Hello from POST"
+ # end
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # Camping will take care if of all the boring stuff, and whenever someone
+ # tries to GET or POST /posts it will display this nice message.
+ #
+ # If someone tries to DELETE /posts, Camping will return a 501
+ # response (which means the method wasn't implemented). If someone tries to
+ # access /postsss, it will return a 404 response (no such resource).
+ #
+ # === Specialized resources
+ #
+ # Most of the time your resources needs to match more than a single, static
+ # path (like /posts above). Luckily, you can use regular expressions
+ # in your routes. Wrap the rules with some parethesis and it will also be
+ # sent as arguments to your method:
+ #
+ # module Blog::Controllers
+ # class Post < R '/post/(\d+)'
+ # def get(id)
+ # case id.to_i
+ # when 1
+ # "You're looking at the first post (/post/1)!"
+ # when 2
+ # "You're looking at the second post (/post/2)!"
+ # else
+ # "Meh."
+ # end
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # class Page < R '/user/(\w+)/page/(\w+)', '/u/(\w+)/(\w+)'
+ # def get(user, page_name)
+ # "You're visiting #{user}'s #{page_name}"
+ # end
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # As you can see, you can also give your controllers several routes to match.
+ #
+ # === Magic resources
+ #
+ # Very often, you will name your controllers identical to it's route. If
+ # you leave out the route and just define the controller as a class
+ # (+class Posts+), Camping will automatically build the route using some magic:
+ #
+ # First it will split the controller name up by words. For instance
+ # +VeryNiftyRoute+ will be split up into +Very+, +Nifty+ and +Route+.
+ #
+ # Then it substitutes each part using these rules:
+ #
+ # * Index turns into /
+ # * X turns into ([^/]+)
+ # * N turns into (\d+)
+ # * Everything else turns into lowercase
+ #
+ # Finally it puts a slash between the parts.
+ #
+ # It can take some time to grasp, but it's actually very nice since you
+ # avoid repeating the route in the name (or vica versa). Have a look at the
+ # examples below if you're still a little confused.
+ #
+ # module Blog::Controllers
+ # # Matches: /
+ # class Index
+ # end
+ #
+ # # Matches: /post/(\d+)
+ # class PostN
+ # end
+ #
+ # # Matches: /very/nifty/route
+ # class VeryNiftyRoute
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
# TODO: @input & @cookies at least.
# Controllers is a module for placing classes which handle URLs. This is done
# by defining a route to each class using the Controllers::R method.