- It is important that the code is written and properly formatted.
- Description lines should be legible and meaningful.
- The code must be properly documented.
- Commit messages should be understandable and expressive.
Once you have your fork, you can work directly. But to make things easier, you can open a branch in your own name. After making the changes in the fork you want to work with, you can throw a pull request.
- Very large changes are difficult to control and understand. Therefore, avoid excessively large PR requests as much as possible.
- Try not to make multiple changes within a single PR, a PR request should only serve one change.
After making the contribution you want to make, you have reached the stage of sending it as a PR request. Before send a PR:
- Be sure to document the necessary places in the code.
- Make sure the code is readable.
There are some points to be considered for an understandable PR:
- The PR title should be short and concise and give information about the PR.
- Changes should be noted in the PR statement, reviewers should understand the purpose of PR.
- If there are, possible errors and conflicts that may occur in the case of combining the PR should be mentioned.