Simple framework for building Business or Developer dashboard.
- Ping
- Amazon CloudWatch metrics
- Amazon EC2 instances
- Weather
- Github issues
- Github pull-requests
- Github repository
- Codeship
- Twitter User (including last tweet)
- Twitter Search tweets
- Generic JSON widget
- Amazon SES events (push-notifications from Amazon SNS) always active
You can check the SampleTickActor if you want to know how to create your own widget. It's easy you will see !
All commandes are send through a web-socket.
"action": "start",
"data": {
"widget": "Ping",
"id": "1:ping",
"config": {
"url": "",
"interval": 10
The id
must be unique for all your widgets. You can use $index:$name
for example.
Returns a started
event to confirm the creation, or an error
{ "event": "started", "data": { "id": "1:ping" } }
The widgets will regularly send their updates.
{ "event": "update", "data": { "<widget-id<": <widget-data> } }
{ "action": "stop", "data": "1:ping" }
{ "event": "stopped", "data": { "id": "1:ping" } }
{ "action": "stop-all" }
{ "action": "status" }
{ "event": "status", "data": ["1:ping", "2:weather"] }
Ping an URL, return status and ping.
{"action": "start", "data": {"widget": "Ping", "id": "1:ping", "config": {"url": "", "fetchContent": true, "interval": 1}}}
Config :
- url (required)
- fetchContent (optional, default=true): Do a GET or just a HEAD?
- interval (required): Duration in seconds between to refresh
Return the weather for the specified city.
Documentation: OpenWeatherMap
{"action": "start", "data": {"widget": "Weather", "id": "1:weather", "config": {"interval": 60, "city": "Montpellier", "country": "fr", "unit": "metric", "language": "fr"}}}
- city (required)
- country (optional)
- unit (optional): imperial, metrics
- language (optional): fr, en...
- interval (required): Duration in seconds between to refresh
"weather":[{"id":802,"main":"Clouds","description":"partiellement ensoleillé","icon":"03d"}],
"base":"cmc stations",
Return the statistics of a cloudwatch metrics
{"action": "start", "data": {"widget": "CloudWatch", "id": "1:cloudwatch", "config": {"interval": 1, "namespace": "AWS/EC2", "metric": "NetworkIn", "instanceId": "i-7fc786d5", "period": 60, "since": 1 }}}
- namespace (required): aws-namespace
- metric (required): aws-metric
- instanceId (required): Id of the instance to inspect metric
- period (required): Granularity (in s) of datapoints. Min 60, multiple of 60.
- since (required): Fetch the datapoints for the N last hours.
- interval (required): Duration in seconds between to refresh
Return the predefined alarms
{"action": "start", "data": {"widget": "CloudWatchAlarms", "id": "1:cwa", "config": {"all": false, "interval": 60 }}}
- all (optional, default=false): If truee, return also OK alarms
- alarmNames (optional): Filter alarms by ts name
- interval (required): Duration in seconds between to refresh
"name":"EC2 All instances CPU",
"reason":"Threshold Crossed: 1 datapoint (110.78) was greater than or equal to the threshold (50.0)."
Return the list of all running EC2 instances.
{"action": "start", "data": {"widget": "EC2", "id": "1:ec2", "config": {"interval": 60 }}}
- interval (required): Duration in seconds between to refresh
Return the pull-requests in the organization, or only in one repository.
{"action": "start", "data": {"widget": "GitHubPullRequests", "id": "1:ghpr", "config": {"organization": "tabmo", "repository": "manager-front", "interval": 60}}}
- organization (required)
- repository (optional)
- interval (required): Duration in seconds between to refresh
"title":"Removing the use of ui-grid in the orders and lines view because of t…",
Return the issues in the organization, or only in one repository.
{"action": "start", "data": {"widget": "GitHubIssues", "id": "1:ghi", "config": {"organization": "tabmo", "repository": "manager-front", "interval": 60}}}
- organization (required)
- repository (optional)
- interval (required): Duration in seconds between to refresh
{"action": "start", "data": {"widget": "GitHubrepository", "id": "1:ghr", "config": {"owner": "studiodev", "repository": "scadashboard", "interval": 60}}}
- owner (required)
- repository (required)
- interval (required): Duration in seconds between to refresh
Response: See organization object on Github API documentation.
Return the build status of a project.
{"action": "start", "data": {"widget": "CodeShip", "id": "1:codeship", "config": {"projectId": "76XXX", "branch": "develop", "interval": 60}}}
- projectId (required)
- branch (optional)
- interval (required): Duration in seconds between to refresh
Returns a collection of relevant Tweets matching a specified query.
{"action": "start", "data": {"widget": "TwitterSearch", "id": "1:twitter", "config": {"query": "#hashtag", "resultType": "recent", "count": 1, "interval": 5}}}
- query (required): search query (ex:
,keyword #hashtag lang:fr from:julien_lafont
) - resultType (optional, default=recent): Specifies what type of search results you would prefer to receive:
. - count (optional, default=5): Number of tweets to return (max: 100)
- interval (required): Duration in seconds between to refresh
Response: See the Tweet object on Twitter API documentation.
Twitter limitation: 180 call / 15mn.
Returns a variety of information about the user specified by the required username parameter.
The author’s most recent Tweet will be returned inline when possible.
{"action": "start", "data": {"widget": "TwitterUser", "id": "1:twitter", "config": {"interval": 60, "username": "julien_lafont"}}}
- username (required): Twitter username
- interval (required): Duration in seconds between to refresh
Response: See the User object on Twitter API documentation.
Twitter limitation: 180 call / 15mn.
This widget is a little special... It's perfect if you already have public web-service which return the data your need in JSON.
Just configure the url
and the interval
, and you will receive updates regulary.
{"action": "start", "data": {"widget": "FetchJson", "id": "1:json", "config": {"interval": 60, "url": ""}}}
- url (required): URL to call
- method (optional, default=GET): Method used to call the
- interval (required): Duration in seconds between to refresh
You can use this widget to fetch data from public services like Stackoverflow :
- User information:
- Badges:
Forward push-notifications send by Amazon SES though Amazon SNS.
"source":"XXXX <[email protected]>",
"destination":"[email protected]",