Releases: jump-dev/HiGHS.jl
Releases · jump-dev/HiGHS.jl
HiGHS v1.5.2
Diff since v1.5.1
Closed issues:
- Process abort while running the HiGHS solver (#156)
- Set Threads on Windows (#160)
- time_limit is not respected (#162)
- HiGHS_jll 1.5.3 not allowed? (#165)
Merged pull requests:
HiGHS v1.5.1
Diff since v1.5.0
Closed issues:
- Duals from QP can be incorrect (#157)
Merged pull requests:
HiGHS v1.4.3
Diff since v1.4.2
Closed issues:
- Excessive printout from Highs_run() (#150)
Merged pull requests:
- Add support for upstream v1.4.2 (#151) (@odow)
HiGHS v1.4.2
Diff since v1.4.1
Closed issues:
- log_to_console attribute not working (#142)
- Termination status when hitting a solution number limit (#143)
- Problem with running HiGHS with "run_crossover" (#145)
- quadratic objectives not getting copied? (#148)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix performance of deleting multiple linear constraints (#144) (@odow)
- Detail expected value type in RawOptimizerAttribute error (#146) (@blegat)
- Add SnoopPrecompile directive (#147) (@odow)
- Fix bug when setting a quadratic objective (#149) (@odow)
HiGHS v1.4.0
Diff since v1.3.0
Closed issues:
- Support MOI.Semiinteger and MOI.Semicontinuous sets (#91)
- Error changing number of threads in HiGHS (#130)
Merged pull requests:
- Add Semicontinuous and Semiinteger support (#138) (@odow)
HiGHS v1.3.0
Diff since v1.2.0
Closed issues:
- Support MOI.VariablePrimalStart (#126)
- Turning off presolve (#135)
- Update to HiGHS v1.4.0 (#136)
Merged pull requests:
HiGHS v1.2.0
Diff since v1.1.4
Closed issues:
- Why QP failures are allowed? (#99)
- Tests segfault on M1 (#116)
- Error reported on TimeLimit settings parameter (#122)
- Time limit not working (#125)
- Quadratic programming (#127)
- Simple model run issues (#129)
- Julia version dependency for HiGHS.jl is quite restrictive (#131)
- Problems on set_optimizer_attribute on "log_to_console" in linux (#132)
Merged pull requests:
- [README] add custom solver binary section (#123) (@odow)
- Fix flakey test (#124) (@odow)
- Update to HiGHS v1.3.0 (#133) (@odow)
- Fix adding variable and constraint names in copy_to (#134) (@odow)
HiGHS v1.1.4
Diff since v1.1.3
Closed issues:
- performance issue (#115)
- MethodError: no method matching _set_option(::HiGHS.Optimizer, ::String, ::Nothing) (#118)
Merged pull requests:
- Add license headers (#114) (@odow)
- Add better error message for bad options (#119) (@odow)
- Fixed the README settings parameter datatype with more clarity, which can otherwise be misleading especially to beginners. (#120) (@sambuddhac)
- Prep for v1.1.4 (#121) (@odow)