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							Telnet Server 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

Welcome to the Telnet Server 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT! The aim is to provide support for simultanous access to the telnet server where each user can access the hosting server with support of few basic commands like ls, dir, pwd, cd, mkdir. This is a multi-threaded system which will entertain max of five(5) concurrent connections.

Coding Restrictions

1. 	Application should be portable to Unix/Linux and Windows platform

2. 	The use of the classes that invoke native commands (e.g. Runtime or 
	ProcessBuilder) is not allowed

JDK Version notes

The Telnet Server support JDK 1.6 or higher and tested with the same version.


You can use Maven 2.2.1 to build the project. Note that project build is tested with Maven 2.2.1 and Maven 3.0.4.


	1. 	Unzip the archive
	2. 	Set the JAVA_HOME to the JDK 1.6:
			export JAVA_HOME=<JDK_Install_Dir>
	3. 	Set MAVEN_HOME to maven install dir:
			export MAVEN_HOME=<Maven_Install_Dir>
	3. 	Add JAVA_HOME/bin and MAVEN_HOME/bin into PATH:
			export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$MAVEN_HOME/bin:$PATH
	4. 	Navigate to the extacted 'telnet-server' directory you got after Step 1 and
		apply following command to build the source, run unit test and release 
		the project artifact:
			mvn clean install

	1. 	Unzip the archive
	2. 	Set the JAVA_HOME to the JDK 1.6:
			export JAVA_HOME=<JDK_Install_Dir>
	3. 	Set MAVEN_HOME to maven install dir:
			export MAVEN_HOME=<Maven_Install_Dir>
	3. 	Add JAVA_HOME/bin and MAVEN_HOME/bin into PATH:
				export PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%MAVEN_HOME%\bin;%PATH%
	4. 	Navigate to the extacted 'telnet-server' directory you got after Step 1 and
		apply following command to build the source, run unit test and release 
		the project artifact:

			mvn clean install

Build Extras

During the 'package' phase, build will run 'Cobertura' coverage reports plugin
with following checks:

If any one of the above condition is not fulfilled, build will fail and force the
developer to write more efficient unit tests. The report can be found under 
'telnet-server/target/site' diectory and can be viewed within a web browser.


Server Side

	1.  Successfull build will produce executable telnet-server jar under
		'target\telnet-server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar', run the jar as follows to start 
		the telnet-server:
			java -jar target\telnet-server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar <Server_Port>
		Note: If <Server_Port> is not provided server will be started on default
		port = 4444
	2.  Above command will present server side menu as follows:
			Telnet server started successfully on port 4455

			1. List all active clients
			2. Disconnect a single client
			3. Disconnect all clients
			4. Shutdown server and quit
		Note: From here you can control the server.
	3. 	Now you can connect using any Telnet client like Putty, Secure CRT etc
		to use the telnet-server application.

Client Side

	1.	Once connected, client will be presented with the following menu:
			Welcome to the Test Telnet Server, following commands are available...

			?   - Display this help menu.
			dir - List the current working directory.
			cd <DIRECTORY_NAME> - Change the current working directory to the provided arguments.
			pwd - Display the current working directory.
			mkdir <DIRECTORY_NAME> - Create a directory.
			quit - To disconnect.


	2. Client can now use the server.


If running the server on Windows platform, note that the ls/dir command output will be scatered across the screen.
