Releases: jupyter-server/jupyter-scheduler
Releases · jupyter-server/jupyter-scheduler
Enhancements made
- Updated id regex to allow non-uuid ids #157 (@3coins)
- Output files manager, user triggered download of output files #146 (@3coins)
Bugs fixed
Other merged PRs
- Expose Advanced Options in Job Definition Detail #164 (@andrii-i)
- Simplify Environments dropdown UX #163 (@andrii-i)
- Basic layout restoration #158 (@ellisonbg)
- Add confirmation when deleting a job or job definition in List view #156 (@andrii-i)
- Handle create error in create form #155 (@jweill-aws)
- Advanced options errors #153 (@jweill-aws)
- Add confirmation dialog for Delete button in Details View #152 (@andrii-i)
- Adds notebook toolbar button to create job #151 (@jweill-aws)
- add jobs table in job definition detail view #150 (@dlqqq)
Contributors to this release
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@3coins | @andrii-i | @dlqqq | @ellisonbg | @github-actions | @jweill-aws
Bugs fixed
Other merged PRs
- Populates runtimeEnvironmentParameters on rerun from list, detail #149 (@jweill-aws)
- Job descriptions list actions: pause/resume/delete #141 (@jweill-aws)
- Display as 'Status' : 'Active'/'Paused' #140 (@andrii-i)
- Adds friendly schedule, "paused" columns for job description in list #138 (@jweill-aws)
- Add Card with placeholder text for Jobs List to Job Definition Details #136 (@andrii-i)
- Sets schedule based on new schedule interval #132 (@jweill-aws)
- Made update apis consistent with REST APIs #131 (@3coins)
- Show create job errors in banner above job detail #124 (@andrii-i)
Contributors to this release
Merged PRs
- Fix outputFormats in model conversion #127 (@jweill-aws)
- expose runtimeEnvironmentParameters #126 (@andrii-i)
- Makes input file field readonly; removes validation on it #123 (@jweill-aws)
- Fix FormHelper changing the measurements of the parent element in Job Definition Detail, Create Job #117 (@andrii-i)
- Adds cron tip link #116 (@jweill-aws)
- Sets default time zone in create-job form #115 (@jweill-aws)
- Easy create: Create job schedule by minute, hour, day, weekday, week, or month #111 (@jweill-aws)
- Added task runner to create scheduled jobs from job definition #106 (@3coins)
Contributors to this release
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@3coins | @andrii-i | @github-actions | @jweill-aws | @pre-commit-ci
Enhancements made
Other merged PRs
- remove timeout to fix job creation #109 (@andrii-i)
- Fix job definition delete #108 (@dlqqq)
- remove idempotency token from all job definition models and API requests #104 (@dlqqq)
- Shows helper text for cron expression #103 (@jweill-aws)
- Add job definitions to DB seed script #102 (@dlqqq)
- Hides idempotency token for JobSchedule #100 (@jweill-aws)
- Add job definition list UI #93 (@dlqqq)
- Update detail view for job definition #92 (@andrii-i)
- Create job schedule #77 (@jweill-aws)
Contributors to this release
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@3coins | @andrii-i | @dlqqq | @github-actions | @jweill-aws
([Full Changelog]( 698d5b6))
Bugs fixed
- More restrictive types for runtime environment parameters #83 (@jweill-aws)
- Serializes runtime_environment_parameters in model, request #82 (@jweill-aws)
Contributors to this release
Enhancements made
- Job Detail refactor #60 (@andrii-i)
- Adds idempotency token and tags for use in create job, details view #56 (@jweill-aws)
- Adds compute type to create-job form #51 (@jweill-aws)
Bugs fixed
- Added default formats when no formats are selected #74 (@3coins)
- Fixes input change handler #73 (@3coins)
- Fix for deduping token for advanced options extension point #71 (@3coins)
- call renderDOM() synchronously in NotebookJobsPanel #63 (@dlqqq)
- Additional padding to cause icon buttons to be circular #62 (@jweill-aws)
- Fix for create job with idempotency token #57 (@3coins)
Other merged PRs
- keep stop button area even when not shown #66 (@dlqqq)
- Adds validation: parameter name must be specified if value is specified #65 (@jweill-aws)
- Updated readme, added configuration options #64 (@3coins)
- Theme improvements to better align with JupyterLab styling #61 (@ellisonbg)
Contributors to this release
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@3coins | @andrii-i | @dlqqq | @ellisonbg | @github-actions | @jweill-aws | @pre-commit-ci | @welcome
Enhancements made
Other merged PRs
Contributors to this release
Enhancements made
- CollapsiblePanel #12 (@andrii-i)
- Job details view #48 (@3coins)
- use MUI Table in job list view #47 (@dlqqq)
- Adds errors, errorsChanged, validation for input field #44 (@jweill-aws)
- Updated handlers to support async scheduler apis #41 (@3coins)
- Added a script to seed fake jobs for development #39 (@3coins)
- Added compute types #33 (@3coins)
- Material UI integration #25 (@dlqqq)
- Adds extension point for custom environment UI #24 (@jweill-aws)
- Create job form inputs component #11 (@jweill-aws)
Bugs fixed
- Fix params picker when zero params exist #43 (@jweill-aws)
- Fix create job form #32 (@jweill-aws)
Contributors to this release
(GitHub contributors page for this release)
@3coins | @andrii-i | @dlqqq | @jweill-aws | @ellisonbg