Programming challenges written in the Rust programming language
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- Sum of Pairs
- Are They Same
- Josephus Survivor
- Perimeter of Squares in Rectangles
- Diamond
- Fibonacci Product
- Valid Parentheses
- Alphanumeric
- Lazy Repeater
- Add Without Operator
- Frequency Sort
- Dead Fish Parse
- Pascal Case
- New Cashier Does Not Know Space or Shift
- Multiplication Table
- Nearest Prime
- EsoLang: MiniBitMove
- Ease the Stock Market
- Binaries
- Max Stock Profit
- Buying a Car
- Spinning Words
- Camel Case
- Count Characters
- Position Average
- Parse Bank Account Number
- Sum Digits Raised to Consecutive Powers
- Recursion 101
- Build Square
- Sort Numbers
- Automorphic
- Coin Combinations
- Nth Power
- Valid Spacing
- Doubleton
- Duplicate Words
- All Inclusive
- Cats and Shelves
- People on the Bus
- The Feast of Many Beasts
- First Non-Consecutive
- Repeating String
- Remove Whitespace
- Multiplication Table
- Alternating Case
- Summation
- Fibonacci
- Perfect Square
- Third Maximum Number
- Hamming Distance
- Build an Array with Stack Operations
- Second Largest Digit
- Counting Sheep
- Robot Returns to Origin
- Consistent Strings
- Two Sum
- Merge Two Sorted Lists
- Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
- Plus One
- Climbing Stairs
- Largest Odd Number
- Number of Different Integers
- Largest Substring Between Two Equal Characters
- Alike Halves
- Unique Number of Occurrences
- Minimum Common Value
- Sort by Number of Bits
- Make the String Great
- Excel Column Number
- Intersection of Two Arrays
- X of a kind in a deck of cards
- Remove From Sorted Array
- Sort the People
- Max Repeating Substring
- Sort by Increasing Frequency
- Maximum Odd Binary Number
- Maximum Count of Positive or Negative Integer
- Alternating Digit Sum
- Separate Digits
- Shift Grid
- Subtract Digit Product From Digit Sum
- Number of Senior Citizens
- Kth Distinct String
- Kth Largest in Stream
- Length of Last Word
- Isomorphic Strings
- Minimum Bit Flips
- Replace All Digits With Characters
- Sorting the Sentence
- Positions of Large Groups
- Backspace Compare
- Uncommon Words from Two Sentences
- Rank Transform Array
- Minimum String Length After Removing Substrings
- Make Fancy String
- Common Characters
- Prime Number of Set Bits in Binary Representation
- Make Square With Same Color
- Find Integer Add to Array
- Distance Value Between Two Arrays
- Find the Difference
- Minimum Operations to Make Array Increasing
- Single Number
- Invert Binary Tree
- The Largest Number
- Authentication Manager
- Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
- Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
- Kth Largest Element
- Rearrange Elements by Sign
- Lonely Numbers
- Design Bitset
- Minimum Rounds
- Minimum Steps to Anagram
- Zero or One Losses
- Randomized Set
- Remove Occurrences
- Divide Array Into Arrays With Max Difference
- Remove Minimum to Make Valid Parentheses
- Sum Root to Leaf
- Repeated DNA Sequence
- Rotate Array
- Sort Colors
- Rotate Digits
- Sort Jumbled Numbers
- Custom Sort String
- Product of Array Except Self
- Minimum Number of Operations to Make Array Empty
- Next Beautiful Number
- Valid Parenthesis
- XOR Queries of Sub Array
- Minimum Time Difference
- Maximum Product
- Custom Stack
- Boats to Save People
- Minimum Number of Swaps to Balance String
- Gas Stations
- Separate Black and White Balls
- Maximum Sum of Hourglass
- String Compression
- Find If Array Can Be Sorted
- Maximum XOR Query
- Minimum Array End
- Partition Labels
- Shortest SubArray With Or At Least K II
- Range Sum Query
- Prime Subtraction
- Duplicate File in System
- Most Beautiful Item for Each Query
- Count Number of Fair Pairs
- Sum of Square Numbers
- Minimized Maximum of Products Distributed to Any Store
- Remove K Digits
- Range Frequency Queries
- Find the Power of K Size Sub-Arrays
- Added K Diff Pairs in Array
- Maximum Sum of Distinct SubArray
- Bitwise Or Trailing Zeroes
- Cinema Seat Allocation
- Take K Characters From Left and Right
- Unguarded Cells
- Rotate the Box
- Find Champion II
- Single Number II