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CatchAll Activator

morfeusys edited this page Mar 17, 2020 · 3 revisions

CatchAllActivator can be used in JAICF project to handle any user's query request that wasn't handled by any other activator.

Usually this activator is used to handle fallback queries when user says something that is not expected at the current state of the dialogue.

Another user-case is to handle all raw user's input for some purposes (for example, if user dictates a text of reminder note).

How to use

All you need to use this activator in your JAICF project is to add catchAll activators to the scenarios and then append CatchAllActivator to the BotEngine's array of activators.

catchAll activator

state("fallback", noContext = true) {
    activators {

    action {
        reactions.say("Sorry, I didn't get it... Could you repeat please?")

CatchAll configuration

val helloWorldBot = BotEngine(
    model = HelloWorldScenario.model,
    activators = arrayOf(

Please note that CatchAllActivator should be places the last in the array of activators once it catches every query request from the user.

CatchAll context

Once a CatchAllActivator activates some state, a CatchAllActivatorContext instance becomes available through an activator.catchAll variable in the action block of this state. It doesn't contain any data but can be used to determine if the state was activated by CatchAllActivator.

Note that is you need to obtain a raw user's request text, you can use request.input in your action block.

state("state1") {
    activators {

    action {
        activator.catchAll?.run {
            reactions.say("This state was activated by catchAll activator because you've said ${request.input}.")

Learn more about request here.

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