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File metadata and controls

114 lines (84 loc) · 7.41 KB

🐽 Documentation

The serve method

It is the entrypoint of the library. It will read the endpoints script, and route the current request to the appropriate function. It can be called with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
$endpoints_path string The path to the file containing the endpoint functions.
$path string null The path to route the request to. If not set, it will use the current request URI.
$debug bool false If set to true, the debug mode will be activated. This will show the trace of any unexpected error, so it's advised to keep it off in production.
$base_path string /api/ All requests must start with this path to be routed, and it will be removed from the endpoint name.
$escape_unicode bool false If set to true, the JSON response will escape all Unicode characters.
$allow_get bool false If set to true, the GET parameters will be allowed.


The way oink.php does routing is not very conventional. Instead of using some kind of route table, it uses the function names defined in the endpoints file. This means that the function post_list will be called when the request is made to /api/post/list.

Specifically, the way the request URI path is transformed into an endpoint is as follows:

  1. The base path is removed from the start of the URI.
  2. The remaining path is trimmed to remove slashes from the start and end.
  3. The remaining path is transformed into a function name by replacing slashes with underscores.
  4. If the function contains a dot after the last underscore (as in thumbnails_4.png), the part before the last underscore is considered the endpoint name (thumbnails), and the part after the last underscore is considered the filename (4.png). This is useful for serving files.

This is a simple and effective way to define the endpoints, but it has some limitations:

  • You can't have two endpoints with the same name but different methods. It can be easily solved by using endpoints like /post/list, /post/create, /post/delete, etc.
  • You can't have a dynamic endpoint, like /post/{id}. Instead, you can use a query or POST parameter, like /post?id=4.
  • You can't have a dynamic filename, like /thumbnail/4. Instead, you can use an extension filename, like /thumbnail/4.png.
  • Requesting /post/list and /post_list will call the same function, but it's advised to use the former for consistency.
  • All methods defined in the endpoints file will be exposed, except for those imported from other files or those starting with an underscore.


Parameters are pieces of data that come from the user. It can be a query parameter from a GET URL, a form data from a POST request, a JSON object, a cookie, or even a header. The serve method will read these parameters and merge them into a single array, all lowercased. In case of collision, the first from this list will have more priority: json, post, get, files, cookies, headers. GET parameters are disabled by default, but they can be enabled by passing allow_get: true to serve.

Besides these parameters, the serve method will also add the following parameters:

  • ip: The IP address of the user.
  • method: The request method.
  • path: The endpoint name.
  • output_format: The output format of the response. It's always json, but it can be changed by the endpoint function to file by returning a file with the send_file method.
  • filename: The filename of the file to be sent. It's only set when the request format is file.

Merging all parameters into a single array is not conventional, and it requires some considerations:

  • It's not possible to have two parameters with the same name coming from different sources.
  • Security-wise, the merge itself is not a problem since all these fields come from the user and they can be manipulated anyways.
  • However, it could lead to CSRF attacks if GET parameters are enabled, since someone could craft a link like and trick the user into clicking it. It is advised to keep GET params disabled, but if enabled, you should consider using a CSRF token.
  • If you customize your environment (web server, PHP configuration, etc.) to set some specific headers, they might be overwritten by the parameters.


All error codes, params and explanations are defined in the following table. It is advised to follow the same format when calling check, so that an homogeneous i18n is possible at the frontend side.

Code Error Arguments Explanation
400 fileTooBig parameter, max_size The {parameter} is too big. Maximum size is {max_size}.
400 invalidDatetime parameter, format The {parameter} is not a valid datetime. Expected format is {format}.
400 invalidEmail parameter The {parameter} is not a valid email address.
400 invalidExtension extension, allowed_exts The file has an invalid extension. Allowed extensions are {allowed_exts}.
400 invalidFile parameter The {parameter} is an invalid file.
400 invalidFormat parameter The {parameter} has an invalid format.
400 invalidValue parameter, allowed_values The {parameter} has an invalid value. Allowed values are {allowed_values}.
400 notBoolean parameter The {parameter} is not a boolean value.
400 notFile parameter The {parameter} is not a file.
400 notFound parameter* The file with path {parameter} was not found.
400 notInteger parameter The {parameter} is not an integer.
400 notNumber parameter The {parameter} is not a number.
400 notSet parameter The {parameter} is not set.
400 notString parameter The {parameter} is not a string.
400 tooBig parameter, max The {parameter} is too big. Maximum value is {max}.
400 tooLong parameter, max_length The {parameter} is too long. Maximum length is {max_length}.
400 tooShort parameter, min_length The {parameter} is too short. Minimum length is {min_length}.
400 tooSmall parameter, min The {parameter} is too small. Minimum value is {min}.
400 unknownEndpoint endpoint* No endpoint called {endpoint}.
500 unexpectedError trace* An unexpected error occurred with the following trace: {trace}.
  • The argument is an empty string when not in debug mode.


1.2.1 File serving adjustments

  • Removed file mime guessing for improved speed and security.
  • Adjusted some of the examples.
  • Added snapshots to the documentation and ellaborated a bit more on the examples.

1.2.0 Date adjustments

  • Removed date and time, since only DateTime is available in PHP. Not pushing the major because no one is using it yet.
  • Allowed datetime to receive a timezone.
  • FIX some datetime exceptions were 500 instead of 400.
  • Updated docs.

1.1.2 Launch and bugfixing

  • oink.php is now a public repo on GitHub! 🥳
  • FIX non-matched endpoints were returning 500 instead of 404.
  • FIX multiple fixes to make examples standalone.

1.1.0 File uploading

  • Added parameter method file.
  • Added method send_file to return a file as a response.
  • Added example for file uploading.

1.0.0 Initial library

  • Added controller methods serve and get_data.
  • Added parameter and asserition methods check, any, bool, number, id, str, email, date, time, datetime, file.
  • Added documentation and examples.