- Body tracking
- Flutter Widgets in AR
- Bug fixes
- Custom animations
- Material property network image
- Material property image might be loaded from Flutter project (by @Topazoo)
- Basic Face Tracking functionality
- Add ARWorldAlignment
- doubleSided property is added to material
- Cover all ARKit geometries
- Made all core properties of all geometries ValueNotifiers
- ARKitNode.renderingOrder
- Both Horizontal and Vertical planes option
- Option to handle taps not in real position, but at the center of the widget.
- Rotation improved
- onSessionWasInterrupted and onSessionInterruptionEnded handlers added
- Tap Gesture refactored to onNodeTap and onARTap
- SKReferenceNode wrapped
- Image detection
- ARKitLine
- Custom light
- Light estimation
- ARKitNode added
- Add debug options: world origin, feature points
- ARPlaneAnchor added
- Physics added
- Plane tap event handler added
- Plane detection enum implemented
- ARKitSceneView.autoenablesDefaultLighting property implemented
- Documentation added
- Materials implementation
- Plane and text geometries
- Basic tap gesture recognizer added
- Position and rotation change handling
- PoC of the ARKit port
- Sphere added