If you wrote your own Automatonism modules, according to automatonism-3.1 patterns, this section is for you. You need iemguts lib to follow those steps.
IMPORTANT NOTE : The pictures illustrating this howto are a bit outdated : replace all instances of 'state_saving_module' by 'reloaded'
- Copy your module in pd/externals/automatonism/patch_editor_abs
(here, we suppose that your module is called "my_module.pd" but you can change this with your real filename).
- Open it with pd >0.50
- Beware that all guis must have send and receive symbols and should not be wired to other objects of the patch (use [receive] objects instead).
- Inside of your module, create a new object : [reloaded/upgrade]
This will automatically add some midi_listeners abstractions for every gui of the patch
- Now, locate the following subpatches :
- inside those subpatches, replace every [textfile] instance by [reloaded/textfile $0]
This will enable patch-level state-saving support with new savestate object.
- save and close your patch
Let's update the automatonism "modules" menu entries.
(Here we assume that your module's name is "my_module").
- First, open an automatonism patch, and search for extra-modules subpatch (using pd find menu).
- Inside the [pd extra-modules] subpatch, add an object [module_create $0 $1 my_module] , save and close the window
- Last step, open the automatonism-modules-menu (by pressing "esc"), and add a bang object to it
with send channel named "$0-create-my_module!"
- save and close