## 1. the most commonly used command
-generatePortalInputs(input_expression.eset = expression_clustered.eset, group_by = "cellType", input_activity.eset = activity_clustered.eset, input_network.dir = "./SJARACNe", output_dir = "./scMINERportal")
+generatePortalInputs(input_expression.eset = expression_clustered.eset,
+ group_by = "cellType",
+ input_activity.eset = activity_clustered.eset,
+ input_network.dir = "./SJARACNe",
+ output_dir = "./scMINERportal")
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'expression_clustered.eset' not found
## 2. prepare expression data from Seurat object ("pbmc14.obj")
-generatePortalInputs(input_expression.seuratObj = pbmc14.obj, output_dir = "./path-to-output_dir")
+generatePortalInputs(input_expression.seuratObj = pbmc14.obj,
+ output_dir = "./path-to-output_dir")
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'pbmc14.obj' not found
## 3. prepare network data from a table
-network.table <- data.frame(CellGroup = c("CD4__CD25_T_Reg", "CD4__CD25_T_Reg", "CD19__B", "CD19__B"),NetworkType = c("SIG", "TF", "SIG", "TF"),
- NetworkFile = c("./sjaracne/CD4__CD25_T_Reg/SIG/b100_pce-3/sjaracne_workflow-1474c41b-067b-4f86-ab99-09f73dadb16g/consensus_network_ncol_.txt",
- "./sjaracne/CD4__CD25_T_Reg/TF/b100_pce-3/sjaracne_workflow-a93cd6db-7253-4ffb-ae4e-633b9dedf11d/consensus_network_ncol_.txt",
- "./sjaracne/CD19__B/SIG/sjaracne_workflow-da0c3c72-7afb-44fa-973b-e4d767e20b6f/consensus_network_ncol_.txt",
- "./sjaracne/CD19__B/TF/sjaracne_workflow-0426ea12-10bf-428c-b199-d5bd1a7aab5f/consensus_network_ncol_.txt"))
-generatePortalInputs(input_expression.eset = expression_clustered.eset, group_by = "cellType", input_network.table = network.table, output_dir = "./path-to-output_dir")
+network.table <- data.frame(CellGroup = c("CD4Treg", "CD4Treg", "B", "B"),
+ NetworkType = c("SIG", "TF", "SIG", "TF"),
+ NetworkFile = c("./sjaracne/CD4Treg/SIG/consensus_network_ncol_.txt",
+ "./sjaracne/CD4Treg/TF/consensus_network_ncol_.txt",
+ "./sjaracne/B/SIG/consensus_network_ncol_.txt",
+ "./sjaracne/B/TF/consensus_network_ncol_.txt"))
+generatePortalInputs(input_expression.eset = expression_clustered.eset,
+ group_by = "cellType",
+ input_network.table = network.table,
+ output_dir = "./path-to-output_dir")
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'expression_clustered.eset' not found
diff --git a/docs/reference/generateSJARACNeInput.html b/docs/reference/generateSJARACNeInput.html
index fdcd956..8ed0f18 100644
--- a/docs/reference/generateSJARACNeInput.html
+++ b/docs/reference/generateSJARACNeInput.html
@@ -173,26 +173,43 @@ ## 1. The most commonly used command: pre-defined driver lists, automatic down-sampling, no metacell method
-generateSJARACNeInput(input_eset = normalized.eset, group_name = "cell_type", sjaracne_dir = "./SJARACNe", species_type = "hg", driver_type = "TF_SIG")
+generateSJARACNeInput(input_eset = normalized.eset,
+ group_name = "cell_type",
+ sjaracne_dir = "./SJARACNe",
+ species_type = "hg",
+ driver_type = "TF_SIG")
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'pData': object 'normalized.eset' not found
## 2. to disable the downsampling
-generateSJARACNeInput(input_eset = normalized.eset, group_name = "cell_type", sjaracne_dir = "./SJARACNe", species_type = "hg", driver_type = "TF_SIG", downSample_N = NULL)
+generateSJARACNeInput(input_eset = normalized.eset,
+ group_name = "cell_type",
+ sjaracne_dir = "./SJARACNe",
+ species_type = "hg",
+ driver_type = "TF_SIG",
+ downSample_N = NULL)
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'pData': object 'normalized.eset' not found
-## 3. Use the customized driver list: TUBB4A is the gene of interest but currently not in the pre-defined driver list.
-hg_driver <- getDriverList(species_type = "hg", driver_type = "TF_SIG")
-"TUBB4A" %in% hg_driver # It would returen FALSE if TUBB4A is not in the pre-defined driver lists
-#> [1] FALSE
-generateSJARACNeInput(input_eset = normalized.eset, group_name = "cell_type", sjaracne_dir = "./SJARACNe", species_type = "hg", driver_type = "TF_SIG", customDriver_TF = c(getDriverList(species_type = "hg", driver_type = "TF"), "TUBB4A")) # when the driver-to-add is known as a transcription factor
+## 3. Use the customized driver list: (add TUBB4A is the gene of interest but currently not in the pre-defined driver list)
+# when the driver-to-add is known as a transcription factor
+generateSJARACNeInput(input_eset = normalized.eset, group_name = "cell_type", sjaracne_dir = "./SJARACNe", species_type = "hg", driver_type = "TF_SIG",
+ customDriver_TF = c(getDriverList(species_type = "hg", driver_type = "TF"), "TUBB4A"))
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'pData': object 'normalized.eset' not found
-generateSJARACNeInput(input_eset = normalized.eset, group_name = "cell_type", sjaracne_dir = "./SJARACNe", species_type = "hg", driver_type = "TF_SIG", customDriver_SIG = c(getDriverList(species_type = "hg", driver_type = "SIG"), "TUBB4A")) # when the driver-to-add is known as a non-transcription factor
+# when the driver-to-add is known as a non-transcription factor
+generateSJARACNeInput(input_eset = normalized.eset, group_name = "cell_type", sjaracne_dir = "./SJARACNe", species_type = "hg", driver_type = "TF_SIG",
+ customDriver_SIG = c(getDriverList(species_type = "hg", driver_type = "SIG"), "TUBB4A"))
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'pData': object 'normalized.eset' not found
-generateSJARACNeInput(input_eset = normalized.eset, group_name = "cell_type", sjaracne_dir = "./SJARACNe", species_type = "hg", driver_type = "TF_SIG", customDriver_TF = c(getDriverList(species_type = "hg", driver_type = "TF"), "TUBB4A"), customDriver_SIG = c(getDriverList(species_type = "hg", driver_type = "SIG"), "TUBB4A")) # when it's ambiguous to tell if the driver-to-add is a transcriptional factor
+# when it's ambiguous to tell if the driver-to-add is a transcriptional factor
+generateSJARACNeInput(input_eset = normalized.eset, group_name = "cell_type", sjaracne_dir = "./SJARACNe", species_type = "hg", driver_type = "TF_SIG",
+ customDriver_TF = c(getDriverList(species_type = "hg", driver_type = "TF"), "TUBB4A"),
+ customDriver_SIG = c(getDriverList(species_type = "hg", driver_type = "SIG"), "TUBB4A"))
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'pData': object 'normalized.eset' not found
## 4. Use the metacell method
-generateSJARACNeInput(input_eset = normalized.eset, group_name = "cell_type", sjaracne_dir = "./SJARACNe", species_type = "hg", driver_type = "TF_SIG", superCell_N = 1000, superCell_count = 100, seed = 123)
+generateSJARACNeInput(input_eset = normalized.eset, group_name = "cell_type", sjaracne_dir = "./SJARACNe", species_type = "hg", driver_type = "TF_SIG",
+ superCell_N = 1000, superCell_count = 100, seed = 123)
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'pData': object 'normalized.eset' not found
diff --git a/docs/reference/getActivity_inBatch.html b/docs/reference/getActivity_inBatch.html
index c3e980a..68bbb0a 100644
--- a/docs/reference/getActivity_inBatch.html
+++ b/docs/reference/getActivity_inBatch.html
@@ -115,23 +115,57 @@ ## 1. when no tag was used in runing SJARACNE: the network file folder ("sjaracne_workflow-*") is directly under TF/SIG folder of each group.
-activity.eset <- getActivity_inBatch(input_eset = normalized.eset, sjaracne_dir = "./SJARACNe", group_name = "cell_type", driver_type = "TF_SIG", activity_method = "mean", do.z_normalization = TRUE)
+activity.eset <- getActivity_inBatch(input_eset = normalized.eset,
+ sjaracne_dir = "./SJARACNe",
+ group_name = "cell_type",
+ driver_type = "TF_SIG",
+ activity_method = "mean",
+ do.z_normalization = TRUE)
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'pData': object 'normalized.eset' not found
## 2. when tag (e.g. "bs_100" ) was used: the nework file folder ("sjaracne_workflow-*") is directly under a subfolder "bs_100" of the TF/SIG folder of each group.
-activity.eset <- getActivity_inBatch(input_eset = normalized.eset, sjaracne_dir = "./SJARACNe", group_name = "cell_type", network_tag.tf = "bs_100", network_tag.sig = "bs_100", driver_type = "TF_SIG", activity_method = "mean", do.z_normalization = TRUE)
+activity.eset <- getActivity_inBatch(input_eset = normalized.eset,
+ sjaracne_dir = "./SJARACNe",
+ group_name = "cell_type",
+ network_tag.tf = "bs_100",
+ network_tag.sig = "bs_100",
+ driver_type = "TF_SIG",
+ activity_method = "mean",
+ do.z_normalization = TRUE)
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'pData': object 'normalized.eset' not found
## 3. to calculate the activities of TF only
-activity.eset <- getActivity_inBatch(input_eset = normalized.eset, sjaracne_dir = "./SJARACNe", group_name = "cell_type", network_tag.tf = "bs_100", network_tag.sig = "bs_100", driver_type = "TF", activity_method = "mean", do.z_normalization = TRUE)
+activity.eset <- getActivity_inBatch(input_eset = normalized.eset,
+ sjaracne_dir = "./SJARACNe",
+ group_name = "cell_type",
+ network_tag.tf = "bs_100",
+ network_tag.sig = "bs_100",
+ driver_type = "TF",
+ activity_method = "mean",
+ do.z_normalization = TRUE)
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'pData': object 'normalized.eset' not found
## 4. to exclude some groups in the activity calculation (e.g. "NK" and "Monocyte")
-activity.eset <- getActivity_inBatch(input_eset = normalized.eset, sjaracne_dir = "./SJARACNe", group_name = "cell_type", group_exclude = c("NK", "Monocyte"), network_tag.tf = "bs_100", network_tag.sig = "bs_100", driver_type = "TF", activity_method = "mean", do.z_normalization = TRUE)
+activity.eset <- getActivity_inBatch(input_eset = normalized.eset,
+ sjaracne_dir = "./SJARACNe",
+ group_name = "cell_type",
+ group_exclude = c("NK", "Monocyte"),
+ network_tag.tf = "bs_100",
+ network_tag.sig = "bs_100",
+ driver_type = "TF",
+ activity_method = "mean",
+ do.z_normalization = TRUE)
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'pData': object 'normalized.eset' not found
## 5. when calculate the activities from the gene expression values scaled by other methods (e.g. ScaleData() from Seurat package)
-activity.eset <- getActivity_inBatch(input_eset = normalized.eset, sjaracne_dir = "./SJARACNe", group_name = "cell_type", network_tag.tf = "bs_100", network_tag.sig = "bs_100", driver_type = "TF_SIG", activity_method = "mean", do.z_normalization = FALSE)
+activity.eset <- getActivity_inBatch(input_eset = normalized.eset,
+ sjaracne_dir = "./SJARACNe",
+ group_name = "cell_type",
+ network_tag.tf = "bs_100",
+ network_tag.sig = "bs_100",
+ driver_type = "TF_SIG",
+ activity_method = "mean",
+ do.z_normalization = FALSE)
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'pData': object 'normalized.eset' not found
diff --git a/docs/reference/getActivity_individual.html b/docs/reference/getActivity_individual.html
index c59e03f..7844acc 100644
--- a/docs/reference/getActivity_individual.html
+++ b/docs/reference/getActivity_individual.html
@@ -99,7 +99,10 @@ activity_group.eset <- getActivity_individual(input_eset = group_specific.est, network_file.tf = "consensus_network_ncol_.txt", network_file.sig = "consensus_network_ncol_.txt", driver_type = "TF_SIG")
+ activity_group.eset <- getActivity_individual(input_eset = group_specific.est,
+ network_file.tf = "consensus_network_ncol_.txt",
+ network_file.sig = "consensus_network_ncol_.txt",
+ driver_type = "TF_SIG")
#> Warning: cannot open file 'consensus_network_ncol_.txt': No such file or directory
#> Error in file(file, "rt"): cannot open the connection
diff --git a/docs/reference/getDA.html b/docs/reference/getDA.html
index fb05a7c..f973b1a 100644
--- a/docs/reference/getDA.html
+++ b/docs/reference/getDA.html
@@ -95,19 +95,31 @@ Value
## 1. To perform differential activity analysis in a 1-vs-rest manner for all groups in "clusterID" column
-da_res <- getDA(input_eset = activity_clustered.eset, group_by = "clusterID", use_method = "t.test")
+da_res <- getDA(input_eset = activity_clustered.eset,
+ group_by = "clusterID",
+ use_method = "t.test")
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'pData': object 'activity_clustered.eset' not found
## 2. To perform differential activity analysis in a 1-vs-rest manner for one specific group in "clusterID" column
-da_res <- getDA(input_eset = activity_clustered.eset, group_by = "clusterID", g1 = c("1"), use_method = "t.test")
+da_res <- getDA(input_eset = activity_clustered.eset,
+ group_by = "clusterID",
+ g1 = c("1"),
+ use_method = "t.test")
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'pData': object 'activity_clustered.eset' not found
## 3. To perform differential activity analysis in a rest-vs-1 manner for one specific group in "clusterID" column
-da_res <- getDA(input_eset = activity_clustered.eset, group_by = "clusterID", g0 = c("1"), use_method = "t.test")
+da_res <- getDA(input_eset = activity_clustered.eset,
+ group_by = "clusterID",
+ g0 = c("1"),
+ use_method = "t.test")
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'pData': object 'activity_clustered.eset' not found
## 4. To perform differential activity analysis in a 1-vs-1 manner for groups in "clusterID" column
-da_res <- getDA(input_eset = activity_clustered.eset, group_by = "clusterID", g1 = c("1"), g0 = c("3"), use_method = "t.test")
+da_res <- getDA(input_eset = activity_clustered.eset,
+ group_by = "clusterID",
+ g1 = c("1"),
+ g0 = c("3"),
+ use_method = "t.test")
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'pData': object 'activity_clustered.eset' not found
diff --git a/docs/reference/getDE.html b/docs/reference/getDE.html
index b9e0ad3..cd4a3c8 100644
--- a/docs/reference/getDE.html
+++ b/docs/reference/getDE.html
@@ -95,19 +95,31 @@ ## 1. To perform differential expression analysis in a 1-vs-rest manner for all groups in "clusterID" column
-de_res <- getDE(input_eset = clustered.eset, group_by = "clusterID", use_method = "limma")
+de_res <- getDE(input_eset = clustered.eset,
+ group_by = "clusterID",
+ use_method = "limma")
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'pData': object 'clustered.eset' not found
## 2. To perform differential expression analysis in a 1-vs-rest manner for one specific group in "clusterID" column
-de_res <- getDE(input_eset = clustered.eset, group_by = "clusterID", g1 = c("1"), use_method = "limma")
+de_res <- getDE(input_eset = clustered.eset,
+ group_by = "clusterID",
+ g1 = c("1"),
+ use_method = "limma")
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'pData': object 'clustered.eset' not found
## 3. To perform differential expression analysis in a rest-vs-1 manner for one specific group in "clusterID" column
-de_res <- getDE(input_eset = clustered.eset, group_by = "clusterID", g0 = c("1"), use_method = "limma")
+de_res <- getDE(input_eset = clustered.eset,
+ group_by = "clusterID",
+ g0 = c("1"),
+ use_method = "limma")
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'pData': object 'clustered.eset' not found
## 4. To perform differential expression analysis in a 1-vs-1 manner for groups in "clusterID" column
-de_res <- getDE(input_eset = clustered.eset, group_by = "clusterID", g1 = c("1"), g0 = c("3"), use_method = "limma")
+de_res <- getDE(input_eset = clustered.eset,
+ group_by = "clusterID",
+ g1 = c("1"),
+ g0 = c("3"),
+ use_method = "limma")
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'pData': object 'clustered.eset' not found
diff --git a/docs/reference/getDriverList.html b/docs/reference/getDriverList.html
index 65b45c7..3574242 100644
--- a/docs/reference/getDriverList.html
+++ b/docs/reference/getDriverList.html
@@ -76,8 +76,11 @@