diff --git a/api/v1alpha1/common.go b/api/v1alpha1/common.go
index ddd02be9a..ddf27cd83 100644
--- a/api/v1alpha1/common.go
+++ b/api/v1alpha1/common.go
@@ -79,6 +79,10 @@ func SetupIndexers(ctx context.Context, mgr ctrl.Manager) error {
 		return err
+	if err := SetupMultiClusterServiceServicesIndexer(ctx, mgr); err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
 	if err := SetupClusterTemplateChainIndexer(ctx, mgr); err != nil {
 		return err
@@ -131,10 +135,10 @@ func ExtractReleaseTemplates(rawObj client.Object) []string {
 const ServicesTemplateKey = ".spec.services[].Template"
 func SetupManagedClusterServicesIndexer(ctx context.Context, mgr ctrl.Manager) error {
-	return mgr.GetFieldIndexer().IndexField(ctx, &ManagedCluster{}, ServicesTemplateKey, ExtractServiceTemplateName)
+	return mgr.GetFieldIndexer().IndexField(ctx, &ManagedCluster{}, ServicesTemplateKey, ExtractServiceTemplateFromManagedCluster)
-func ExtractServiceTemplateName(rawObj client.Object) []string {
+func ExtractServiceTemplateFromManagedCluster(rawObj client.Object) []string {
 	cluster, ok := rawObj.(*ManagedCluster)
 	if !ok {
 		return nil
@@ -148,6 +152,24 @@ func ExtractServiceTemplateName(rawObj client.Object) []string {
 	return templates
+func SetupMultiClusterServiceServicesIndexer(ctx context.Context, mgr ctrl.Manager) error {
+	return mgr.GetFieldIndexer().IndexField(ctx, &MultiClusterService{}, ServicesTemplateKey, ExtractServiceTemplateFromMultiClusterService)
+func ExtractServiceTemplateFromMultiClusterService(rawObj client.Object) []string {
+	cluster, ok := rawObj.(*MultiClusterService)
+	if !ok {
+		return nil
+	}
+	templates := []string{}
+	for _, s := range cluster.Spec.Services {
+		templates = append(templates, s.Template)
+	}
+	return templates
 const SupportedTemplateKey = ".spec.supportedTemplates[].Name"
 func SetupClusterTemplateChainIndexer(ctx context.Context, mgr ctrl.Manager) error {
diff --git a/cmd/main.go b/cmd/main.go
index acf62c376..cc7eb777a 100644
--- a/cmd/main.go
+++ b/cmd/main.go
@@ -331,6 +331,10 @@ func setupWebhooks(mgr ctrl.Manager, currentNamespace string) error {
 		setupLog.Error(err, "unable to create webhook", "webhook", "ManagedCluster")
 		return err
+	if err := (&hmcwebhook.MultiClusterServiceValidator{}).SetupWebhookWithManager(mgr); err != nil {
+		setupLog.Error(err, "unable to create webhook", "webhook", "MultiClusterService")
+		return err
+	}
 	if err := (&hmcwebhook.ManagementValidator{}).SetupWebhookWithManager(mgr); err != nil {
 		setupLog.Error(err, "unable to create webhook", "webhook", "Management")
 		return err
diff --git a/internal/controller/managedcluster_controller_test.go b/internal/controller/managedcluster_controller_test.go
index 2182968fe..ac37d1901 100644
--- a/internal/controller/managedcluster_controller_test.go
+++ b/internal/controller/managedcluster_controller_test.go
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import (
 	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
+	"sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/client"
 	hmc "github.com/Mirantis/hmc/api/v1alpha1"
@@ -38,8 +39,9 @@ var _ = Describe("ManagedCluster Controller", func() {
 			managedClusterName      = "test-managed-cluster"
 			managedClusterNamespace = "test"
-			templateName   = "test-template"
-			credentialName = "test-credential"
+			templateName    = "test-template"
+			svcTemplateName = "test-svc-template"
+			credentialName  = "test-credential"
 		ctx := context.Background()
@@ -50,6 +52,7 @@ var _ = Describe("ManagedCluster Controller", func() {
 		managedCluster := &hmc.ManagedCluster{}
 		template := &hmc.ClusterTemplate{}
+		svcTemplate := &hmc.ServiceTemplate{}
 		management := &hmc.Management{}
 		credential := &hmc.Credential{}
 		namespace := &corev1.Namespace{}
@@ -66,7 +69,7 @@ var _ = Describe("ManagedCluster Controller", func() {
 				Expect(k8sClient.Create(ctx, namespace)).To(Succeed())
-			By("creating the custom resource for the Kind Template")
+			By("creating the custom resource for the Kind ClusterTemplate")
 			err = k8sClient.Get(ctx, typeNamespacedName, template)
 			if err != nil && errors.IsNotFound(err) {
 				template = &hmc.ClusterTemplate{
@@ -99,6 +102,35 @@ var _ = Describe("ManagedCluster Controller", func() {
 				Expect(k8sClient.Status().Update(ctx, template)).To(Succeed())
+			By("creating the custom resource for the Kind ServiceTemplate")
+			err = k8sClient.Get(ctx, client.ObjectKey{Namespace: managedClusterNamespace, Name: svcTemplateName}, svcTemplate)
+			if err != nil && errors.IsNotFound(err) {
+				svcTemplate = &hmc.ServiceTemplate{
+					ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
+						Name:      svcTemplateName,
+						Namespace: managedClusterNamespace,
+					},
+					Spec: hmc.ServiceTemplateSpec{
+						Helm: hmc.HelmSpec{
+							ChartRef: &hcv2.CrossNamespaceSourceReference{
+								Kind:      "HelmChart",
+								Name:      "ref-test",
+								Namespace: "default",
+							},
+						},
+					},
+				}
+				Expect(k8sClient.Create(ctx, svcTemplate)).To(Succeed())
+				svcTemplate.Status = hmc.ServiceTemplateStatus{
+					TemplateStatusCommon: hmc.TemplateStatusCommon{
+						TemplateValidationStatus: hmc.TemplateValidationStatus{
+							Valid: true,
+						},
+					},
+				}
+				Expect(k8sClient.Status().Update(ctx, svcTemplate)).To(Succeed())
+			}
 			By("creating the custom resource for the Kind Management")
 			err = k8sClient.Get(ctx, typeNamespacedName, management)
 			if err != nil && errors.IsNotFound(err) {
@@ -148,6 +180,12 @@ var _ = Describe("ManagedCluster Controller", func() {
 					Spec: hmc.ManagedClusterSpec{
 						Template:   templateName,
 						Credential: credentialName,
+						Services: []hmc.ServiceSpec{
+							{
+								Template: svcTemplateName,
+								Name:     "test-svc-name",
+							},
+						},
 				Expect(k8sClient.Create(ctx, managedCluster)).To(Succeed())
diff --git a/internal/controller/multiclusterservice_controller_test.go b/internal/controller/multiclusterservice_controller_test.go
index 245f5b55e..7502bda85 100644
--- a/internal/controller/multiclusterservice_controller_test.go
+++ b/internal/controller/multiclusterservice_controller_test.go
@@ -150,6 +150,19 @@ var _ = Describe("MultiClusterService Controller", func() {
 			Expect(k8sClient.Create(ctx, serviceTemplate)).To(Succeed())
+			By("reconciling ServiceTemplate used by MultiClusterService")
+			templateReconciler := TemplateReconciler{
+				Client:                k8sClient,
+				downloadHelmChartFunc: fakeDownloadHelmChartFunc,
+			}
+			serviceTemplateReconciler := &ServiceTemplateReconciler{TemplateReconciler: templateReconciler}
+			_, err = serviceTemplateReconciler.Reconcile(ctx, reconcile.Request{NamespacedName: serviceTemplateRef})
+			Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
+			By("having the valid service template status")
+			Expect(k8sClient.Get(ctx, serviceTemplateRef, serviceTemplate)).To(Succeed())
+			Expect(serviceTemplate.Status.Valid && serviceTemplate.Status.ValidationError == "").To(BeTrue())
 			By("creating MultiClusterService")
 			err = k8sClient.Get(ctx, multiClusterServiceRef, multiClusterService)
 			if err != nil && apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
@@ -204,19 +217,10 @@ var _ = Describe("MultiClusterService Controller", func() {
 		It("should successfully reconcile the resource", func() {
-			By("reconciling ServiceTemplate used by MultiClusterService")
-			templateReconciler := TemplateReconciler{
-				Client:                k8sClient,
-				downloadHelmChartFunc: fakeDownloadHelmChartFunc,
-			}
-			serviceTemplateReconciler := &ServiceTemplateReconciler{TemplateReconciler: templateReconciler}
-			_, err := serviceTemplateReconciler.Reconcile(ctx, reconcile.Request{NamespacedName: serviceTemplateRef})
-			Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
 			By("reconciling MultiClusterService")
 			multiClusterServiceReconciler := &MultiClusterServiceReconciler{Client: k8sClient}
-			_, err = multiClusterServiceReconciler.Reconcile(ctx, reconcile.Request{NamespacedName: multiClusterServiceRef})
+			_, err := multiClusterServiceReconciler.Reconcile(ctx, reconcile.Request{NamespacedName: multiClusterServiceRef})
 			Eventually(k8sClient.Get, 1*time.Minute, 5*time.Second).WithArguments(ctx, clusterProfileRef, clusterProfile).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred())
diff --git a/internal/controller/suite_test.go b/internal/controller/suite_test.go
index 12e321f03..f9fbabc82 100644
--- a/internal/controller/suite_test.go
+++ b/internal/controller/suite_test.go
@@ -144,6 +144,9 @@ var _ = BeforeSuite(func() {
 	err = (&hmcwebhook.ManagedClusterValidator{}).SetupWebhookWithManager(mgr)
+	err = (&hmcwebhook.MultiClusterServiceValidator{}).SetupWebhookWithManager(mgr)
+	Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred())
 	err = (&hmcwebhook.ManagementValidator{}).SetupWebhookWithManager(mgr)
diff --git a/internal/webhook/managedcluster_webhook.go b/internal/webhook/managedcluster_webhook.go
index 5ad95f986..7bb487815 100644
--- a/internal/webhook/managedcluster_webhook.go
+++ b/internal/webhook/managedcluster_webhook.go
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ func (v *ManagedClusterValidator) ValidateCreate(ctx context.Context, obj runtim
 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", invalidManagedClusterMsg, err)
-	if err := isTemplateValid(template); err != nil {
-		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", invalidManagedClusterMsg, err)
+	if err := isTemplateValid(template.GetCommonStatus()); err != nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", invalidManagedClusterMsg, err)
 	if err := validateK8sCompatibility(ctx, v.Client, template, managedCluster); err != nil {
@@ -79,6 +79,18 @@ func (v *ManagedClusterValidator) ValidateCreate(ctx context.Context, obj runtim
 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", invalidManagedClusterMsg, err)
+	// validate services
+	for _, svc := range managedCluster.Spec.Services {
+		tpl, err := getServiceTemplate(ctx, v.Client, managedCluster.Namespace, svc.Template)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", invalidManagedClusterMsg, err)
+		}
+		if err := isTemplateValid(tpl.GetCommonStatus()); err != nil {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", invalidManagedClusterMsg, err)
+		}
+	}
 	return nil, nil
@@ -106,8 +118,8 @@ func (v *ManagedClusterValidator) ValidateUpdate(ctx context.Context, oldObj, ne
 			return admission.Warnings{msg}, errClusterUpgradeForbidden
-		if err := isTemplateValid(template); err != nil {
-			return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", invalidManagedClusterMsg, err)
+		if err := isTemplateValid(template.GetCommonStatus()); err != nil {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", invalidManagedClusterMsg, err)
 		if err := validateK8sCompatibility(ctx, v.Client, template, newManagedCluster); err != nil {
@@ -119,6 +131,18 @@ func (v *ManagedClusterValidator) ValidateUpdate(ctx context.Context, oldObj, ne
 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %w", invalidManagedClusterMsg, err)
+	// validate services
+	for _, svc := range newManagedCluster.Spec.Services {
+		tpl, err := getServiceTemplate(ctx, v.Client, newManagedCluster.Namespace, svc.Template)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", invalidManagedClusterMsg, err)
+		}
+		if err := isTemplateValid(tpl.GetCommonStatus()); err != nil {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", invalidManagedClusterMsg, err)
+		}
+	}
 	return nil, nil
@@ -185,8 +209,8 @@ func (v *ManagedClusterValidator) Default(ctx context.Context, obj runtime.Objec
 		return fmt.Errorf("could not get template for the managedcluster: %w", err)
-	if err := isTemplateValid(template); err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("template is invalid: %w", err)
+	if err := isTemplateValid(template.GetCommonStatus()); err != nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("template is invalid: %v", err)
 	if template.Status.Config == nil {
@@ -216,9 +240,9 @@ func (v *ManagedClusterValidator) getManagedClusterCredential(ctx context.Contex
 	return cred, nil
-func isTemplateValid(template *hmcv1alpha1.ClusterTemplate) error {
-	if !template.Status.Valid {
-		return fmt.Errorf("the template is not valid: %s", template.Status.ValidationError)
+func isTemplateValid(status *hmcv1alpha1.TemplateStatusCommon) error {
+	if !status.Valid {
+		return fmt.Errorf("the template is not valid: %s", status.ValidationError)
 	return nil
diff --git a/internal/webhook/managedcluster_webhook_test.go b/internal/webhook/managedcluster_webhook_test.go
index 4d8cc84a5..87a1ed148 100644
--- a/internal/webhook/managedcluster_webhook_test.go
+++ b/internal/webhook/managedcluster_webhook_test.go
@@ -97,6 +97,32 @@ func TestManagedClusterValidateCreate(t *testing.T) {
 			err: fmt.Sprintf("the ManagedCluster is invalid: clustertemplates.hmc.mirantis.com \"%s\" not found", testTemplateName),
+		{
+			name: "should fail if the ServiceTemplates are not found in same namespace",
+			managedCluster: managedcluster.NewManagedCluster(
+				managedcluster.WithClusterTemplate(testTemplateName),
+				managedcluster.WithCredential(testCredentialName),
+				managedcluster.WithServiceTemplate(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+			),
+			existingObjects: []runtime.Object{
+				mgmt,
+				cred,
+				template.NewClusterTemplate(
+					template.WithName(testTemplateName),
+					template.WithProvidersStatus(v1alpha1.Providers{
+						"infrastructure-aws",
+						"control-plane-k0smotron",
+						"bootstrap-k0smotron",
+					}),
+					template.WithValidationStatus(v1alpha1.TemplateValidationStatus{Valid: true}),
+				),
+				template.NewServiceTemplate(
+					template.WithName(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+					template.WithNamespace("othernamespace"),
+				),
+			},
+			err: fmt.Sprintf("the ManagedCluster is invalid: servicetemplates.hmc.mirantis.com \"%s\" not found", testSvcTemplate1Name),
+		},
 			name: "should fail if the cluster template was found but is invalid (some validation error)",
 			managedCluster: managedcluster.NewManagedCluster(
@@ -116,11 +142,41 @@ func TestManagedClusterValidateCreate(t *testing.T) {
 			err: "the ManagedCluster is invalid: the template is not valid: validation error example",
+		{
+			name: "should fail if the service templates were found but are invalid (some validation error)",
+			managedCluster: managedcluster.NewManagedCluster(
+				managedcluster.WithClusterTemplate(testTemplateName),
+				managedcluster.WithCredential(testCredentialName),
+				managedcluster.WithServiceTemplate(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+			),
+			existingObjects: []runtime.Object{
+				mgmt,
+				cred,
+				template.NewClusterTemplate(
+					template.WithName(testTemplateName),
+					template.WithProvidersStatus(v1alpha1.Providers{
+						"infrastructure-aws",
+						"control-plane-k0smotron",
+						"bootstrap-k0smotron",
+					}),
+					template.WithValidationStatus(v1alpha1.TemplateValidationStatus{Valid: true}),
+				),
+				template.NewServiceTemplate(
+					template.WithName(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+					template.WithValidationStatus(v1alpha1.TemplateValidationStatus{
+						Valid:           false,
+						ValidationError: "validation error example",
+					}),
+				),
+			},
+			err: "the ManagedCluster is invalid: the template is not valid: validation error example",
+		},
 			name: "should succeed",
 			managedCluster: managedcluster.NewManagedCluster(
+				managedcluster.WithServiceTemplate(testSvcTemplate1Name),
 			existingObjects: []runtime.Object{
@@ -134,6 +190,10 @@ func TestManagedClusterValidateCreate(t *testing.T) {
 					template.WithValidationStatus(v1alpha1.TemplateValidationStatus{Valid: true}),
+				template.NewServiceTemplate(
+					template.WithName(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+					template.WithValidationStatus(v1alpha1.TemplateValidationStatus{Valid: true}),
+				),
@@ -394,6 +454,148 @@ func TestManagedClusterValidateUpdate(t *testing.T) {
+		{
+			name: "should succeed if serviceTemplates are added",
+			oldManagedCluster: managedcluster.NewManagedCluster(
+				managedcluster.WithClusterTemplate(testTemplateName),
+				managedcluster.WithConfig(`{"foo":"bar"}`),
+				managedcluster.WithCredential(testCredentialName),
+			),
+			newManagedCluster: managedcluster.NewManagedCluster(
+				managedcluster.WithClusterTemplate(testTemplateName),
+				managedcluster.WithConfig(`{"a":"b"}`),
+				managedcluster.WithCredential(testCredentialName),
+				managedcluster.WithServiceTemplate(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+			),
+			existingObjects: []runtime.Object{
+				mgmt,
+				cred,
+				template.NewClusterTemplate(
+					template.WithName(testTemplateName),
+					template.WithValidationStatus(v1alpha1.TemplateValidationStatus{
+						Valid:           false,
+						ValidationError: "validation error example",
+					}),
+					template.WithProvidersStatus(v1alpha1.Providers{
+						"infrastructure-aws",
+						"control-plane-k0smotron",
+						"bootstrap-k0smotron",
+					}),
+				),
+				template.NewServiceTemplate(
+					template.WithName(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+					template.WithValidationStatus(v1alpha1.TemplateValidationStatus{Valid: true}),
+				),
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "should succeed if serviceTemplates are removed",
+			oldManagedCluster: managedcluster.NewManagedCluster(
+				managedcluster.WithClusterTemplate(testTemplateName),
+				managedcluster.WithConfig(`{"foo":"bar"}`),
+				managedcluster.WithCredential(testCredentialName),
+				managedcluster.WithServiceTemplate(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+			),
+			newManagedCluster: managedcluster.NewManagedCluster(
+				managedcluster.WithClusterTemplate(testTemplateName),
+				managedcluster.WithConfig(`{"a":"b"}`),
+				managedcluster.WithCredential(testCredentialName),
+			),
+			existingObjects: []runtime.Object{
+				mgmt,
+				cred,
+				template.NewClusterTemplate(
+					template.WithName(testTemplateName),
+					template.WithValidationStatus(v1alpha1.TemplateValidationStatus{
+						Valid:           false,
+						ValidationError: "validation error example",
+					}),
+					template.WithProvidersStatus(v1alpha1.Providers{
+						"infrastructure-aws",
+						"control-plane-k0smotron",
+						"bootstrap-k0smotron",
+					}),
+				),
+				template.NewServiceTemplate(
+					template.WithName(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+					template.WithValidationStatus(v1alpha1.TemplateValidationStatus{Valid: true}),
+				),
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "should fail if serviceTemplates are not in the same namespace",
+			oldManagedCluster: managedcluster.NewManagedCluster(
+				managedcluster.WithClusterTemplate(testTemplateName),
+				managedcluster.WithConfig(`{"foo":"bar"}`),
+				managedcluster.WithCredential(testCredentialName),
+			),
+			newManagedCluster: managedcluster.NewManagedCluster(
+				managedcluster.WithClusterTemplate(testTemplateName),
+				managedcluster.WithConfig(`{"a":"b"}`),
+				managedcluster.WithCredential(testCredentialName),
+				managedcluster.WithServiceTemplate(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+			),
+			existingObjects: []runtime.Object{
+				mgmt,
+				cred,
+				template.NewClusterTemplate(
+					template.WithName(testTemplateName),
+					template.WithValidationStatus(v1alpha1.TemplateValidationStatus{
+						Valid:           false,
+						ValidationError: "validation error example",
+					}),
+					template.WithProvidersStatus(v1alpha1.Providers{
+						"infrastructure-aws",
+						"control-plane-k0smotron",
+						"bootstrap-k0smotron",
+					}),
+				),
+				template.NewServiceTemplate(
+					template.WithName(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+					template.WithNamespace("othernamespace"),
+					template.WithValidationStatus(v1alpha1.TemplateValidationStatus{Valid: true}),
+				),
+			},
+			err: fmt.Sprintf("the ManagedCluster is invalid: servicetemplates.hmc.mirantis.com \"%s\" not found", testSvcTemplate1Name),
+		},
+		{
+			name: "should fail if the ServiceTemplates were found but are invalid",
+			oldManagedCluster: managedcluster.NewManagedCluster(
+				managedcluster.WithClusterTemplate(testTemplateName),
+				managedcluster.WithConfig(`{"foo":"bar"}`),
+				managedcluster.WithCredential(testCredentialName),
+			),
+			newManagedCluster: managedcluster.NewManagedCluster(
+				managedcluster.WithClusterTemplate(testTemplateName),
+				managedcluster.WithConfig(`{"a":"b"}`),
+				managedcluster.WithCredential(testCredentialName),
+				managedcluster.WithServiceTemplate(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+			),
+			existingObjects: []runtime.Object{
+				mgmt,
+				cred,
+				template.NewClusterTemplate(
+					template.WithName(testTemplateName),
+					template.WithValidationStatus(v1alpha1.TemplateValidationStatus{
+						Valid:           false,
+						ValidationError: "validation error example",
+					}),
+					template.WithProvidersStatus(v1alpha1.Providers{
+						"infrastructure-aws",
+						"control-plane-k0smotron",
+						"bootstrap-k0smotron",
+					}),
+				),
+				template.NewServiceTemplate(
+					template.WithName(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+					template.WithValidationStatus(v1alpha1.TemplateValidationStatus{
+						Valid:           false,
+						ValidationError: "validation error example",
+					}),
+				),
+			},
+			err: "the ManagedCluster is invalid: the template is not valid: validation error example",
+		},
 	for _, tt := range tests {
 		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
diff --git a/internal/webhook/multiclusterservice_webhook.go b/internal/webhook/multiclusterservice_webhook.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..72a9a0cd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/webhook/multiclusterservice_webhook.go
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+// Copyright 2024
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package webhook
+import (
+	"context"
+	"fmt"
+	apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
+	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime"
+	ctrl "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime"
+	"sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/client"
+	"sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/webhook"
+	"sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/webhook/admission"
+	"github.com/Mirantis/hmc/api/v1alpha1"
+	"github.com/Mirantis/hmc/internal/utils"
+type MultiClusterServiceValidator struct {
+	client.Client
+const invalidMultiClusterServiceMsg = "the MultiClusterService is invalid"
+// SetupWebhookWithManager will setup the manager to manage the webhooks
+func (v *MultiClusterServiceValidator) SetupWebhookWithManager(mgr ctrl.Manager) error {
+	v.Client = mgr.GetClient()
+	return ctrl.NewWebhookManagedBy(mgr).
+		For(&v1alpha1.MultiClusterService{}).
+		WithValidator(v).
+		WithDefaulter(v).
+		Complete()
+var (
+	_ webhook.CustomValidator = &MultiClusterServiceValidator{}
+	_ webhook.CustomDefaulter = &MultiClusterServiceValidator{}
+// Default implements webhook.Defaulter so a webhook will be registered for the type.
+func (*MultiClusterServiceValidator) Default(_ context.Context, _ runtime.Object) error {
+	return nil
+// ValidateCreate implements webhook.Validator so a webhook will be registered for the type.
+func (v *MultiClusterServiceValidator) ValidateCreate(ctx context.Context, obj runtime.Object) (admission.Warnings, error) {
+	mcs, ok := obj.(*v1alpha1.MultiClusterService)
+	if !ok {
+		return nil, apierrors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("expected MultiClusterService but got a %T", obj))
+	}
+	for _, svc := range mcs.Spec.Services {
+		tpl, err := getServiceTemplate(ctx, v.Client, utils.DefaultSystemNamespace, svc.Template)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", invalidMultiClusterServiceMsg, err)
+		}
+		if err := isTemplateValid(tpl.GetCommonStatus()); err != nil {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", invalidMultiClusterServiceMsg, err)
+		}
+	}
+	return nil, nil
+// ValidateUpdate implements webhook.Validator so a webhook will be registered for the type.
+func (v *MultiClusterServiceValidator) ValidateUpdate(ctx context.Context, oldObj, newObj runtime.Object) (admission.Warnings, error) {
+	_, ok := oldObj.(*v1alpha1.MultiClusterService)
+	if !ok {
+		return nil, apierrors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("expected MultiClusterService but got a %T", oldObj))
+	}
+	mcs, ok := newObj.(*v1alpha1.MultiClusterService)
+	if !ok {
+		return nil, apierrors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("expected MultiClusterService but got a %T", newObj))
+	}
+	for _, svc := range mcs.Spec.Services {
+		tpl, err := getServiceTemplate(ctx, v.Client, utils.DefaultSystemNamespace, svc.Template)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", invalidMultiClusterServiceMsg, err)
+		}
+		if err := isTemplateValid(tpl.GetCommonStatus()); err != nil {
+			return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", invalidMultiClusterServiceMsg, err)
+		}
+	}
+	return nil, nil
+// ValidateDelete implements webhook.Validator so a webhook will be registered for the type.
+func (*MultiClusterServiceValidator) ValidateDelete(_ context.Context, _ runtime.Object) (admission.Warnings, error) {
+	return nil, nil
+func getServiceTemplate(ctx context.Context, c client.Client, templateNamespace, templateName string) (tpl *v1alpha1.ServiceTemplate, err error) {
+	tpl = new(v1alpha1.ServiceTemplate)
+	return tpl, c.Get(ctx, client.ObjectKey{Namespace: templateNamespace, Name: templateName}, tpl)
diff --git a/internal/webhook/multiclusterservice_webhook_test.go b/internal/webhook/multiclusterservice_webhook_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..600b83f3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/webhook/multiclusterservice_webhook_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+// Copyright 2024
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package webhook
+import (
+	"context"
+	"fmt"
+	"testing"
+	. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
+	admissionv1 "k8s.io/api/admission/v1"
+	"k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime"
+	"sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/client/fake"
+	"sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/webhook/admission"
+	"github.com/Mirantis/hmc/api/v1alpha1"
+	"github.com/Mirantis/hmc/internal/utils"
+	"github.com/Mirantis/hmc/test/objects/multiclusterservice"
+	"github.com/Mirantis/hmc/test/objects/template"
+	"github.com/Mirantis/hmc/test/scheme"
+const (
+	testMCSName          = "testmcs"
+	testSvcTemplate1Name = "test-servicetemplate-1"
+	testSvcTemplate2Name = "test-servicetemplate-2"
+func TestMultiClusterServiceValidateCreate(t *testing.T) {
+	ctx := admission.NewContextWithRequest(context.Background(), admission.Request{
+		AdmissionRequest: admissionv1.AdmissionRequest{
+			Operation: admissionv1.Create,
+		},
+	})
+	tests := []struct {
+		name            string
+		mcs             *v1alpha1.MultiClusterService
+		existingObjects []runtime.Object
+		err             string
+		warnings        admission.Warnings
+	}{
+		{
+			name: "should fail if the ServiceTemplates are not found in hmc-system namespace",
+			mcs: multiclusterservice.NewMultiClusterService(
+				multiclusterservice.WithName(testMCSName),
+				multiclusterservice.WithServiceTemplate(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+			),
+			existingObjects: []runtime.Object{
+				template.NewServiceTemplate(
+					template.WithName(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+					template.WithNamespace("othernamespace"),
+					template.WithValidationStatus(v1alpha1.TemplateValidationStatus{Valid: true}),
+				),
+			},
+			err: fmt.Sprintf("the MultiClusterService is invalid: servicetemplates.hmc.mirantis.com \"%s\" not found", testSvcTemplate1Name),
+		},
+		{
+			name: "should fail if the ServiceTemplates were found but are invalid",
+			mcs: multiclusterservice.NewMultiClusterService(
+				multiclusterservice.WithName(testMCSName),
+				multiclusterservice.WithServiceTemplate(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+			),
+			existingObjects: []runtime.Object{
+				template.NewServiceTemplate(
+					template.WithName(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+					template.WithNamespace(utils.DefaultSystemNamespace),
+					template.WithValidationStatus(v1alpha1.TemplateValidationStatus{
+						Valid:           false,
+						ValidationError: "validation error example",
+					}),
+				),
+			},
+			err: "the MultiClusterService is invalid: the template is not valid: validation error example",
+		},
+		{
+			name: "should succeed",
+			mcs: multiclusterservice.NewMultiClusterService(
+				multiclusterservice.WithName(testMCSName),
+				multiclusterservice.WithServiceTemplate(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+			),
+			existingObjects: []runtime.Object{
+				template.NewServiceTemplate(
+					template.WithName(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+					template.WithNamespace(utils.DefaultSystemNamespace),
+					template.WithValidationStatus(v1alpha1.TemplateValidationStatus{Valid: true}),
+				),
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "should succeed with multiple serviceTemplates",
+			mcs: multiclusterservice.NewMultiClusterService(
+				multiclusterservice.WithName(testMCSName),
+				multiclusterservice.WithServiceTemplate(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+				multiclusterservice.WithServiceTemplate(testSvcTemplate2Name),
+			),
+			existingObjects: []runtime.Object{
+				template.NewServiceTemplate(
+					template.WithName(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+					template.WithNamespace(utils.DefaultSystemNamespace),
+					template.WithValidationStatus(v1alpha1.TemplateValidationStatus{Valid: true}),
+				),
+				template.NewServiceTemplate(
+					template.WithName(testSvcTemplate2Name),
+					template.WithNamespace(utils.DefaultSystemNamespace),
+					template.WithValidationStatus(v1alpha1.TemplateValidationStatus{Valid: true}),
+				),
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "should succeed without any serviceTemplates",
+			mcs: multiclusterservice.NewMultiClusterService(
+				multiclusterservice.WithName(testMCSName),
+			),
+		},
+	}
+	for _, tt := range tests {
+		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+			g := NewWithT(t)
+			c := fake.NewClientBuilder().WithScheme(scheme.Scheme).WithRuntimeObjects(tt.existingObjects...).Build()
+			validator := &MultiClusterServiceValidator{Client: c}
+			warn, err := validator.ValidateCreate(ctx, tt.mcs)
+			if tt.err != "" {
+				g.Expect(err).To(MatchError(tt.err))
+			} else {
+				g.Expect(err).To(Succeed())
+			}
+			if len(tt.warnings) > 0 {
+				g.Expect(warn).To(Equal(tt.warnings))
+			} else {
+				g.Expect(warn).To(BeEmpty())
+			}
+		})
+	}
+func TestMultiClusterServiceValidateUpdate(t *testing.T) {
+	ctx := admission.NewContextWithRequest(context.Background(), admission.Request{
+		AdmissionRequest: admissionv1.AdmissionRequest{
+			Operation: admissionv1.Update,
+		},
+	})
+	oldMCS := multiclusterservice.NewMultiClusterService(
+		multiclusterservice.WithName(testMCSName),
+		multiclusterservice.WithServiceTemplate(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+	)
+	tests := []struct {
+		name            string
+		newMCS          *v1alpha1.MultiClusterService
+		existingObjects []runtime.Object
+		err             string
+		warnings        admission.Warnings
+	}{
+		{
+			name: "should fail if the ServiceTemplates are not found in hmc-system namespace",
+			newMCS: multiclusterservice.NewMultiClusterService(
+				multiclusterservice.WithName(testMCSName),
+				multiclusterservice.WithServiceTemplate(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+				multiclusterservice.WithServiceTemplate(testSvcTemplate2Name),
+			),
+			existingObjects: []runtime.Object{
+				template.NewServiceTemplate(
+					template.WithName(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+					template.WithNamespace(utils.DefaultSystemNamespace),
+					template.WithValidationStatus(v1alpha1.TemplateValidationStatus{Valid: true}),
+				),
+				template.NewServiceTemplate(
+					template.WithName(testSvcTemplate2Name),
+					template.WithNamespace("othernamespace"),
+					template.WithValidationStatus(v1alpha1.TemplateValidationStatus{Valid: true}),
+				),
+			},
+			err: fmt.Sprintf("the MultiClusterService is invalid: servicetemplates.hmc.mirantis.com \"%s\" not found", testSvcTemplate2Name),
+		},
+		{
+			name: "should fail if the ServiceTemplates were found but are invalid",
+			newMCS: multiclusterservice.NewMultiClusterService(
+				multiclusterservice.WithName(testMCSName),
+				multiclusterservice.WithServiceTemplate(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+				multiclusterservice.WithServiceTemplate(testSvcTemplate2Name),
+			),
+			existingObjects: []runtime.Object{
+				template.NewServiceTemplate(
+					template.WithName(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+					template.WithNamespace(utils.DefaultSystemNamespace),
+					template.WithValidationStatus(v1alpha1.TemplateValidationStatus{Valid: true}),
+				),
+				template.NewServiceTemplate(
+					template.WithName(testSvcTemplate2Name),
+					template.WithNamespace(utils.DefaultSystemNamespace),
+					template.WithValidationStatus(v1alpha1.TemplateValidationStatus{
+						Valid:           false,
+						ValidationError: "validation error example",
+					}),
+				),
+			},
+			err: "the MultiClusterService is invalid: the template is not valid: validation error example",
+		},
+		{
+			name: "should succeed if another template is added",
+			newMCS: multiclusterservice.NewMultiClusterService(
+				multiclusterservice.WithName(oldMCS.Name),
+				multiclusterservice.WithServiceTemplate(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+				multiclusterservice.WithServiceTemplate(testSvcTemplate2Name),
+			),
+			existingObjects: []runtime.Object{
+				template.NewServiceTemplate(
+					template.WithName(testSvcTemplate1Name),
+					template.WithNamespace(utils.DefaultSystemNamespace),
+					template.WithValidationStatus(v1alpha1.TemplateValidationStatus{Valid: true}),
+				),
+				template.NewServiceTemplate(
+					template.WithName(testSvcTemplate2Name),
+					template.WithNamespace(utils.DefaultSystemNamespace),
+					template.WithValidationStatus(v1alpha1.TemplateValidationStatus{Valid: true}),
+				),
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name: "should succeed if all templates removed",
+			newMCS: multiclusterservice.NewMultiClusterService(
+				multiclusterservice.WithName(oldMCS.Name),
+			),
+		},
+	}
+	for _, tt := range tests {
+		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+			g := NewWithT(t)
+			c := fake.NewClientBuilder().WithScheme(scheme.Scheme).WithRuntimeObjects(tt.existingObjects...).Build()
+			validator := &MultiClusterServiceValidator{Client: c}
+			warn, err := validator.ValidateUpdate(ctx, oldMCS, tt.newMCS)
+			if tt.err != "" {
+				g.Expect(err).To(MatchError(tt.err))
+			} else {
+				g.Expect(err).To(Succeed())
+			}
+			if len(tt.warnings) > 0 {
+				g.Expect(warn).To(Equal(tt.warnings))
+			} else {
+				g.Expect(warn).To(BeEmpty())
+			}
+		})
+	}
diff --git a/internal/webhook/template_webhook.go b/internal/webhook/template_webhook.go
index b2a0dacd8..6666c2575 100644
--- a/internal/webhook/template_webhook.go
+++ b/internal/webhook/template_webhook.go
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import (
+	"github.com/Mirantis/hmc/internal/utils"
 type ClusterTemplateValidator struct {
@@ -133,6 +134,20 @@ func (v *ServiceTemplateValidator) ValidateDelete(ctx context.Context, obj runti
 		return admission.Warnings{"The ServiceTemplate object can't be removed if ManagedCluster objects referencing it still exist"}, errTemplateDeletionForbidden
+	// MultiClusterServices can only refer to serviceTemplates in hmc-system namespace.
+	if tmpl.Namespace == utils.DefaultSystemNamespace {
+		multiSvcClusters := &v1alpha1.MultiClusterServiceList{}
+		if err := v.Client.List(ctx, multiSvcClusters,
+			client.MatchingFields{v1alpha1.ServicesTemplateKey: tmpl.Name},
+			client.Limit(1)); err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		if len(multiSvcClusters.Items) > 0 {
+			return admission.Warnings{"The ServiceTemplate object can't be removed if MultiClusterService objects referencing it still exist"}, errTemplateDeletionForbidden
+		}
+	}
 	return nil, nil
diff --git a/internal/webhook/template_webhook_test.go b/internal/webhook/template_webhook_test.go
index 44938a4cc..962a97560 100644
--- a/internal/webhook/template_webhook_test.go
+++ b/internal/webhook/template_webhook_test.go
@@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ import (
+	"github.com/Mirantis/hmc/internal/utils"
+	"github.com/Mirantis/hmc/test/objects/multiclusterservice"
@@ -136,6 +138,18 @@ func TestServiceTemplateValidateDelete(t *testing.T) {
 			template:        tmpl,
 			existingObjects: []runtime.Object{managedcluster.NewManagedCluster()},
+		{
+			title:    "should fail if a MultiClusterService is referencing serviceTemplate in hmc-system namespace",
+			template: template.NewServiceTemplate(template.WithNamespace(utils.DefaultSystemNamespace), template.WithName(tmpl.Name)),
+			existingObjects: []runtime.Object{
+				multiclusterservice.NewMultiClusterService(
+					multiclusterservice.WithName("mymulticlusterservice"),
+					multiclusterservice.WithServiceTemplate(tmpl.Name),
+				),
+			},
+			warnings: admission.Warnings{"The ServiceTemplate object can't be removed if MultiClusterService objects referencing it still exist"},
+			err:      errTemplateDeletionForbidden.Error(),
+		},
 	for _, tt := range tests {
@@ -146,7 +160,8 @@ func TestServiceTemplateValidateDelete(t *testing.T) {
-				WithIndex(tt.existingObjects[0], v1alpha1.ServicesTemplateKey, v1alpha1.ExtractServiceTemplateName).
+				WithIndex(&v1alpha1.ManagedCluster{}, v1alpha1.ServicesTemplateKey, v1alpha1.ExtractServiceTemplateFromManagedCluster).
+				WithIndex(&v1alpha1.MultiClusterService{}, v1alpha1.ServicesTemplateKey, v1alpha1.ExtractServiceTemplateFromMultiClusterService).
 			validator := &ServiceTemplateValidator{Client: c}
 			warn, err := validator.ValidateDelete(ctx, tt.template)
diff --git a/templates/provider/hmc/templates/webhooks.yaml b/templates/provider/hmc/templates/webhooks.yaml
index b9faed015..1c1237864 100644
--- a/templates/provider/hmc/templates/webhooks.yaml
+++ b/templates/provider/hmc/templates/webhooks.yaml
@@ -28,6 +28,28 @@ webhooks:
           - managedclusters
     sideEffects: None
+  - admissionReviewVersions:
+      - v1
+      - v1beta1
+    clientConfig:
+      service:
+        name: {{ include "hmc.webhook.serviceName" . }}
+        namespace: {{ include "hmc.webhook.serviceNamespace" . }}
+        path: /mutate-hmc-mirantis-com-v1alpha1-multiclusterservice
+    failurePolicy: Fail
+    matchPolicy: Equivalent
+    name: mutation.multiclusterservice.hmc.mirantis.com
+    rules:
+      - apiGroups:
+          - hmc.mirantis.com
+        apiVersions:
+          - v1alpha1
+        operations:
+          - CREATE
+          - UPDATE
+        resources:
+          - multiclusterservices
+    sideEffects: None
   - admissionReviewVersions:
       - v1
       - v1beta1
@@ -81,6 +103,28 @@ webhooks:
           - managedclusters
     sideEffects: None
+  - admissionReviewVersions:
+      - v1
+      - v1beta1
+    clientConfig:
+      service:
+        name: {{ include "hmc.webhook.serviceName" . }}
+        namespace: {{ include "hmc.webhook.serviceNamespace" . }}
+        path: /validate-hmc-mirantis-com-v1alpha1-multiclusterservice
+    failurePolicy: Fail
+    matchPolicy: Equivalent
+    name: validation.multiclusterservice.hmc.mirantis.com
+    rules:
+      - apiGroups:
+          - hmc.mirantis.com
+        apiVersions:
+          - v1alpha1
+        operations:
+          - CREATE
+          - UPDATE
+        resources:
+          - multiclusterservices
+    sideEffects: None
   - admissionReviewVersions:
       - v1
       - v1beta1
diff --git a/test/objects/multiclusterservice/multiclusterservice.go b/test/objects/multiclusterservice/multiclusterservice.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc6aec977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/objects/multiclusterservice/multiclusterservice.go
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// Copyright 2024
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package multiclusterservice
+import (
+	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
+	"github.com/Mirantis/hmc/api/v1alpha1"
+const (
+	DefaultName = "multiclusterservice"
+type Opt func(multiClusterService *v1alpha1.MultiClusterService)
+func NewMultiClusterService(opts ...Opt) *v1alpha1.MultiClusterService {
+	p := &v1alpha1.MultiClusterService{
+		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
+			Name: DefaultName,
+		},
+	}
+	for _, opt := range opts {
+		opt(p)
+	}
+	return p
+func WithName(name string) Opt {
+	return func(p *v1alpha1.MultiClusterService) {
+		p.Name = name
+	}
+func WithServiceTemplate(templateName string) Opt {
+	return func(p *v1alpha1.MultiClusterService) {
+		p.Spec.Services = append(p.Spec.Services, v1alpha1.ServiceSpec{
+			Template: templateName,
+		})
+	}