Files: time.hpp, time.cpp
Vulnerability: SIGSEGV at Time::set(23)
Files: tempconv.hpp
Vulnerability: None, class with no constructor and static methods only. Fuzzer should not fuzz anything
Files: walker.hpp, walker.cpp
Vulnerability: SIGSEGV wich can be achieved with 8 calls to Walker::right()
and then Walker::set('0')
Files: stats.hpp, stats.cpp
Vulnerability: SIGSEGV wich can be achieved if Stats::get
goes out of bounds which can be achieved with certain combinations of Stats::move
and Stats::inc
Comment: for now it's not working bc libfuzzer overuses memory even when destructor called explicitly
PoC and Hex of CC is in test_stats.cpp
WARN: Check if your fuzzer build has room for such callchain
WARN2: using std::size_t;
is necessary for libclang