Welcome to this site for the One-Class Support Vector Machine (OCSVM)-Splicing tool. This site will serve as a source code repository for OCSVM-Splicing pipeline.
This program requires the following modules.
- Python (=> 2.7 ): https://www.python.org/
- NumPy : http://www.numpy.org/
- scikit-learn : http://scikit-learn.org/stable/index.html
- computed splicing strength scores using MaxEntScan
- 5' splice sites : http://genes.mit.edu/burgelab/maxent/Xmaxentscan_scoreseq.html
- 3' splice sites : http://genes.mit.edu/burgelab/maxent/Xmaxentscan_scoreseq_acc.html
-m INT : OCSVM-Splicing model number (1,2,or 3)
-i STR : Input file name
-o STR : Output file name
example: python one_calss_SVM.py -m 1 -i model_1_input_example.txt -o model_1_output.txt
- Model 1 : Intornic SNVs at 5' splice sites (within 4bp next to GT)
- Input : score of 5’spliceMUT – 5’spliceWT and 5’spliceMUT – 3’spliceWT
- example input (tab-delimited format; order of columns should not change)
- Model 2 : Intornic SNVs at 3' splice sites (within 1bp next to AG)
- Input : score of 3’spliceMUT – 3’spliceWT and 3’spliceMUT –5’spliceWT
- example input (tab-delimited format; order of columns should not change)
- Model 3 : Exonic SNVs at 5' splice sites (within 2bp next to GT)
- Input : score of 5’spliceMUT – 5’spliceWT and 5’spliceMUT – 3’spliceWT
- example input (tab-delimited format; order of columns should not change)
Each model annotes SNVs as "benign" or "deleterious".
- example