diff --git a/GUI.lua b/GUI.lua
index a2cb523..f7505cf 100755
--- a/GUI.lua
+++ b/GUI.lua
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ function GUI:Toggle()
if (mainFrame and mainFrame:IsShown()) then
- GUI:Show(false, L["EstHonor"])
+ GUI:Show(false, L["ThisWeekHonor"])
@@ -113,12 +113,15 @@ function GUI:UpdateTableView()
if HonorSpy.db.factionrealm.estHonorCol.show then
- button.EstHonor:SetWidth(80);
- button.EstHonor:SetWidth(0);
+ if HonorSpy.db.factionrealm.estTodayHonorCol.show then
+ button.EstHonor:SetWidth(80);
+ else
+ button.EstHonor:SetWidth(0);
+ end
@@ -147,27 +150,37 @@ function GUI:UpdateTableView()
if tonumber(thisWeekHonor) == 1 then thisWeekHonor = 0 end
button.Honor:SetText(colorize(thisWeekHonor, class));
if HonorSpy.db.factionrealm.estHonorCol.show then
- button.EstHonor:SetWidth(80);
- button.EstWeekHonor:SetWidth(80);
+ button.EstWeekHonor:SetWidth(100);
if (tonumber(estHonor) ~= nil) then
local estTodayHonor = estHonor - thisWeekHonor
-- This may happen when blizz value is up to date but estimation is not
if (estTodayHonor < 0) then
- estHonor = thisWeekHonor
- estTodayHonor = 0
- end
- button.EstHonor:SetText(colorize(estTodayHonor, class));
+ estHonor = thisWeekHonor
+ end
button.EstWeekHonor:SetText(colorize(estHonor, class));
- button.EstHonor:SetText();
- button.EstHonor:SetText();
- button.EstHonor:SetWidth(0);
+ if HonorSpy.db.factionrealm.estTodayHonorCol.show then
+ button.EstHonor:SetWidth(100);
+ if (tonumber(estHonor) ~= nil) then
+ local estTodayHonor = estHonor - thisWeekHonor
+ -- This may happen when blizz value is up to date but estimation is not
+ if (estTodayHonor < 0) then
+ estTodayHonor = 0
+ end
+ button.EstHonor:SetText(colorize(estTodayHonor, class));
+ else
+ button.EstHonor:SetText();
+ end
+ else
+ button.EstHonor:SetText();
+ button.EstHonor:SetWidth(0);
+ end
button.LstWkHonor:SetText(colorize(lastWeekHonor, class));
button.Standing:SetText(colorize(standing, class));
button.RP:SetText(colorize(RP, class));
@@ -201,7 +214,10 @@ function GUI:PrepareGUI()
_G["HonorSpyGUI_MainFrame"] = mainFrame
tinsert(UISpecialFrames, "HonorSpyGUI_MainFrame") -- allow ESC close
mainFrame:SetTitle(L["HonorSpy Standings"])
- if HonorSpy.db.factionrealm.estHonorCol.show then mainFrame:SetWidth(760) else mainFrame:SetWidth(600) end
+ local pixels = 600
+ if HonorSpy.db.factionrealm.estHonorCol.show then pixels = 700 end
+ if HonorSpy.db.factionrealm.estTodayHonorCol.show then pixels = pixels + 100 end
+ mainFrame:SetWidth(pixels)
@@ -239,33 +255,37 @@ function GUI:PrepareGUI()
btn:SetText(colorize(L["Name"], "ORANGE"))
- btn = AceGUI:Create("InteractiveLabel")
- btn:SetCallback("OnClick", function()
+ local knownHonorbtn = AceGUI:Create("InteractiveLabel")
+ knownHonorbtn:SetCallback("OnClick", function()
GUI:Show(false, L["Honor"])
- btn.highlight:SetColorTexture(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.5)
- btn:SetWidth(80)
- btn:SetText(colorize(L["Honor"], "ORANGE"))
- tableHeader:AddChild(btn)
- if HonorSpy.db.factionrealm.estHonorCol.show then
- btn:SetText(colorize(L["KnownHonor"], "ORANGE"))
+ knownHonorbtn.highlight:SetColorTexture(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.5)
+ knownHonorbtn:SetWidth(80)
+ knownHonorbtn:SetText(colorize(L["Honor"], "ORANGE"))
+ tableHeader:AddChild(knownHonorbtn)
+ if HonorSpy.db.factionrealm.estTodayHonorCol.show then
+ knownHonorbtn:SetText(colorize(L["KnownHonor"], "ORANGE"))
btn = AceGUI:Create("InteractiveLabel")
btn:SetCallback("OnClick", function()
GUI:Show(false, L["EstHonor"])
btn.highlight:SetColorTexture(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.5)
- btn:SetWidth(80)
+ btn:SetWidth(100)
btn:SetText(colorize(L["EstHonor"], "ORANGE"))
+ end
+ if HonorSpy.db.factionrealm.estHonorCol.show then
+ knownHonorbtn:SetText(colorize(L["KnownHonor"], "ORANGE"))
btn = AceGUI:Create("InteractiveLabel")
btn:SetCallback("OnClick", function()
GUI:Show(false, L["ThisWeekHonor"])
btn.highlight:SetColorTexture(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.5)
- btn:SetWidth(80)
+ btn:SetWidth(100)
btn:SetText(colorize(L["ThisWeekHonor"], "ORANGE"))
diff --git a/HybridScrollFrame.xml b/HybridScrollFrame.xml
index 0b4115c..8d7a7a8 100755
--- a/HybridScrollFrame.xml
+++ b/HybridScrollFrame.xml
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@
diff --git a/honorspy.lua b/honorspy.lua
index 524cad5..46d1c18 100755
--- a/honorspy.lua
+++ b/honorspy.lua
@@ -366,19 +366,39 @@ LibStub("AceConfig-3.0"):RegisterOptionsTable("HonorSpy", options, {"honorspy",
function HonorSpy:BuildStandingsTable(sort_by)
local t = { }
for playerName, player in pairs(HonorSpy.db.factionrealm.currentStandings) do
- table.insert(t, {playerName, player.class, player.thisWeekHonor or 0, player.estHonor or "", player.lastWeekHonor or 0, player.standing or 0, player.RP or 0, player.rank or 0, player.last_checked or 0})
+ table.insert(t, {playerName, player.class, tonumber(player.thisWeekHonor) or 0, tonumber(player.estHonor) or 0, tonumber(player.lastWeekHonor) or 0, tonumber(player.standing) or 0, player.RP or 0, player.rank or 0, player.last_checked or 0})
- local sort_column = 3; -- ThisWeekHonor
+ local sort_column = 3; -- KnownHonor
if (sort_by == L["EstHonor"]) then sort_column = 4; end
if (sort_by == L["ThisWeekHonor"]) then sort_column = -1; end
if (sort_by == L["Standing"]) then sort_column = 5; end
- if (sort_by == L["Rank"]) then sort_column = 7; end
+ if (sort_by == L["Rank"]) then sort_column = 8; end
if (sort_by == L["Name"]) then sort_column = 1; end
local sort_func = function(a,b)
if sort_column == 1 then return a[1] < b[1] end
- if sort_column == 4 then return math.max(a[3],tonumber(a[4]) or 0) > math.max(b[3],tonumber(b[4]) or 0) end
- if sort_column == -1 then return (a[3] + (tonumber(a[4]) or 0)) > (b[3] + (tonumber(b[4]) or 0)) end
+ if sort_column == 4 then
+ local c = a[4]-a[3]
+ if c < 0 then c = 0 end
+ local d = b[4]-b[3]
+ if d < 0 then d = 0 end
+ return c > d
+ end
+ if sort_column == -1 then
+ local c = a[4]-a[3]
+ if c < 0 then
+ c = a[3]
+ else
+ c = a[4]
+ end
+ local d = b[4]-b[3]
+ if d < 0 then
+ d = b[3]
+ else
+ d = b[4]
+ end
+ return c > d
+ end
if sort_column == 5 then
if a[5] == b[5] then
return a[6] < b[6]
@@ -935,6 +955,7 @@ function HonorSpy:OnInitialize()
last_reset = 0,
minimapButton = {hide = false},
estHonorCol = {show = false},
+ estTodayHonorCol = {show = false},
actualCommPrefix = "",
fakePlayers = {},
goodPlayers = {},
diff --git a/settings.lua b/settings.lua
index 4c996ed..8e182bd 100755
--- a/settings.lua
+++ b/settings.lua
@@ -35,20 +35,29 @@ options.args["estHonorCol"] = {
set = function(info, v) HonorSpy.db.factionrealm.estHonorCol.show = v; HonorSpyGUI:PrepareGUI() end,
+options.args["estTodayHonorCol"] = {
+ order = 4,
+ type = "toggle",
+ name = "Show Estimated Todays Honor",
+ desc = "Shows the Estimated Todays Honor column in the table. This data will only be populated by other people with HonorSpy.",
+ get = function() return HonorSpy.db.factionrealm.estTodayHonorCol.show end,
+ set = function(info, v) HonorSpy.db.factionrealm.estTodayHonorCol.show = v; HonorSpyGUI:PrepareGUI() end,
options.args["estHonorColDesc"] = {
- order = 4,
+ order = 5,
type = "description",
name = L["Shows the Estimated Honor column in the table. This data will only be populated by other people with HonorSpy."] .. '\n\n'
options.args["sep1"] = {
- order = 5,
+ order = 6,
type = "description",
name = "\n"
options.args["poolBoost"] = {
- order = 6,
+ order = 7,
type = "range",
name = L["Pool Booster Count"],
desc = L["Number of characters to add to Pool"],
@@ -61,7 +70,7 @@ options.args["poolBoost"] = {
options.args["spreadPoolBoostOverWeek"] = {
- order = 7,
+ order = 8,
type = "toggle",
name = L["Spread the poolboost count over the week"],
desc = L["As final pool boost should be only achieved at the end of the week"],
@@ -70,19 +79,19 @@ options.args["spreadPoolBoostOverWeek"] = {
options.args["sep2"] = {
- order = 8,
+ order = 9,
type = "description",
name = L["This is how big the discrepancy is at the end of PvP week between HonorSpy pool size and real server pool size. Pool size will slowly be growing during the week reaching the final value of 'gathered number of players' + 'pool boost size'."] .. "\n\n"
options.args["sep3"] = {
- order = 9,
+ order = 10,
type = "description",
name = "\n"
options.args["som_realm"] = {
- order = 10,
+ order = 11,
type = "toggle",
name = L["Season of Mastery"],
desc = L["Implements the ranking changes applied to Season of Mastery."],
@@ -91,20 +100,20 @@ options.args["som_realm"] = {
options.args["sep4"] = {
- order = 11,
+ order = 12,
type = "description",
name = L["Enables Season of Mastery ranking changes."] .. '\n\n'
options.args["export"] = {
- order = 12,
+ order = 13,
type = "execute",
name = L["Export to CSV"],
desc = L["Show window with current data in CSV format"],
func = function() HonorSpy:ExportCSV() end,
options.args["purge_data"] = {
- order = 13,
+ order = 14,
type = "execute",
name = L["Purge all data"],
desc = L["Delete all collected data"],
@@ -114,4 +123,4 @@ options.args["purge_data"] = {
LibStub("AceConfig-3.0"):RegisterOptionsTable("HonorSpy-options", options)
-LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0"):AddToBlizOptions("HonorSpy-options", "HonorSpy")
+LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0"):AddToBlizOptions("HonorSpy-options", "HonorSpy")
\ No newline at end of file