Markerless AR based on and This is a project to port the original code to javascript using emscripten. These are the classes ported to JavaScript:
- CameraCalibration
- ARPipeline
- Transformation
- and other useful functions...
Two examples are provided in the examples folder. You need to run the examples with an http server. The MarkerlessARJS_basic_example.html
will display in the browser a sphere and a blue rectangle around it; look also in the console with some useful information.
Instead the MarkerlessARJS_webcam_example.html
will display a sphere onto the pinball image (included in the project).
Note that you need to rebuild the whole project with Emscripten only if you modify the C++ code and after build the dist library with the command:
npm run build-es6
- OpenCV 4.7.0
- OpenCV_contrib 4.7.0
- Emscripten emsdk 3.1.26
- js library wih all the classes and functions from the project as a separate bundle.
- ES6 version of the library.
- 3d rendering example with three.js library. (partial working example...)