Let cool products embrace China
- Install Wechat(weixin) in your mobile phone
- Follow "producthunt" on Wechat(weixin) public account
- search:keyword - search products base on keyword
- 1/2/3 - view top voted products by day/week/month
Send 'help' in Wechat(weixin) to producthunt to get help information
- Create a virtualenv
cd weixin_producthunt
virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
- Install the dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Configuration (adjust them accordingly to your needs)
- For development copy
- For development copy
- Database creation
python manage.py createall
- Run the development server
python manage.py runserver
- Visit localhost:5000/porter/posts
- copy
, modify accordingly - copy
and modify accordingly
If you deploy the first time or setup a new server instance. Please follow these steps:
- install nginx/uwsgi/pip and other tools.
sudo apt-get -y install python-pip nginx-full uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python
- setup nginx config file on remote server, please refer to
- setup uwsgi config file on remote server, please refer to
- run
fab -H newserver.example.com bootstrap
- create a crontab to pull products periodic
Since SQLite do not support Flask-Migrate, we sugguest to use mysql in production mode.
- install mysql and mysqldb.
sudo apt-get -y install mysql-server python-mysqldb
- create database before bootstrap deploy
mysql -uuser -ppassword
to connect mysql database; and useCREATE DATABASE productporter;
to create database named productporter.
- run
fab deploy
I deploy this app in aws by nginx + uwsgi. Explain more about the nginx config and uwsgi config. For deploy/nginxconf.example
, I deploy multi app in one aws instance. This app is deploy in kamidox.com/pp
location /pp/ {
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_pass unix://tmp/uwsgi.pp.sock;
For uwsgi, it's important to note the following parameters:
to setup the virtualenv of the app. uwsgi will look for run.py
in /home/kamidox/work/weixin_producthunt
and find the object called app
and call app.run()
to launch application.