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78 lines (48 loc) · 2.74 KB

CARNAC-LR (Clustering coefficient-based Acquisition of RNA Communities in Long Reads)



  • C++11 and GCC version from 4.9 / CLANG from 3.9
  • Python3 for scripts


For MacOS users (clang version < ), the flag -fopenmp must be removed from Makefile before the compilation. In this configuration CARNAC cannot be run with several threads.


First compute overlaps between reads using minimap2. It is very likely that minimap2 will return as primary alignments the reads mapped on themselves. To prevent this, and obtain more read connections in minimap2 output, I recommend to use -X option:

minimap2 reads.fq reads.fq -X > minimap_output.paf

Then convert to CARNAC-LR format:

python CARNAC-LR/scripts/ minimap_output.paf reads.fq input_carnac.txt

Before running CARNAC-LR I recommend to increase the stack size

ulimit -s unlimited

And then, launch CARNAC-LR:

./CARNAC-LR -f input_carnac.txt (-o output_file -t nb_cores)



to output the options

  • -f is mandatory
  • -t gets the number of threads (default 2)
  • Output is written in final_g_clusters.txt by default (-o to change output name)


Input format:

Output format:

Reads are attributed indices from 0 to #reads-1 in order of appearance in input file. The output is a .txt file with one line per cluster, with the indices of its read members separated by spaces. For instance with 6 reads in the input in the previous example:

less output_CARNAC.txt
0 1 2 3
4 5

The first four reads are in one cluster, the two last reads are in a second cluster. Transform clusters file to separated Fasta files:

./scripts/CARNAC_to_fasta <original_read_file.fa> <CARNAC_clusters_files> [cluster_min_size]

Mandatory arguments are the output of CARNAC followed by the read file. Clusters are output in fasta format, with a file name that correspond to their order of appearance in CARNAC's output. A A minimum size of the clusters to be written can be set.


[email protected]