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Releases: kangarko/ChatControl-Red


19 Nov 16:04
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Great news: We're getting out of beta and multiple people now reported ChatControl stable — I encourage you to start using it in production!

  • Improve | Added [JSON] to Format converter from your ChatControl 8 formats. It's primitive but it works, all you need to do is review formats in formats/ folder manually and add "\n" to the newly created parts that previously had [JSON]. The reason we no longer support [JSON] in formats is simple - it needs to be compiled 2x so we now run the plugin (and all chat) as much as 2x faster! (And you can literally have all the features you had with raw JSON with the power of our formats, which are much easier on the eye.)
  • Fix | Solved player vanish checks not working for most vanish plugins.
  • Fix | Solved CHC8 migrator saying it can't migrate messages.yml while it does it.
  • Fix | Solved CHC8 migrator not migrating hover/click events from old formatting.yml file.
  • Fix | Solved "Gradient" format key not being properly saved/loaded. We now require no colors and no {message} variable in the format part where it is used since it won't work properly elsehow.


19 Nov 09:20
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Important: Timed message broadcaster now requires "timed" in Messages.Apply_On list in settings.yml. Please update your settings manually. When you get the error "To disable timed messages, set Messages.Timed_Delay to 0 and remove 'timed' from Messages.Apply_On" simply set Timed_Delay to at least "3 seconds" and that will fix it.

Note: Default rules/ and localization files were slightly changed, if you don't want to recreate them you can view those changes here:

  • New | Added "require gamemode" operator to rules/ folder files and "require sender/receiver gamemode" with "require sender/receiver channel" operators to messages/ folder files.
  • New | Now you can disable individual channels from sending to BungeeCord by setting their "Bungee" flag on false.
  • New | Added LiteBans support for "/mute player".
  • New | You can now disable vanished players not being able to send direct chat messages.
  • Fix | Solved migration crashing if some old files were non-existent.
  • Fix | Solved Gradients not saving properly.
  • Fix | Added safety check against spaces in nicks for /chc tag command.
  • Fix | Solved class cast exception on chatting.
  • Note | In the previous version we fixed &l letter not being reset with &r in formats, however that caused TextMessage to overflow and kick players. Due to how Minecraft sends text components, one has to create a new one each time there's a color change and so they quickly become too large to be sent as a packet. Pretty limiting behavior, but I guess they were not meant to be used for interactive chat. We now had to revert this fix to prevent players getting kicked on e.g. doing "/chc ?".


17 Nov 16:27
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Note: Default configuration files have been updated, please see:

  • Major | EXPERIMENTAL: Added migrator from ChatControl 8. PLEASE READ the logs because you still need to take action after the migration. Use "/chc migrate chc8" to start. MIGRATING MESSAGES.YML IS YET UNSUPPORTED, PLEASE UPLOAD ME YOUR FILES ON GITHUB AND I CAN TRY MAKING IT WORK.
  • New | Added comments support for variables.
  • New | Added comments support for formats. They will appear even after you remove them, if you hate this you need to rename your format file to something else like chat-2.yml. This is because we have thousands of people using our software and each time we change something they are left being, so now we automatically update the comments, which is years ahead of what other plugins have to offer.
  • Improve | All unused keys from files which support comments are now moved to unused/ folder in their proper file path.
  • Improve | Added PlotSquared 5 compatibility.
  • Fix | Solved duplicated call to save comments. File loading performance increased by 50%.
  • Fix | Solved setting Grammar section 0 not working.
  • Fix | Solved comments crunching string keys with "\n". We now store these keys on multiple lines using "|-".
  • Fix | Solved issues with sending longer packets via Redis thanks to tomet123!
  • Fix | Solved hover events and other elements not working in format parts where you had {message} placeholder in "Message" key.


16 Nov 17:22
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BungeeControl has not changed so I am shipping the same version as from the last release.

  • New | Added the ability to customize where players can use & or hex color codes, see Colors section of settings.yml
  • Fix | Solved spying private messages showing UUIDs not player names to spying players.
  • Fix | Solved ChatControl being in the wrong "lib" package in the JAR.


16 Nov 16:07
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Note: There were changes in rules/ folder, formats/ folder and localization/messages_en.yml. I recommend you again remove your localization file at least. I understand you already made your changes, so check out this link for what's changed in default files: and you can update manually.

Info: If you can't tab-complete subcommands, set Tab_Complete.Minimum_Length to 0. This is a feature.

  • New | Added images! ChatControl can now read images you put in images/ folder in ChatControl/ folder and show it in "/chc announce image" command! See
  • New | Console now receives success message on clearing chat.
  • New | Use "/mail send online" to send mail to online players and "/mail send all" to send mail to all players in your database, even 50,000.
  • New | Created a new spy.yml format, made the Spy.Format_Chat use that format instead and added "Format_Spy" option for each channel to override it. Now, our "chat" format uses the same format when spying it, and all the other channels use the "spy" format. To see these changes you have to rename ChatControlRed folder and let the plugin regenerate it, otherwise you will use the old system. The old system is fine but showed the "standard" format to spying players even if the message came from other channel such as "admin" or "global". Video demonstration:
  • New | No longer shuts down Bukkit antispam kick "kicked for spamming" anytime, from now on we will cancel it only if player has "chatcontrol.bypass.spamkick" permission.
  • Fix | Solved rules firing "require perm" message anywhere etc. due to a logic fail.
  • Fix | Solved all colors being replaced in the console. Now, console only shows those colors in channel chat messages for which the sender has permissions.
  • Fix | Solved variables in books not being replaced for players.
  • Fix | Solved error when removing messages from Discord.
  • Fix | Solved "/chc color" being applied to nicks and inability to use "/chc nick off".
  • Fix | Solved "require permission" not replacing {permission} in sending error message to players.
  • Fix | Solved errors when running "/chc log" from console.
  • Fix | Solved similarity check working weirdly when rules changed the message.
  • Fix | Solved Join_Read_Old option in Channels in settings.yml being ignored when on false.
  • Fix | Solved [X] deleting messages requiring "*" permission. This function now no longer requires any permission because it will only show for players having a permission set in their format to see this.
  • Fix | Solved /chc perms being clickable with broken URL links.
  • Fix | Solved bold colors stretching over all lines in Hover_Text in formats.
  • Fix | Solved mail notification being shown even if player lacked /mail permission.
  • Fix | Solved [X] not working in other formats than chat.yml or not working when clicking from spying format.
  • Fix | Solved fake player kick message when rapidly removing commands.
  • Fix | Solved nicks sometimes not being synced between servers.


14 Nov 20:03
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Note: Again, please remove your localization/messages_en.yml, there were typo corrections in this release.

  • Major | Finished Wiki on GitHub. Wrote 34 articles. Please, if you find any typos or mistakes just open an Issue and I'm happy to look into it!
  • New | Added "Range_Worlds" channel option to make channel only send within certain worlds.
  • New | Added "{player_newcomer}" true/false variable. Useful for conditions.
  • New | You can now send mails to every online player using "/mail send all". Thanks to Sikatsu for suggestion!
  • New | Added "Ignore_Autojoin_If_Left" option to Channels in settings.yml to disable plugin saving players preferences and not auto joining them to channels if they leave them manually. You can now disable this behavior by setting that option to false.
  • New | You can now completely change /channel and /chatcontrol design and remove everything by changing the two "Alternative_Header" keys in your localization files.
  • New | Your nicks now also apply to tab-list. BungeeCord is supported.
  • Change | Permission to use HEX colors is now "chatcontrol.hexcolor.CODE" such as "chatcontrol.hexcolor.ccaadd".
  • Change | Renamed gui color permission to "chatcontrol.guicolor.{color}" in accordance to HEX perm rename above.
  • Change | Renamed Formatter_Priority to Chat_Listener_Priority.
  • Improve | Rule warning messages are no longer duplicated when multiple rules are violated in message.
  • Improve | Allowed color and decoration in nicks! You can now type /tag nick &cFunny, BUT, only colors you have a proper permission for will be allowed.
  • Fix | Solved "Vault is not hooked" in "/chc tour" hooks even if it is.
  • Fix | Solved "messages_en.yml lacks an Object at 'message, messages'" error.
  • Fix | Solved few mail typos in localization.
  • Fix | Solved "Failed to serialize text: testing testing "test"" error on 1.8.8 on "/chc announce title" and having quotes in the title.
  • Fix | Solved the following permissions having chatcontrolRED inside of them. If you spot more, please let me know! chatcontrol.command.reload, chatcontrol.command.permissions, chatcontrol.command.message and chatcontrol.command.debug.


12 Nov 19:08
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Note: There were localization/messages_en.yml changes again, so please remove that file. Once plugin is stable we stop breaking this and you will be able to change it to your heart's content.

  • New | Added Silent_Startup option to settings.yml to hide links to wiki/issue tracker on startup from console.
  • Fix | Solved Perms_Header and Channel_Status and moved Off to Off_All key, all in messages_en.yml file in localization/. Please remove that file again. We of course will never ask you to trash your hard-worked messages, but during testing phase these will change a lot so please wait before customizing those.
  • Fix | Solved /chc tag not listing nicks when those players did not have their record in data.db. We now list everyone from username.csv instead.
  • Fix | Solved CHANNEL packet wrong length 8 != 9 error message.
  • Fix | Solved startup console wikipedia dead link.
  • Fix | Solved "Default messages lacks Object at Commands.Spy.Status_XX" errors.
  • Fix | Solved "Failed to compile localization key 'Menu.Spy.Status'" crash on opening spy channels menu.
  • Fix | Solved error on /chc announce and not working on bungee.
  • Fix | Solved updating settings not showing in console as "Updated XX -> XX" anymore.
  • Fix | Solved lore samples not showing right color/decoration in /chc color menu.
  • Fix | Solved join/quit/kick messages showing the variables for the receiver and not of the sender.
  • Fix | Solved typo "occassions" in tour. I am not native, if you spot anything that doesn't sound right in /chc tour please let me know since a lot of people will be going through that!
  • Misc | Removed unused -bungee and -b parameter tab-completions from /chc clear. We do not have such option. If you turn on bungee, your network chat will clear automatically.
  • Misc | Improved design of /channel command to match the style of /chatcontrol.
  • Misc | Do not crash plugin if you disable channels but sound notify is still on. Only print warning message. Sound notify only works with channels on.


12 Nov 09:43
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Literally the same as the last release, but I noticed a handful of debug messages you don't need so I removed those.


12 Nov 09:32
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UPDATE: Use the "b" version with more debug messages removed:

EXTREME bugfix release. You guys really made the plugin suffer some last night!

Note: Please remove your "ChatControl" and "ChatControl_Mail" databases from MySQL if you used those. Also remove your localization/messages_en.yml because we have edited it and fixed broken keys.

Bungee Note: Do not place BungeeChatAPI to your BungeeCord. I have included it in the last file by a mistake, apology. Next version will include the correct "BungeeControl Red" plugin.

  • Change | HEX support for MC 1.16+ now requires putting the RGB without {} such as: "#ccdd44Hello world!".
  • Fix | Solved MySQL database not saving things in JSON format but in Java format, causing trouble. We now save all data as JSON.
  • Fix | Solved "messages_en lacks Commands.Color.Button_Decoration_Lore" error.
  • Fix | Solved the log command throwing error complaining about sync call.
  • Fix | Solved "MySQLSyntaxErrorException Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes" error on creating mail and logs database.
  • Fix | Solved variables such as {prefix_warn} not being replaced in /chc rule command. Please remove your localization/ folder and let a new file be regenerated. Do not start changing these messages just yet, we need to get out of testing phase first. Thank you.
  • Fix | Solved "ItemStack can't be null/Air!" when clicking empty buttons in menus.
  • Fix | Solved /chc color status message "kangarko has and italic decoration" wrong message style when only having decoration.
  • Fix | Solved a rare case of "Unhandled exception occured in onPacketSending" long console spam when unable to filter packet messages. Added hard limit after which the message won't be checked.
  • Fix | Solved incorrect default quit message generated in messages/ containing "+". To see the new message generated, you need to remove that file.
  • Fix | Solved "/channel list" command crash due to invalid localization key.
  • Fix | Solved some permissions having "chatcontrolred" inside of them. Now, all permissions should only be "chatcontrol.X". If you still find one that's "chatcontrolred.X" please let me know! Also added "chatcontrol.command.tag.admin" permission to separate /tag and /chc tag (the latter is an admin command, the first is for players). Also made the same permission apply for all command aliases.


11 Nov 11:49
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  • New | You can now /reply to server console.
  • Fix | Solved startup issues on CraftBukkit and some other distributions (parse exception).
  • Fix | Solved vault-unsafe error when using LuckPerms.
  • Fix | Solved empty lines in console appearing when chatting on 1.8.8
  • Fix | Solved /chc inspect command overflowing when opening too large files.

Changelog for the 10.0.0 release here:

Where is ChatControl 9?
We skipped this version completely. It was already released earlier this year with a bad reputation of stability and performance issues so we decided to up the version number to avoid confusion.