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application settings

Mark Moissette edited this page Mar 31, 2013 · 2 revisions



Csg Compilation settings

Render Trigger mode When/how do you want your changes to the code to be displayed on the screen:

  • onDemand: In this mode , click on "update view" to render the updated model

  • onCodeChange: Re render the model after each modification to the source code : essentially , this means almost real time editing : code -> view your changes right away . This is mostly adapted for simpler, fast to render snippets of code

  • onCodeChangeDelayed Re render the model after each modification + wait for the given time (in seconds) before rendering Each additional change to the code within the timeframe resets the timer : ie : as long as you keep on typing code, the changed model does not get renderer

  • onSave On render the model after it has been saved

Render Settings

  • renderer: Can be either webgl or canvas: the webgl renderer is the best (and default one): you will get the best image quality, support for displaying shape colors etc in this one. Canvas renderer is provided as a fallback , should your browser/ computer not support WebGl (see here Webgl support and fallback to canvas mode is automatic.

  • antialisating: Better quality rendering at the expense of speed

  • Shadows: When switched on , and only with the grid displayed, objects will cast shadows onto the grid's plane.

  • SelfShadows: When swictched on, objects will cast shadows on themselves as well : shadow quality in this case is rather low, but can sometimes help getting more sense of depth.

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