Developers are welcome to contribute to this project
Initial Step: Comment under the issue you want to work on and get the issue assigned to yourself.
1. Fork the repo by clicking on the Fork option
2. Clone the repo to make it available on your local system by using
git clone <FORKED_REPO_URL>
Here, forked repo url is of the form
3. cd into the project directory i.e - cd DesktopAssitant
4. Create a new branch using git branch <new_branch_name>
Here, you can try and keep branch name as the number of issue you are trying to solve i.e issue_1
5. Checkout to the new branch so you can push onto the new branch of the forked repo. git checkout <new_branch_name>
6. Now you can do the required changes you want to make anywhere in the code
7. Stage the changes by using git add .
8. Commit the changes made by using git commit -m "anything that expresses whatever changes you have made"
9. Push the changes using git push origin <new_branch_name>
Now you are ready to make a pull request. Go to the forked repo on Github under your profile and a click on the Compare & pull request
button. You will be taken to a page where you can create a pull request.
When creating a PR, add the linked issue in the description. For example : "Closes #1" if the issue you have resolved is issue #1